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      Cultural StudiesCultural PolicyGlobalizationCommunity Development
This paper presents an initial analysis of data obtained from an implementation of citizenship education using the videogame Space Station Leonis in two Singapore classrooms. The paper highlights the importance of citizenship education... more
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      Education for CitizenshipGame Based Learning
As environmental issues become more complex, the public may be less interested in becoming knowledgeable enough to participate in decisionmaking. Yet its input can be critically important in some community-based issues. A community forum... more
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      Education for CitizenshipEnvironmental IssuesCurriculum and PedagogyEducation for Sustainable Development
All education regulated by nation-states is, in one sense, education for (some kind of) peace. In the liberal “social contract” tradition, the purpose of any government is to protect citizens from violence, as a prerequisite for their... more
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      Education for CitizenshipPeace & Conflict StudiesPeace EducationPeacebuilding
Aquest text recull part de la recerca desenvolupada per l’autor en el marc del projecte de R+D+I «Aprenentatge de la Ciutadania Activa. Discursos, experiencies i estrategies educatives»,1 financat pel Ministeri d’Educacio i Cultura, i... more
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      ArtEducation for CitizenshipNon Formal EducationEducation for Active Citizenship
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      Higher EducationEducation for CitizenshipPeer ReviewFigurative language
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      Content AnalysisEducation for CitizenshipHong KongTextbook
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When we first initiated this issue, Europe was only beginning to make sense of the Brexit referendum. Many scholars in the UK and across the continent were asking themselves the same question – how to make sense of the new developments;... more
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      Civic EducationEducation for CitizenshipComparative EducationCitizenship Education
This edited volume offers a critical reflection on the failed experiment to redevelop the city of Rio de Janeiro according to the neoliberal strategy of entrepreneurial urban governance and mercantile regulatory transformations, which... more
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      PoliticsEducation for CitizenshipCitizenship And GovernanceUrban Transformation
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      Education for CitizenshipCitizenship EducationDemocracy and Citizenship Education
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      EducationEducation for CitizenshipTeaching History
This study examines the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the provision of citizenship education in England and South Korea. The practice of citizenship education is investigated through comparing four NGOs, and the gap... more
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      Comparative & International EducationEducation for CitizenshipComparative and International Development EducationDemocracy and Citizenship Education
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      Education for Citizenshipלימודי אזרחות בישראל
ÖZ Bu araştırma; Vatandaşlık ve Demokrasi Eğitimi dersinde yer alan değerlerin öğrenilme düzeylerinin öğrencilerin içinde yaşadığı çevre ile olan ilişkisini öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın... more
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      Social Studies EducationEducation for CitizenshipSocial StudiesCitizenship
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      EducationAdult EducationHistory of EducationCivic Education
Context and objectives: Undergraduate medical training program accreditation is practiced in many countries, but information from developing countries is sparse. We compared medical training program accreditation systems in nine... more
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      Education for CitizenshipDeveloping CountriesAccreditationSouth Africa
Throughout the latter half of the twentieth century and into this new century of the American republic, the characteristics desired in the citizen have reflected distinct eras in late American history. Schools were not necessarily... more
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      Social SciencesSocial Studies EducationCivic EducationEducation for Citizenship
המאמר עוסק בחינוך ופוליטיקה, ובמיוחד בקשר בין מאבק חינוכי לאזרחות בשני הקשרים ביזרה הישראלית: אזרחים פלסטינים ביפו, וילדי מהגרי עבודה בדרום ת"א מטרת המאמר לבחון אפשרויות של שינוי באמצעות מאבק בשדה החינוך המערער את הקשר בין לאומיות וחינוך... more
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      Education for CitizenshipCitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship EducationPalestinian Citizens
La formación ciudadana en la educación obligatoria en Colombia: entre la tradición y la transformación Resumen La formación ciudadana es uno de los aspectos centrales de la enseñanza obligatoria en Colombia. Las ciencias sociales tiene... more
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      Teacher EducationEducation for CitizenshipPreservice Teacher EducationFORMACION DE PROFESORES
Nuestro póster virtual pretende exponer desde las claves contextuales sociológicas y éticas de la mano de Manuel Castells y Adela Cortina, el advenimiento de la sociedad de la información y la demanda de una educación para una ciudadanía... more
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      Digital Media & LearningEducation for Citizenship
Purpose: An evaluation study of an undergraduate HIV/AIDS interprofessional education program for medical, nursing and pharmacy students was undertaken to assess changes in role perception, attitudes towards collaboration, selfreported... more
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      Program EvaluationTime SeriesEducation for CitizenshipProblem Based Learning
Given the recent and ongoing economic crisis and high levels of consumer debt, the teaching of financial literacy in elementary and secondary schools has received widespread support. Too often, however, financial literacy education policy... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical EconomyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Background: Faculty development lays the foundation for the quality enhancement in medical education. However, programs are not always based on the needs of the participants, and there is dearth of information on methods to derive... more
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      Medical EducationEducation for CitizenshipSaudi ArabiaStaff Development
This presentation talks about the role of adult education in active participatory citizenship and shortly presents a Horizon 2020 three-year research project, the so-called “Adult Education as a Means to Active Participatory Citizenship”... more
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      Education for CitizenshipAdult and Continuing EducationCitizenship
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      ReligionInternational RelationsEducationLanguages and Linguistics
This paper provides an overview of the 20 citizenship competences that are specified by the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (Barrett et al., 2018a, 2018b, 2018c). The procedure that was used... more
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      Education for CitizenshipYouth Civic EngagementCitizenship EducationDemocracy and Citizenship Education
I kövattnet av senaste årens migrationsrörelser harr en rad initiativ tagits för att möjliggöra nyanländas etablering i det svenska samhället. I denna rapport undersöks ett sådant, att på prov erbjuda gymnasieskolans... more
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      Sociology of EducationPopular EducationAdult EducationRace and Ethnicity
With the premise that investigation into impact of reforms on the educational outcomes like democratic citizenship is at best inconsistent, this study reports the findings of analyses of how secondary school pass-outs in Kerala from... more
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      ConstructivismEducation for CitizenshipCitizenshipEducational Reforms
Table of contents special issue in Citizenship Studies 19(2), 2015 'Citizenship agendas in and beyond the nation-state' Guest-editors: Martijn Koster, Rivke Jaffe & Anouk de Koning Citizenship agendas in and beyond the nation-state:... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyPolitical AnthropologyLegal Anthropology
This article explores the possibilities of treaty education for reconciliation with First Nations people, as corrective to the foundational myth of Canada and as a means of fostering ethically engaged citizenship. Lack of historical... more
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      Education for CitizenshipAnti-Colonialism
This position paper outlines the main negative implications of the increasing commercialization of higher education, of viewing education as a commodity, students as consumers, and educators as service providers as they relate to the... more
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      EthicsHigher EducationEducation for CitizenshipCommercialization
Willem III, maar het verhaal vau Nederlaud eu Europazijn werelclin crisistijd. '(p. 13) Het boek is ingedeeld als eeu toneelstr-tk, 1l1et ee1ì voorspel, eerste bedrijf, tr-rssenspei, tweede bedrijf en een naspel. Uit deze indeling blijkt... more
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      History of DemocracyEducation for CitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship Education
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      Education for CitizenshipGlobal educationEducaciónUniversity
en Enrique Florescano y José Ramón Cossío, eds. Hacia una nación de ciudadanos. Mexico. Conaculta y Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), pp. 135-158.
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      Education for CitizenshipCitizenshipParticipación ciudadanaEducación para el Desarrollo y la Ciudadanía Global
本文嘗試從文化政治與教育學互動的框架下審視香港的公民教育所面臨的困境,並建議一些公民教育發展與研究的方向。無論回歸前後,公民教育的隱性與否均是政治化的產物。殖民地時期的政經制度、文化生活與學校課程,皆模塑著港人的政治與社會認知。殖民主義是一種涵蓋政治、社會與文化層面的宰制性系統,故香港人對公民身份的理解亦難免受其被殖民的經驗影響。本文嘗試探討這種政治認知與文化習性,如何延伸至後殖民時期的國民教育爭議,並說明官方的國族身份論述是怎樣置放於此宰制性的文化政治環境中操作。本文主要欲... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPost-ColonialismEducation for CitizenshipHong Kong
Onder verwijzing naar relevante literatuur laten we zien dat er meerdere, sterk verschillende, redelijk te verdedigen opvattingen zijn van wat burgerschap is en wat een goede burger is. Aanknopend daarbij brengen we uiteenlopende... more
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      Education for CitizenshipCitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship Education
RÉSUMÉ. Cet article explore les liens qui s’articulent entre le rapport que les élèves développent aux règles scolaires comme cadre proto-légal faisant partie du curriculum caché et la formation citoyenne. La robustesse du concept de... more
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      Human Rights LawSocializationEducation for CitizenshipNormativity
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Following the 2005 London bombings, there is widespread public debate about diversity, integration, and multiculturalism in Britain, including the role of education in promoting national identity and citizenship. In response to official... more
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      EducationSociology of EducationDemocratic EducationTerrorism
En el presente libro se exponen algunos resultados de la investigación titulada «La argumentación en las clases de ciencias y su contribución a la construcción de civilidad», financiada con recursos del patrimonio autónomo Fondo Nacional... more
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      Education for CitizenshipNature of ScienceArgumentation in Science Education
Het is een klassieke wijsheid: de rechtsstaat is onbestaanbaar zonder vorming tot burgerschap. Voor de democratie geldt het zeker. Zonder bekwame en betrokken burgers is democratie farce of facade. En vorming moet de mens toerusten voor... more
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      Philosophy of EducationEducation for CitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship Education
Différentes études, menées pour l'essentiel en Amérique du Nord, ont cherché à analyser l'impact de l'école, en particulier de son enseignement civique, sur le rapport des élèves au politique. En dépit des débats qui ont marqué ce champ... more
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      SocializationEducation for CitizenshipPolitical Socialization
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      Education for CitizenshipTeaching HistoryEducación en valores y para una ciudadanía activaDidactica de la historia y de las ciencias sociales
I föredraget problematiseras frågan om utbildning som fostran av morgondagens medborgare, med särskilt fokus på de utmaningar som samtidens mångetniska samhälle innebär.
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      Critical PedagogyRace and EthnicityEducation for CitizenshipMulticultural Education
Eigenaarschap is een buzzword in het onderwijs. Intussen is het in de praktijk even problematisch als populair. Het lastigst zijn de paradoxen van eigenaarschap. De paradoxen van eigenaarschap raken kernvragen van de pedagogiek. Ze vormen... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingEducation for Citizenship
Using ‘Montessori and Social Progress’ by Arthur St John, The Montessori Fellowship (pamphlet 2), July 1927, and the activities of Sylvia Pankhurst, and the community of Suffragists and Suffragettes working in education and schools, and... more
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      EducationWomen's StudiesTeacher EducationWomen's Rights
Opmaat voor visievorming NRO Werkplaats Democratisering van Kritisch Denken [versie maart 2020] De inhoud van middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (het totaal van de leerstof) telt vier verdiepingen: • Beroepsvorming = ontwikkeling van... more
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      Teaching and LearningCritical PedagogyLearning and TeachingEducation for Citizenship
The practice of youth work in India has been influenced mainly by two perspectives: deficit and asset. Most of the awareness building, sensitization programmes and targeted initiatives assume that young people lack the necessary knowledge... more
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      Youth StudiesEducation for CitizenshipYouth developmentYouth and Volunteerism
This qualitative study investigates the role of Canadian Civil Society Organizations (CCSOs) in educating Canadians through public engagement activities to become better global citizens. It clarifies Canada’s role and international... more
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      Global CitizenshipCivil Society and the Public SphereEducation for CitizenshipAdult learning