Recent papers in Didactic
Podcasting, tú tienes la palabra 25 Autor: Isabel Fernández Morales Profesión: Periodista especializada en documentación y tecnologías de la información. 25 De viva voz, es uno de los medios de que se vale la literatura (arte que emplea... more
ئهم توێژینهوهیه ههوڵێکى شیکاریی-تیۆرى و پراکتیکییه بۆ خوێندنەوەی جۆره ئهدهبییهکان، واتە ژانرەکان یان چەشنە ئەدەبییەکان له ئهدهبى نووسراوى کوردیدا. تا ئهمڕۆ کهمترین توێژینهوه لهم بارهیهوه ئەنجامدراوە، بەڵام له... more
As 2011 marked the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Germany and Japan, an audio and video competition (Hertz und Pixel) for Japanese learners of German was launched. For this competition two groups of mature learners at a... more
The aim of the current study was to examine Swedish and Turkish teachers’ perspectives on values education. Qualitative interviews with 52 teachers were conducted and analyzed. Values education was mostly about compliance with societal... more
This paper discusses the educational possibilities of exhibition design to higher education, valuing the creative aspects and research involved. / En este artículo se plantean las posibilidades didácticas para la enseñanza superior del... more
Artigo apresentado no XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação / Intercom
... 6 Produção Descentralizada de Conteúdo no Ciberespaço O ciberespaço é umespaço navegável onde a noção de espaço e tempo lineares já não faz sentido quando são aplicados. Na comunicação mediada por computador ...
In a two-week residential game camp we used the Greenfoot IDE to teach java programming to rising 9th and 10th graders. Students created their own computer games which required learning how to write java programs, create a game design,... more
The analysis of current EFL (English as a Foreign Language) education and literature indicates that most EFL practices can be characterised as traditional language learning settings in which teachers direct the learning process, and... more
The purpose of this paper is to review the effect of web-based software tools for finding and sharing digital resources. A positive correlation between learning and studying through online tools has been found in recent researches. In... more
The purpose of this paper is to review the effect of web-based software tools for finding and sharing digital resources. A positive correlation between learning and studying through online tools has been found in recent researches. In... more
This paper presents an experience of educational podcasting set up at the University of Bergamo (Italy), and derives from that experience some remarks upon the quality of podcasting services, in order to promote the definition of... more
New technologies, such as iPods, and new broadcast methodologies, such as podcasting, have made access to multimedia data more accessible and ubiquitous. While many educators are exploring a wide variety ways to utilize the iPod for... more
An intensive reform of education and studies is being carried out in Lithuania, as well as in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The aims and content of higher educational institutions undergo certain changes. Scientific issues... more
This paper describes an academic experience of podcasting, which involved a group of students of a course on multimedia communication and human-computer interaction both as users of the university’s podcasting service, and as creators of... more
O Podcast é uma ferramenta da Web 2.0 que permite a criação de programas de áudio e a sua partilha através da Internet. Quando publicados em blogs ou sítios de comunidades educativas, permite a criação de redes de comunicação e interacção... more
Scienzaonline is an interactive web site developed by the Museum of Zoology of Rome that offers various services. After the site had been online for three years, we examined approximately 800 questions received by the service Expert on... more
* Artículo derivado de la investigación: "Competencia argumentativa y educación ciudadana. Relaciones interdisciplinares y didácticas a partir del uso pedagógico de las aplicaciones web 2.0 para la enseñanza en la Educación Básica",... more
El objetivo de la presente investigación consistió en analizar el impacto de la asignatura Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en el desempeño de los docentes del área de Ciencias Sociales en Educación Secundaria. El estudio se efectuó a... more
El libro Modos de las expresiones motrices. Paisajes y didácticas, es resultado de un proceso de indagación llevado a cabo con los actores y agentes del saber que han hilvanado su historia personal en un trenzado significativo con la... more
Para el profesor universitario captar la atención del alumnado y contribuir a su implicación activa en el proceso de aprendizaje siempre ha supuesto un reto considerable. Tal aseveración adquiere una nueva dimensión desde la entrada en... more
L’“educational podcasting” nel settore dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento delle lingue straniere. Come tradurre in pratica in modo coinvolgente le più recenti teorie glottodidattiche.
Mobile technologies, such as smartphones, and new broadcast methodologies, such as podcasting, have made access to multimedia data more accessible and ubiquitous. Educators are exploring a wide variety of ways to utilize smartphones for... more
EnglishThe paper presents results of research and teaching project focused on the production of digital didactic materials, developed with high school students of a Brazilian public school. The project included investigative activities... more
O Podcast é uma ferramenta da Web 2.0 que permite a criação de programas de áudio e a sua partilha através da Internet. Quando publicados em blogs ou sítios de comunidades educativas, permite a criação de redes de comunicação e interacção... more
Is the CyGaMEs (cyberlearning through game-based, metaphor enhanced learning objects) Timed Report tool (embedded assessment for game-based instructional environments derived from analogical reasoning and instructional design theory) a... more
Is the CyGaMEs (cyberlearning through game-based, metaphor enhanced learning objects) Timed Report tool (embedded assessment for game-based instructional environments derived from analogical reasoning and instructional design theory) a... more
O Podcast é uma ferramenta da Web 2.0 que permite a criação de programas de áudio e a sua partilha através da Internet. Quando publicados em blogs ou sítios de comunidades educativas, permite a criação de redes de comunicação e interacção... more
Scienzaonline is an interactive web site developed by the Museum of Zoology of Rome that offers various services. After the site had been online for three years, we examined approximately 800 questions received by the service Expert on... more
La Festa Internazionale della Storia è una manifestazione promossa e organizzata dal Centro Internazionale di Didattica della Storia e del Patrimonio (DiPaSt) del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin", dall’Alma... more
ISiS and 4SPPIces are two conceptual models that support the design of blended learning scenarios and of the technological systems for their enactment taking the space (virtual and physical) into account. Despite of their similarities,... more
My search regards the implications in the culture of the education of the new scenarious and the new perspectives of the computers games. My interest beginning from develops limiting considering the definition of “videogame”, in how much... more
Slides da Aula sobre Podcasting: Histórico, conceitos-chave, processo de produção, etc.