Dimitri Gutas
Recent papers in Dimitri Gutas
This note was published as an appendix of Dimitri Gutas' "Avicenna’s al-ḥikma al-mutaʿāliya: Initial Begriffsgeschichte".
There is an incipient tendency in critical edition of Aristotle’s Work, it consists of considering a multilingual edition of his Works which includes, when available, Greek, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew and Latin versions. Our interest here is... more
Genişletilmiş 3. baskı.
Si ritiene che il compilatore del Dēnkard, Ādurfarnbag-ī Farroxzādān, sia stato un contemporaneo del califfo al-Ma᾿mūn (r. 813-833), e che la redazione finale di questo libro sia da collocarsi nel X secolo. Per la maggior parte, tuttavia,... more
A book review of Dimitri Gutas' "Greek Thought Arabic Culture" book.
The nature and precise activitiy of the bayt al-ḥikma (House of Wisdom) is matter of debate. Earlier scholarship connected to it the translations from Greek of scientific and philosophical works, a position challenged by D. Gutas, who... more
In this essay, I concentrate my focus upon how metaphors unveil different aspects of Being with the very help of deconstruction, hermeneutics and phenomenology and how we can read Avicenna's use of metaphor in the Recital of the Bird. In... more
A pinnacle of Islamic philosophy, Averroes of Cordoba is typically approached through the lens of Western-centric assumptions and concerns. The book aims at situating the philosopher within his pristine dimension as an Islamic thinker.... more
M. Cüneyt Kaya'nın derleyip "İbn Sina'nın Mirası" adıyla tercüme ettiği Dimitri Gutas'ın makalelerinden oluşan kitaba ait tanıtım yazısıdır. Dimitri Gutas, İbn Sinâ’nın Mirası, der. ve tr. M.Cüneyt Kaya, İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2004,... more
by Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, in Studia graeco-arabica 5 / 2015, pp. 416-17
Bu makale, Dimitri Gutas’ın, post-klasik İslam felsefesi ve teolojisini, “felsefemsi” bir form veya felsefeye öykünen entelektüel bir faaliyet olarak nitelemesine eleştirel bir şekilde yaklaşır. Bu görüşün, felsefe tarihyazımı için... more
The Database Glossarium Græco-Arabicum makes available the files of a lexical project, intended to open up the lexicon of the mediæval Arabic translations from the Greek. It contains images of the filecards (ca. 80,000) which have not yet... more