Denys the Carthusian
Recent papers in Denys the Carthusian
After having studied philosophy at the University of Cologne ''in the way of Thomas'' (in via Thomae), Denys de Leeuwis (b. 1402; d. 1471) entered the Charterhouse at Roermond, where he spent, almost uninterruptedly, the rest of his life.... more
Until very recently, the theological literature approached tradition almost exclusively as a phenomenon of continuity. But tradition involves several forms of rupture, both in its beginning and in its development. This paper... more
A small piece I wrote for *Image Journal* on how the scholastics taught me to read Karl Ove Knausgaard.
It is easy to view tradition and deconstruction as irreconcilably opposed approaches to the history of ideas: tradition aims at the preservation, transmission, and deepening of highly valued insights, whereas deconstruction exposes... more
In: /HI70/Tanítványok: Tanulmányok Horváth Iván 70. születésnapjára, szerk. Bartók Zsófia Ágnes, Bognár Péter, Maróthy Szilvia (Budapest: Q. E. D. Kiadó, 2018),
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en francés).
This chapter sketches two distinct modes of engagement pursued jointly by Franciscans and Nahua scholars as they produced a printed and manuscript corpus that spans the decades between the 1550s and the 1620s, which was impacted by... more
, Carthusian monk, devotes a large part of his huge literary production to philosophy, which, in his view, is the lowest level of a hierarchy rising through scholastic theology and culminating in mystical theology. Philosophy adumbrates... more