Efficient Market Hypothesis
Recent papers in Efficient Market Hypothesis
In this paper, the authors maintain that the prevalence of technical analysis in professional investment argues that such techniques should perhaps be taken more seriously by academics. They use the new technique of genetic programming to... more
The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) asserts that, at all times, the price of a security reflects all available information about its fundamental value. The implication of the EMH for investors is that, to the extent that speculative... more
The United States acute care hospital (ACH) market provides a unique environment in which to examine questions about market structure and performance. The ACHs operate in a mature market of health services that is highly regulated and... more
This paper examines short-term price reactions after one-day abnormal price changes and whether they create exploitable profit opportunities in various financial markets. A t-test confirms the presence of overreactions and also suggests... more
Italian stock market analysis with respect to the semi-strong information efficiency hypothesis.
The deficiency in the availability of petroleum products has given rise to the incorporation of electric vehicles (EVs) globally as a substitute for the conventional transportation system. Significant research has been pursued over last... more
Four cases of U.S. equity market bubbles and corrections are reviewed to assess the validity of the efficient markets hypothesis. They are the 1929 episode, the 1970s case, the October 1987 meltdown, and the late 1990s bubble. The S&P 500... more
В статье рассмотрены основные положения теорий динамики рынков, в частности, гипотезы эффективного рынка, гипотезы когерентного рынка, гипотезы фрактального рынка и гипотезы синергетического рынка. Проанализированы инструменты... more
This paper studies time-varying market efficiency in twenty emerging and five developed equity markets for the period covering from January 2000 to June 2017 by using daily returns from MSCI indices and draws a comparison between emerging... more
This study investigates the ability of Monte Carlo simulation (MCs) to predict stock market returns in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). Specifically, we compare the in-sample forecasting ability of MCs with the Simple and Exponential Moving... more
The present paper tries to establish the impact of various macroeconomic variables on the performance of the Islamic stock market for India. Compatible with the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), a number of macroeconomic variables have... more
"Whether path dependence 'exists' or not remains an unresolved question - but it is also a misformulated one. The paper demonstrates that the key issue is methodological, not ontological, and that management and organization scholars have... more
High Frequency Trading (HFT) is a form of algorithmic trading where firms use high-speed market data and analytics to look for shortterm supply and demand trading opportunities that often are the product of predictable behavioral or... more
This study addresses the question of whether the adaptive market hypothesis provides a better description of the behaviour of emerging stock market like India. We employed linear and nonlinear methods to evaluate the hypothesis... more
This study investigates the existing literature in the field of Indian Stock Market Anomalies. The focus of the literature survey is to review these various stock market anomalies that were experimental over time in different stock... more
A humorous critique of Nassim Taleb's book, The Black Swan
This study seeks to identify the potential conflicts of interest inherent in real estate transactions between a commercial tenant and a prospective landlord; evaluate the legal, regulatory, and industry mechanisms in place to protect the... more
his study examined share returns following unexpected corporate announcements that are described as profit warnings. The study tested whether there are abnormal returns on share prices after the announcement of profit warnings. The report... more
Abstract This paper analyzes the factor zoo, which has theoretical and empirical implications for finance, from a machine learning perspective. More specifically, we discuss feature selection in the context of deep neural network models... more
The purpose of this research is to know whether or not stock prices follow Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) in Indian stock markets. In this connection, this study has attempted to examine whether or not the simulated stock prices... more
It is My Master thesis. The aim of this study is to answer the following question: Which method of analysis; technical analysis or fundamental analysis is more credibility in the prediction value of share (price and returns). To achieve... more
This paper explores the foundations of the Fractal Market Hypothesis. It explores the theoretical framework that a fractal view of markets provides while critiquing the wisdom of modern efficient market theories. This paper also delves... more
The research empirically examines the stock market’s reaction to M&A announcements on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) over the period, 2009 to 2017. The research consist of fourdifferent types of M&A namely horizontal, conglomerate,... more
A Teoria ou Hipótese da Eficiência de Mercado é um dos pilares da Moderna Teoria de Finanças, está baseada na premissa de que os preços dos títulos refletem instantaneamente todas as informações relevantes disponíveis no mercado e tem sua... more
economic agent which differs from the ‘homo economicus’ of traditional finance theory. Systematized are the more realistic assumptions regarding human decision making which stem from research in cognitive psychology and increasingly... more
This is an Executive Summary of the November 2014 research study report, “Conflicts of Interest in Commercial Real Estate Transactions: Who Represents the Tenant?” The research study was undertaken by the Center for Real Estate and... more
Akuntansi berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan masyarakat. Sejarah perkembangan akuntansi berjalan secara menarik kalau kita lihat dari awal terjadinya pencatatan. Dikatakan menarik karena orang pertama yang melakukan pencatatan justru... more
Efficiency of markets has been much debated and theory evolved from the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) in its three forms to the adaptive market hypothesis (AMH). We study the US technology sector, finding that stocks traded... more
The study tests the reaction of Bahrain Bourse to 2014 annual financial results announcement. The study is based on 30 companies. The researcher used event study methodology. The behaviour of average abnormal returns (AARs) and cumulative... more
Since the mid-1970s, hundreds of academic studies have been conducted in risk perception-oriented research within the social sciences (e.g., nonfinancial areas) across various branches of learning. The academic foundation pertaining to... more
Market Efficiency Theory & Hypothesis. - Materi Bahasan dalam Presentasi: Konsep, Bentuk, Asumsi, dan Pengujian terhadap Efisiensi Pasar. - © 2017 by Angga Bagas Samudra, (Accounting, Economics and Business Faculty, Brawijaya University... more
This thesis investigates the value of technical analysis by considering momentum theory. The application of a conventional empirical test framework yields simulated momentum investment returns that are largely aligned with those of other... more
An organization has two essential elements that form the overall worth of that organization, that is it’s the equity and debt. For business executives to expose their entities to public ownership, there is the need to sell out ownership... more
The deficiency in the availability of petroleum products has given rise to the incorporation of electric vehicles (EVs) globally as a substitute for the conventional transportation system. Significant research has been pursued over last... more
This short paper establishes the credibility and viability of this research topic to progress towards a PhD award through further research. The original contribution of the work proposed can be summarised as; (1) the analysis of... more
This paper reviews and summarizes the work of Sewell (2011). The purpose is to investigate the evolution and development of the Efficient Market Hypothesis from its inception as theory of probability to Fama (1965) proposition and... more
This note is a further commentary on a previous paper on the chaos theory of stock returns that derives from the alleged detection of persistence in time series data indicated by values of the Hurst exponent H that differs from the... more
Design/Methodology -or this analysis, the unit root tests, autocorrelation tests and variance ratio tests are employed to attempt to investigate the presence or absence of weak for efficiency.
Indonesia is one of the emerging financial market in the world (Spiro, 2018). The archipelago country has promising economic growth, supported by the fact that Indonesia has the potential resource to develop their macroeconomic situation... more