Econometrics Models - Panel Data
Recent papers in Econometrics Models - Panel Data
This study investigates the relationship between exports, foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth in five Eurozone countries (Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Italy) using panel data for the period 1970 to 2011. The... more
Recent research argues that robots could replace workers in dangerous work environments to reduce occupational injuries. However, robot development and usage in most developing countries remain at an infant stage, robots may increase the... more
The purpose of this study was to apply new methods of econometric models to the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of physical assets, by integrating investments such as maintenance, technology, sustainability, and technological upgrades, and... more
The aim of the study is the relationship between foreign direct investments, exports and economic growth. The analysis of this study included E7 (Emerging 7) the so-called developing countries are Turkey, Mexico, China, India, Brazil,... more
Even though several papers about the impacts of minimum wage increases on employment have been published in the last decades, the debate is still ongoing among economists, policymakers, and the general public. Many recent papers have... more
Growth of Agriculture sector in India in general and in the state of Rajasthan in particular has been phenomenal in recent years in spite of the fact that about 60% of area in the State is under desert. Nevertheless in the State most of... more
This study investigates the determinants of FDI inflows in sixteen Central and Eastern European (CEEC) by incorporating the traditional factors (GDP size and trade openness) with economic freedoms over the period 1996-2009. The study uses... more
Tourism is one of the most significant contributors to the Indonesia economy of growth and trade, with share of national tourism to GDP is 13.9 per cent (BPS RI, 2012), through foreign exchange earnings as revenue from tourist... more
Empirical research of international trade with the use of gravity model is often estimated with the FE estimator. Indeed, this method is appropriate in the face of heterogeneity, that is typical of pairs of countries, which influence the... more
This research is concerned with a statistical method that has recently become widespread in the international literature; although, it is still limited in Hungarian research. The method is geographically weighted regression (GWR), which... more
Abstract In This study we aim to measure the Relationship between Remittances and economic growth through a group of North African countries, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, using two models for 1980-2015 using time series data in... more
A lot of research nowadays, is conducted using a mixed methods approach. This translates to massive and volumes of datasets. Making sense of the data without the right research tools is like looking for a needle in a haystack. SPSS... more
This study investigates the determinants of unemployment in selected ASEAN states: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand; employing the methods of panel data analysis. Specifically, this study aimed to address the... more
Panel Veri Analizinde Hausman Test İstatistiği (Eviews ile bir uygulama)
Variável dummy, testes de restrições sobre os coeficientes de regressão
Economic uncertainty is a driver of the business cycle. Its leading properties make it a key advanced indicator to assess the impact of socioeconomic factors on suicide for prevention purposes. This paper evaluates the effect of economic... more
The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between financial development and economic growth and to examine whether there are differences in the size of the impact of financial development on economic... more
R is an open source language and environment for statistical computing, data mining, modeling, and data graphics. It provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques such as linear and non-linear modeling, statistical... more
Analisis regresi adalah analisis statistika yang bertujuan untuk memodelkan hubungan antara variabel independent dengan variabel dependent. Istilah regresi pertamakali dikenalkan oleh Francis Galton (1886) melalui artikelnya yang berjudul... more
Gikatilla was a prolific writer; he wrote his first work (Ginnat Egoz, אגוז גנת) when only twenty-six. It is a kabbalistic treatise in three parts (Hanau, 1615). • The title (from Cant. vi.11). It literally means “garden of nuts,”.... more
Abstract: The paper examined the issues in internal audit reliability. It specifically provided conceptual and practical insights into some of the consequential issues worth pondering about when assessing the reliability of the internal... more
This work aims to identify the most relevant economic and financial indicators for predicting the insolvency of the Brazilian electricity distribution utilities. The work was carried out based on 18 indicators from accounting statements... more
La informalidad laboral se ha convertido en un problema latente en casi todos los países del mundo, no solo por sus efectos en la productividad y la captación fiscal, sino por sus consecuencias atroces en el bienestar colectivo. En virtud... more
Society is currently struggling with the near extinction of fossil fuel, a non-renewable source of energy supply, resulting in the overburdening of electrical grid systems. This has contributed towards environmental pollution and... more
Detección autocorrelación primer orden en Stata, Estadístico Durbin Watson
This paper analyzes the determinants of farmer adoption of conservation farming practices using panel data from two rounds of the Rural Incomes and Livelihoods Surveys that were implemented in 2004 and 2008. Conservation farming (CF) has... more
model. Scopul regresiei multiple (termen utilizat de Pearson, 1908) este de a evidenţia relaţia dintre o variabilă dependentă (explicată, endogenă, rezultativă) şi o mulţime de variabile independente (explicative, factoriale, exogene,... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between financial development and human development from the health and welfare dimensions of developing countries. This study aims to determine whether the financial developments... more
The purpose of this research was to investigate the nature of the relationship between board diversity and financial performance of deposit money Banks quoted on the Nigerian stock exchange. Based on extensive review of the literature,... more
This article aims to test the effect of human capital investment on economic growth in 20 countries in the MENA region through by using panel study on the period from 1999 to 2007. The results show that the investment in human capital has... more
Bu çalışmada, firma performansını etkileyen faktörler incelenmek istenmiştir. Firma performansının ölçülmesinde hisse senedinin yılsonu kapanış fiyatı ve hisse getiri oranı kullanılmıştır. Hisse senedinin yılsonu kapanış fiyatı ve hisse... more
La presente investigación evalúa el impacto del canon y sobrecanon petrolero en el desarrollo económico y social de la región Piura durante el período 1984-2014, postulándose como hipótesis central de investigación que el canon y... more
Indian insurance markets have changed radically and deeply in the last countable years. Deregulation, globalization of insurance institutions, intensified competition, electronic commerce, bancassurance, and the emergence of new risks are... more
This paper develops estimators for simultaneous equations with spatial autoregressive or spatial moving average error components. We derive a limited information estimator and a full information estimator. We give the generalized method... more
This research initiated in this paper may be improved in two directions. First, refine the measure of the human capital available in a country to take account of its different dimensions such its stock, its use, its quality, its... more
This study deals with convergence analysis. Based on economic growth theories, the differences between regions were examined. With this study convergence process has been examined and analyzed between 12 regions which are placed on... more