East Asian Theology
Recent papers in East Asian Theology
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A new era began in the Roman Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council. Instead of holding the classicist worldview of a single normative culture, a new and more positive attitude towards the modern world and bearers of modern... more
This is chapter one of my published PhD Thesis - "Proclaiming the Peacemaker: The Malaysian Church as an Agent for Reconciliation in a Multicultural Society", Oxford: Regnum books, 2012. From the Introduction: The Malaysian church... more
This article examines the importance of strengthening virtue ethics approach in Catholic social teaching for a Chinese Christian community through putting the Catholic tradition and Confucian tradition into dialogue. Through examining the... more
This paper sits within the field of Christian-Buddhist Comparative Theology and will explore the concept of the crucifixion in relation to Chinese Buddhist images of suffering bodhisattvas. While the bodhisattva is normally portrayed as... more
Théologiens catholiques en monde chinois. Première partie.
Nouvelle Revue Théologique, sept.- oct. 1995, pp.670-693
Nouvelle Revue Théologique, sept.- oct. 1995, pp.670-693
With the rise of the church in the Majority World comes a rise in interest in issues drawn from those cultural contexts. One of the issues in the last few years has been that of honor and shame. While this is not a new issue to Asians, it... more
Based on Catholic and Confucian social ethics, this book develops an ethic of solidarity and reciprocity with the migrants in Asia who are marginalized. Mary Mee-Yin Yuen draws off her own pastoral experiences in the Church, the situation... more
In: "Chinese Spirituality & Christian Communities: A Kenotic Perspective"
edited by Vincent Shen,
The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington D.C., 2015
edited by Vincent Shen,
The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington D.C., 2015
Straight lines seemed to be an image of imperialism. I became aware that the love of God-hesed, agape-is more of a zigzag than a straight line. For the sake of others, love makes self-denying zigzags, displaying its power as it overcomes... more
An anthropogenically caused climate crisis threatens the Earth and humanity. As such, religion’s engagement is of increasing importance. This paper critically evaluates the significance of the East Asian context regarding the climate... more
An anthropogenically caused climate crisis threatens the Earth and humanity. As such, religion's engagement is of increasing importance. This paper critically evaluates the significance of the East Asian context regarding the climate... more
Theology must remain alert to the perpetual novelty of God, expressed throughout believers’ lived experiences and communal inventiveness. The ethnographer’s sensitivity to the way religious communities take shape and evolve can help the... more
For a millennium and a half, Christianity in China has been perceived as a foreign religion for a foreign people. Yet in the last hundred years, various attempts to articulate a Chinese Christianity have been made by indigenous leaders... more
Selecciones de Teologia, vol. 40, n.157, enero-marzo 2001, pp. 65-80
Tradujo y condensé: JOAQUEM PONS
Tradujo y condensé: JOAQUEM PONS