Digital Forensics
Most downloaded papers in Digital Forensics
This document contain a simple example of an expert witness digital forensics report
Mobile phone proliferation in our societies is on the increase. Advances in semiconductor technologies related to mobile phones and the increase of computing power of mobile phones led to an increase of functionality of mobile phones... more
The Basics of Digital Forensics
Russian hybrid warfare has become the principle threat to NATO over the last decade. From the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, Russia has exercised its will across Europe; inciting tensions while limiting its activities to below the Article 5... more
Smart phones are one of the most troublesome technologies that exist today and steadily gaining popularity with better connectivity, functionality and productivity. The ever-increasing complexity of these smart phones gives a new level of... more
This study discusses how to build an automatic fish feeder machine based on microcontroller AT89S52. Machine or the tool will be able to work automatically according to the schedule specified by the user. So it will be very flexible which... more
The massacre of the protesters and the police during the “Euromaidan” mass protests on February 18-20, 2014 in Ukraine contributed to the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and ultimately to a start of the civil war in Donbas, Russian... more
Propuesta de Política Pública para la Protección de los Sistemas de la Información como Activos Estratégicos de las Instituciones.
Crimes committed within electronic or digital domains, particularly within cyberspace, have become extremely common these days. Criminals are using technology to a great extent in committing various digital offences and creating new... more
Perubahan dunia akibat penggunaan gadget/barang elektronik yang tiap hari terus berkembang membawa dampak dimana manusia seakan hidup di dunia virtual yang segalanya bisa dilakukan menggunakan barang-barang elektronik tersebut. Dunia... more
The integration of strong encryption into operating systems is creating challenges for forensic examiners, potentially preventing us from recovering any digital evidence from a computer. Because strong encryption cannot be circumvented... more
Este artigo apresenta os impactos da realidade digital no acesso à informação e avalia a interoperabilidade da informação arquivística e os padrões que visam estruturá-la. Analisa a padronização da informação originada pela estrutura... more
The Internet of Things (IoT), a metaphor for smart, functional Cyberphysical Environments (CPE) is finding some usefulness in various sectors including healthcare, security, transportation and the Smart Home (SH). Within the IoT, objects... more
Dentro del proceso investigativo en delitos cibernéticos, todos los hallazgos encontrados vienen hacer parte fundamental de la investigación, los mismos que son tratados en el "Computer Crime Scene" como evidencia; la identificación,... more
Digital forensics is an important and growing forensic domain. Research on miscarriages of justice and misleading evidence, as well as various inquires in the UK and the US, have highlighted human error as an issue within forensic... more
This study analyses the use and development of Digital Forensic case studies for the purpose of teaching and assessing Digital Forensics students and practitioners. Within this study, case studies are categorised and a number of available... more
Secure communication is a necessity that must be considered in any smart application to guarantee the confidentiality of information. Recently, ZigBee has been utilized in different smart applications such as automatic metering, power... more
The extraordinary development of mobile communications is a source of new security challenges. Today, mobile phones have become ubiquitous in nature involving their use in many daily activities, and sometimes those activities might be... more
Portable web browsers are installed on removable storage devices which can be taken by a user from computer to computer. One of the claimed benefits of portable web browsers is enhanced privacy, through minimization of the traces of... more
I was recently asked to conduct research on the development of digital forensics with regard admissibility of evidence in a court of law. Digital forensics is a dynamic field growing at a fast pace. As such there's is need for laws and... more
—The field of digital forensic analysis has emerged in the past two decades to counter the digital crimes and investigate the modus operandi of the culprits to secure the computer systems. With the advances in technologies and pervasive... more
Digital evidence is becoming an integral part of most cases presented to court. From computers, to mobile phones, ATMs and surveillance cameras, our daily life is so inextricably entwined with technology that it is difficult to find court... more
Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi internet, menyebabkan munculnya kejahatan yang disebut “CyberCrime” atau kejahatan melalui jaringan internet. Munculnya beberapa kasus “CyberCrime” di Indonesia, seperti pencurian kartu kresit,... more
The paper explores the application of digital forensics techniques to cyber warfare scenarios. A common accepted taxonomy for digital forensics (and anti- forensics) activities, techniques, procedures and work flows does not yet exist... more
—This paper highlights the challenges faced due to non-availability of trusted specialized forensic tools for conducting investigation on gaming consoles. We have developed a framework to examine existing state-of-the-art forensic... more
Software tools designed for disk analysis play a critical role today in digital forensics investigations. However, these digital forensics tools are often difficult to use, usually task specific, and generally require professionally... more
Dalam buku ini pembahasan pertama kali yaitu tentang pengenalan forensik secara umum dan mengetahui jenis-jenis forensik. Setelah pengenalan forensik secara umum, pembaca selanjutnya akan mengetahui apa itu forensika digital dan... more
Standards and certifications. Certifications are a good way to develop investigators' skills. This has is already successfully applied in other computer fields, such as computer security . A small number of certifications -such as the... more
Menjamurnya barang-barang elektronik seperti handphone, komputer, tablet, flashdisk dan lain-lain semakin hari kian merata pada kalangan masyarakat, hampir semua lapisan masyarajat memiliki perangkat elektronik untuk mempermudah... more
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are gaining popularity as they are fast, cost effective, flexible and easy to use. They are, however, faced with some serious security challenges and the choice of security protocol is a critical issue... more
Organised crime, as well as individual criminals, is benefiting from the protection of private browsers provide to those who would carry out illegal activity, such as money laundering, drug trafficking, the online exchange of child-abuse... more
This thesis focuses on the development, implementation and optimization of pattern-matching algorithms in two different, yet closely-related research fields: malicious code detection in intrusion detection systems and digital forensics... more