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After having studied philosophy at the University of Cologne ''in the way of Thomas'' (in via Thomae), Denys de Leeuwis (b. 1402; d. 1471) entered the Charterhouse at Roermond, where he spent, almost uninterruptedly, the rest of his life.... more
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    • Denys the Carthusian
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Political TheologyBiblical InterpretationBiblical Exegesis
Until very recently, the theological literature approached tradition almost exclusively as a phenomenon of continuity. But tradition involves several forms of rupture, both in its beginning and in its development. This paper... more
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      Michel FoucaultJean-Luc MarionMartin LutherHeidegger's Being and Time
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      TheologyChristian MysticismMysticismChristology
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval TheologyMedieval theology (Medieval Studies)Medieval Mysticism The Freiburg DFG project 'Making Mysticism. Mystical Books in the Library of the Erfurt Charterhouse‘ ( explores the question of how the (literary) historiographical category... more
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      Reception StudiesDigital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesMedieval German Literature
A small piece I wrote for *Image Journal* on how the scholastics taught me to read Karl Ove Knausgaard.
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      Scholastic PhilosophyMystical TheologyDenys the CarthusianKarl Ove Knausgård
It is easy to view tradition and deconstruction as irreconcilably opposed approaches to the history of ideas: tradition aims at the preservation, transmission, and deepening of highly valued insights, whereas deconstruction exposes... more
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      DeconstructionMartin HeideggerTraditionDenys the Carthusian
In: /HI70/Tanítványok: Tanulmányok Horváth Iván 70. születésnapjára, szerk. Bartók Zsófia Ágnes, Bognár Péter, Maróthy Szilvia (Budapest: Q. E. D. Kiadó, 2018),
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      Medieval LiteratureHungarian LiteratureCarthusiansSource Study
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en francés).
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      SilenceCarthusiansBook ReviewsBook Review
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      AsclepiusHermeticismBerthold von MoosburgUlrich of Strasbourg
This chapter sketches two distinct modes of engagement pursued jointly by Franciscans and Nahua scholars as they produced a printed and manuscript corpus that spans the decades between the 1550s and the 1620s, which was impacted by... more
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      ReligionHistoryLatin American StudiesPolitical Philosophy
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesMedieval TheologyAlbert the Great
, Carthusian monk, devotes a large part of his huge literary production to philosophy, which, in his view, is the lowest level of a hierarchy rising through scholastic theology and culminating in mystical theology. Philosophy adumbrates... more
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      Thomas AquinasAverroesDenys the Carthusian