Developing The Underdeveloped
Recent papers in Developing The Underdeveloped
Este trabajo se propone abordar el audiovisual titulado "Marking 50 years of Progress", realizado por la United States Agency por International Development (USAID), para celebrar los 50 años transcurridos desde el decreto presidencial que... more
Programme d'ajustement structurel: vers une meilleure compréhension des PAS
In questo mio breve elaborato scritto ho cercato di analizzare il concetto di "sviluppo" nella sua evoluzione dalla fine dell'Ottocento fino al secondo dopoguerra, focalizzandomi in particolare sul famoso "punto IV", enunciato il 20... more
Cet article, issu d’une étude menée au sein du Groupe de Recherches Matérialistes, vise à critiquer la matrice idéologique neo-colonialiste du célèbre et controversé discours que Nicolas Sarkozy tint à Dakar en 2007. Les thèses de... more
"The Industrial Development of Bengal, 1900-1939. By A. Z. M. IFTIKHAR-UL-AWWAL. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1982. pp. 256 (Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Advent Books, New York.) " PREFACE: The present work examines the... more
Dans cet article, l’auteur appelle à une meilleure connaissance des études postcoloniales dont l’intérêt est croissant dans les sciences sociales et humaines en langue française. Pour l’auteur, une meilleure connaissance de ce corpus... more
With the rapid changes that are being witnessed in developing nations like China and Kenya, together with the social-economic effects thereof, more women are opting to step out and claim a stake at all levels of the society. These changes... more
Self-knowledge is an exercise that countries in crisis situations use to cherish. It is not clear, moreover, that crisis is not something permanent, apart from rare golden ages. Portuguese people has a long history of thinking about... more
本文では、オーストラリアにおける日本型ハイブリッド工場モデルの構成は何か、そしてそれは実行可能な”アングロ-サクソンパターン”に一致するかということを提起し、この重要な提言についてオーストラリアにおける日本的経営と生産の実践を評価している。また本文では、オーストラリアにおける社会経営環境が日本のそれと極めて異なっていることを議論している。本文では、安保哲夫教授によって開発されたハイブリッド評価手法とその海外への日本型システムの移転についての適用性-順応性モデルを引用している。... more
Since the emerging of its idea circa four decades ago, Appropriate Technology (AT) had been proven as a comprehensive solution in a limited condition. However, practitioners & academia have different opinions with engineers on how an AT... more
This paper considers industry policy and manufacturing in Australia by discussing the levels of tariffs and assistance by the Australian state. Australian policymakers have long been fascinated by the rise of East Asia and attempted to... more
The post-World War II reconstruction of global trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) has been a significant topic of discussion in the analyses of numerous bilateral economic relations, including those that are located in Asia... more
Dans cet article, l'auteur appelle à une meilleure connaissance des études postcoloniales dont l'intérêt est croissant dans les sciences sociales et humaines en langue française. Pour l'auteur, une meilleure connaissance de ce corpus... more
The Peruvian economy depends for its growth on the export of its mineral resources. This dependency is derived from the country's role in the international division of labour and is expressed in its export structure, economic structure... more
This paper discusses the post-‘Lehman Brothers shock’ period of the Japanese foreign direct investment in Australia, and provides an analysis of the types of investment. The analysis begins with the theoretical frameworks that define... more