Data Communications
Recent papers in Data Communications
8th International Conference on Computer Networks & Data Communications (CNDC 2021) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory and applications of Computer Networks and Data Communications.... more
6th Semester
Electrical Department
Electrical Department
Được sử dụng ở tất cả các cấp của hệ thống E-carrier của châu Âu, mã lưỡng cực mật độ cao 3 (HDB3) thay thế cho bất kỳ một sự xuât hiệ n của 4 bit 0 liên tiếp với một trong các mẫu "000V" hoặc "B00V". Sự lựa chọn được thực hiện để đảm... more
Cyber security plays a vital role in the discipline of information security. Preventing the information has become one of the major challenges in the current scenario. Cybercrime is one of the significant factors in cyber security, it... more
Digital communication has changed human life since the invention of the internet. The growth of E-mail, social websites and other interpersonal communication systems in turn have brought rapid development in especially the key... more
— Machine learning is a method used to devise complex models and algorithms in commercial use. Deep learning (also known as deep structured learning or hierarchical learning) is part of a broader family of learning methods based on... more
The history of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning dates back to 1950’s. In recent years, there has been an increase in popularity for applications that implement AI and ML technology. As with traditional development, software... more
Makalah Komunikasi Data
As the rapid development of automotive telematics, modern vehicles are expected to be connected through heterogeneous radio access technologies and are able to exchange massive information with their surrounding environment. By... more
Dalam dokumen ini dipaparkan mengenai pengertian dari jaraingan komputer beserta jenis-jenisnya, dan juga sedikit membahas mengenai pengertian komunikasi data beserta komponen-komponen pendukungnya.
In recent time, the demand for Darlington pair amplifier for high data rate communication system has been appreciated and highlighted. The application of Darlington pair amplifier is supported in a condition, where requirement of high... more
LAPORAN PRAKTIKUM KOMUNIKASI DATA 1 REZA MALIKI AKBAR 214 341 097 i LAPORAN KOMUNIKASI DATA Hal.i KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga penulis dapat... more
This article gives an information about the most popular problem which is called Travelling Salesman Problem.
The Instantaneous Frequency • Narrowband FM, Wideband FM • Modulators and Demodulators • Performance and design considerations ELEC3540-2012-T2-PSB ACADEMY-Lecture 5 2
Free Space Optics is a wireless means of transmitting data using optics, optical communication in line of sight is used, this paper uses laser technology to transmit data from one point to another, high data rates (Gbps) are guaranteed... more
Makalah ini disusun guna memenuhi tugas mata kuliah ICT dan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Dosen pengampu : Sigit Purnama, M.Pd Disusun Oleh : Abdau Qur"ani Habib (12490128) Rahmad Nursyahidin (13490003) M. Latif Basafi... more
This paper describes the design of FPGA based signal processing card. An on board real time digital signal processing system is designed using FPGA. The platform can decode process of various kinds of digital and analog signals... more
In this paper I have described the memory management and allocation techniques in computer systems. The purpose of writing this survey paper is to elaborate the concept of memory allocation and management in computer systems because of... more
Forest fire is one of those natural disasters that have been causing huge destruction in terms of loss of vegetation, animals and hence affects the economy. Image segmentation techniques have been applied on satellite images of forest... more
this paper looks at the significance of bi-directional communication in the Smart Grid and the customer driven microgrid, a basic building block of the smart grid. It presents a classification model of communication requirements from the... more
Content based image retrieval (CBIR) is the task of searching digital images from a large database based on the extraction of features, such as color, texture and shape of the image. Most of the research in CBIR has been carried out with... more
Modern advancement in communication technologies has resulted in the widely and increase in use of smartphones such as android, blackberry, iPhones and much more. The proliferation of smartphones raises much security issues. This is so... more
– Incessant attacks in the internet in general and in the cloud specifically has necessitated the proposal of defense measures. The magnitude of traffic to be analysed has brought to the fore data mining and machine learning approaches.... more
Communication network plays an important role in providing safe vehicular movement. The main achievement of VANET is providing comfort and safety for passengers. In addition to that, various transactions like information on accident, road... more
This report is focused on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM); it talks about the concept, theory and various applications of the techniques in data communications. The reports talks about the various forms of Orthogonal... more
The information security has become one of the most significant problems in data communication. So it becomes an inseparable part of data communication. In order to address this problem, cryptography and steganography can be combined.... more
This article shows some modulation techniques for wireless network which is also called : Spread Spectrum Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS) Orthogonal Frequency Division... more
International journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics (IJMNCT) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that addresses the impacts and challenges of mobile communications and telematics. The journal also aims to focus on... more