Recent papers in DJ
What is Japanese hip hop? This seemingly simple question cannot be fully answered. It is a new verbal art, a musical aesthetic, a community, an identity marker, and a mode of political expression that cannot be neatly summarized in... more
This article discusses how and why disorientation is used as an aesthetic strategy in breakdown sections of festival-house tracks and performances. Breakdowns in electronic dance music (EDM) have many sound layers removed from the mix.... more
En el año 1781, Johann Baptist Burger descubrió una fuente de aguas termales cerca de su jardín en la pequeña localidad de Heiligenstadt, a pocos kilómetros al norte de Viena. Construyó una casa de baños que con el tiempo se convirtió en... more
Para conmemorar el 250 aniversario de Ludwig van Beethoven, Liber reúne, en este número dedicado al genio de Bonn, 33 variaciones sobre su vida y obra, inspiradas en sus 33 Variaciones para piano en do mayor sobre un vals de Anton... more
Among Farzad Sharifian's various research contributions, he established the understanding that everyday English terms denoting items such as fire and smoke had various meanings for Australians, depending on whether they were Aboriginal... more
In this study, the coupling between the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2-layer (foF2) was analysed statistically. The multiple regression model was used as a statistical tool.... more
La representación del miércoles 10 se transmite en directo por Radio Clásica de RNE y por streaming a través del Canal March, YouTube y RTVE Play. Si desea volver a escuchar ese concierto, el audio estará disponible en march. es... more
DJ-1 is a Parkinson's disease associated protein endowed with enzymatic, redox sensing, regulatory, chaperoning, and neuroprotective activities. Although DJ-1 has been vigorously studied for the last decade and a half, its exact role in... more
El siglo XX terminó en 2016: en política, murió Fidel Castro; en periodismo, no logró contar el mundo. La gran ruina que vive el periodismo es que ha dejado de narrar la democracia, de hacer sentido de nuestra contemporaneidad, de contar... more
De la Ossa Martínez, Marco Antonio. (2007, febrero 27). Un viaje accidentado [Eduardo Grossenstein]. La Tribuna de Cuenca.
De la Ossa Martínez, Marco Antonio. (2007, febrero 8). Trío de ases [Xrion Trío]. La Tribuna de Cuenca, 13.
De la Ossa Martínez, Marco Antonio. (2006, noviembre 28). A todo jazz!!! La Tribuna de Cuenca.
De la Ossa Martínez, Marco Antoino. (2006, noviembre 20). Malabares, buen rollo y mal sonido [Canteca de Macao]. La Tribuna de Cuenca.
In this study, the coupling between the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2-layer (foF2) was analysed statistically. The multiple regression model was used as a statistical tool.... more
El siglo XX terminó en 2016: en política, murió Fidel Castro; en periodismo, no logró contar el mundo. La gran ruina que vive el periodismo es que ha dejado de narrar la democracia, de hacer sentido de nuestra contemporaneidad, de contar... more
- by Revista CS
- Periodismo, DJ, Formatos, Narrar
Este artículo revisa el papel protagonista de la música incidental en el cine y en el teatro, partiendo de la definición estricta de música incidental y accidental, revisando las principales evoluciones que la música incidental ha... more
Atmospheric methane emissions from active natural gas production sites in normal operation were quantified using an inverse Gaussian method (EPA's OTM 33a) in four major U.S. basins/plays: Upper Green River (UGR, Wyoming),... more
De la Ossa Martínez, Marco Antonio. (2006, enero 8). Con buen pie [Strauss Festival Orchestra]. La Tribuna de Cuenca.
The documentary We Call It Techno! provides a German perspective on the development of electronic dance music to both a German and English-speaking audience through subtitles and the choice of an English voice-over. Based on interviews... more
A multipurpose beamline for tests and developments in the field of x-ray optics and synchrotron radiation instrumentation in general is under construction at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) bending magnet X05DA. The beamline uses a newly... more
Bullet points DJ-1 mRNA and protein are expressed in the neural retina and RPE across mammals DJ-1 and -synuclein are upregulated in the retina of rotenone-treated rats Elevated levels of oxidized DJ-1 are found in the parkinsonian... more
The Support Paradox in Community Enterprise Experiments in The Netherlands * In many European countries, community entrepreneurship is increasingly considered as a means to initiate small-scale urban regeneration. However, residents in... more
In a project that started with the Enlightenment, instrumental concerns have become separated from ethical and aesthetic concerns; a situation that has led to the often unexamined assumption that the bottom line of a business is... more
Mestrado em Biotecnologia - Biotecnologia MolecularParkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease, characterized with selective neurodegeneration and dopamine depletion. Despite most cases appear to have sporadic origin, it has... more
Resumo O projeto se desenvolve em três frentes de trabalho: pedagogia, pesquisa e publicação. Pedagogia compreende ensino e orientação. O primeiro contempla um semestre de curso a ser oferecido em colaboração com a supervisora aos alunos... more
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the fourth most common type of female cancer in developed countries, as well as the most frequent cancer of the female genital tract. 1 More than 80% of new EC cases are diagnosed in post-menopausal women, with... more
O presente trabalho busca compreender a relação entre o compositor de música eletroacústica e o desenvolvimento dos instrumentos eletroacústicos, em especial a influência dos sintetizadores na música gerada. Adentramos especialmente na... more
Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide, caused by the degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Mutations in PARK7 (DJ-1) result in early onset autosomal... more
DJ-1 mutations are associated to early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD) and accounts for about 1-2% of the genetic forms. The protein is involved in many biological processes and its role in mitochondrial regulation is gaining great... more
Economic historians have traditionally argued that urban growth in England was driven primarily by prior improvements in agricultural supply in the two centuries before the industrial revolution. Recent revisionist scholarship by writers... more
En grec ancien, cata signifie « vers le bas », tandis que strophê désigne l'action de tourner, le tournant, le retournement. La catastrophe est donc à proprement parler un retournement vers le bas, une chute. Dans une perspective... more
This thesis explores temporal structure based on self-similarity in different contexts. An efficient dynamic programming algorithm is presented which discovers temporal structures in music shows, obtains high quality results, and compares... more
Mutations in PARK7/DJ-1 are associated with autosomal recessive, early onset Parkinson disease (PD). DJ-1 is an atypical peroxiredoxin-like peroxidase that may act as a redox-dependent chaperone and a regulator of transcription. Here we... more
Background: A novel function for YajL, the prokaryotic homolog of the Parkinsonism-associated protein DJ-1. Results: YajL and DJ-1 form mixed disulfides with members of the thiol proteome. Conclusion: This covalent chaperone function... more
The existence in the physical QCD vacuum of nonzero gluon condensates, such as g 2 F 2 , requires dominance of gluon fields with finite mean action density. This naturally allows any real number value for the unit "topological charge" q... more
A model for the QCD vacuum based on a domainlike structured background gluon field with definite duality attributed to the domains has been shown elsewhere to give confinement of static quarks, a reasonable value for the topological... more
DJ-1 is a Parkinson's disease associated protein endowed with enzymatic, redox sensing, regulatory, chaperoning, and neuroprotective activities. Although DJ-1 has been vigorously studied for the last decade and a half, its exact role in... more
Entrada para el Diccionario del Audiovisual Valenciano con los datos de la biografía vital y profesional del actor Rafael Rivelles
Background: A novel function for YajL, the prokaryotic homolog of the Parkinsonism-associated protein DJ-1. Results: YajL and DJ-1 form mixed disulfides with members of the thiol proteome. Conclusion: This covalent chaperone function... more
The present study examines the conformational transitions occurring among the major structural motifs of Aurora kinase (AK) concomitant with the DFG-flip and deciphers the role of non-covalent interactions in rendering specificity.... more
α-Synuclein, a major constituent of proteinaceous inclusions named Lewy body, has been shown to be released and taken up by cells, which may facilitate its progressive pathological spreading and neuronal cell death in Parkinson's... more
The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is a widely distributed and serious economic pest to corn production in the U.S. Genetic variability of O. nubilalis was studied in 18 sub-populations in the... more
This paper describes the design of an expressive tangible interface for cinema editing as a live performance. A short survey of live video practices is provided. The Live Cinema instrument is a cross between a musical instrument and a... more
Background: A novel function for YajL, the prokaryotic homolog of the Parkinsonism-associated protein DJ-1. Results: YajL and DJ-1 form mixed disulfides with members of the thiol proteome. Conclusion: This covalent chaperone function... more