Digital Pedagogy
Recent papers in Digital Pedagogy
Science is a body of knowledge that explains the phenomena of our world through observations and experimentation. Many nations have developed because of the attention they give, and the investment they put into science education. However,... more
The article aims to address explicit lessons from a multi-disciplinarily area-based learning from three undergraduated-academic programs including the subject of architectural history/cultural heritage, of story-telling techniques in mass... more
In this episode we look at two different types of online learning environments: a centralised Learning Management System (LMS) and free, open access social media. We discuss the benefits of each and highlight some important issues that... more
In the latter half of the 1990s the digital image became prevalent, easy to manipulate, and consequently, easy to recontextualize, meaning that now just about any image is available to any computer user for any occasion. To use Bolter's... more
The article is devoted to the analysis of youth civic education, civic engagement, and civic competence in international and national contexts. Over the last decades these themes have acquired importance in research, policy and practice... more
Web 2.0 tools can be useful for any situation where discussion and content sharing is desired, and where accessing current information in certain topic areas can be advantageous for learning. This case study examines how and why Lubna... more
"Migration and Mobility in the Viking Age: Global Perspectives" is an intensive six-week summer course that fulfills the second part of UC Berkeley's "Reading and Composition" requirement for lower-level undergraduates. Rooted in... more
Each author acknowledges that fabrication of data is an egregious departure from the expected norms of scientific conduct, as is the selective reporting of data with the intent to mislead or deceive, as well as the theft of data or... more
Creating a digital exhibit of Marie-Antoinette's 1780 almanac, Le Trésor des grâces.
This is a document I created as a companion to my presentation at the AHA 2017 on my use of ArcGIS Story Maps as assignments in history courses. It especially focuses on how I created the project A History of the World in 40 Objects... more
Using international case studies from art museums, this chapter examines how museum educators are integrating iPads in their programming to offer interactive learning opportunities for K-12 audiences. It argues for the importance of a... more
In the digital era, institutions of vocational education and training (VET) have emerged as transformational and flexible development environments; consequently, it is important to develop digital professional learning opportunities for... more
Like many of you, our last few months were jam-packed with learning new teaching tools, attending webinars, and designing online courses. It was and is still a time of societal and educational crisis that demands learning on-the-go. We... more
In the COVID-19 shift to online education, many teacher educators have sought out video conference technologies (such as Zoom) aiming to replicate traditional classrooms online. At face value, synchronous video appears to offer more... more
3 Abstract-Science is a body of knowledge that explains the phenomena of our world through observations and experimentation. Many nations have developed because of the attention they give, and the investment they put into science... more
While developing effective teamwork and collaboration skills are considered important to the learning process, many students find group work challenging and difficult. In this episode we explore how Internet technologies can improve the... more
I am compiling resources on ancient Anatolia. If you have any suggestions or edits please let me know. This document will be updated regularly.
Knowing which technology to use for your online teaching can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming. This episode highlights issues you should keep in mind when making this decision. These include the importance of considering pedagogy... more
In the digital era, institutions of vocational education and training (VET) have emerged as transformational and flexible development environments; consequently, it is important to develop digital professional learning opportunities for... more
Foreword It is indeed timely for the Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) to dedicate a 2nd special edition to Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in July 2015.As guest editor it is my pleasure to present the Arab World English... more
Lección Inaugural en Laura Isola (ed). Lecturas de siglo XX. Viaje, límite, umbral [ISBN 978-987-25945-4-1]. Buenos Aires, Cabiria, 2013, págs. 5-22 Cómo leemos 1 por Daniel Link UBA "Todo escritor, con el tiempo, llegará a parecerse a... more
Digital transformation of the media ecology perceived as a paradigm shift has unleashed huge challenges for Public Service Broadcasting(PSB) worldwide with far reaching implications for its traditional mission of three-pronged Reithian... more
This case study aims to describe how a blog was used in one particular teaching context to promote peer- to-peer interaction, feedback and discussion. While the case study does examine one particular teaching application of a blog, the... more
Brief paper invited to elucidate the pandemic situation in Japan, teaching online, and how education may change after the pandemic. The author sees many current practices continuing in the form of increased blended learning and online... more
The paper introduces and discusses current developments in architectural discourse, design theory, digital design models and techniques and their relations to design pedagogy. The evolution of design knowledge in architectural theory and... more
At the moment, it is difficult to define the borders of the academic field dedicated specifically to study of digital literature. The current research on the topic is scarce, heterogeneous and disintegrated. The thesis aimed to provide a... more
English summary: Multilingualism is a reality in South African classrooms. The Constitution of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996) and the national language policy recognize language rights and aims at supporting, promoting and developing the... more
Engaging students in online learning is critical for success. In this episode, we examine strategies for improving engagement and motivation in online learning environments. Issues such as effective facilitation, creating learning... more
This case study aims to give you a basic understanding of the website Flickr, and how it was used to teach photography in a blended (face-to-face and online) class. It discusses the benefits of using an online community for submitting,... more
A tutorial I created to explain the technical aspects of a digital mapping assignment I did with my students in my course on medieval travel. It includes my methods for embedding Google Maps on a course website, allowing students to add... more
The Association of Theological Schools is a membership organization of schools in the United States and Canada that conduct post-baccalaureate professional and academic degree programs to educate persons for the practice of ministry and... more
Open Education explores the disruption of the traditional university as a result of the increasingly widespread provision of free online open education. What for decades could only be dreamt of is now almost within reach: the... more
Marymount California University
Typography has evolved from an environment that is mechanical, static and communication focused to one that is digital, dynamic and experienced focused. Yet we still use print derived terminology (such as x-height, counter, baseline,... more
This case study examines the use of simple audio podcasts in a fully online distance education class, as part of the DUCKLING research project conducted by the Beyond Distance Research Alliance at the University of Leicester in the United... more