Recent papers in Eurozone
This thesis analyses the idea of central bank independence, how it shaped the creation of the European Central Bank (ECB) and its management of the Euro Crisis. Based on a genealogical analysis, the thesis identifies the central normative... more
Avrupa Birliği (AB) kuruluş ve gelişim süreci boyunca çeşitli amaçlara sahip oldu: kapitalizmin "barış" koşullarında zor dışı yollarla yayılması ve işlemesi; Doğu blokundan korunma arzusu, bununla da bağlantılı olarak ABD sermayesiyle... more
A construção da moeda única apresenta falhas ao nível dos mecanismos que deveriam garantir a convergência macroeconómica entre os países membros da União Europeia. Menos conhecidas e analisadas são as falhas na construção política, ou... more
The Eurocrisis displays an astonishing similarity to the causes of the Great Depression in the form of massive current account imbalances, destabilising capital flows, financial fragility, and the commitment to defending a fixed exchange... more
La narrazione standard della crisi fase 1: 2007-2009. Finanza colpevole: una spiegazione convincente? La narrazione standard della crisi fase 2: 2010-2014. Debito pubblico eccessivo: una spiegazione convincente? Alla ricerca di una... more
An easyJet inflight magazine article offers a great example of how ideology – in the Marxist sense of the word, i.e. a mystification of reality which ensures the continuous dominance of the ruling class – works, and why in this day and... more
Presentazione di "Alessandro Somma, Sovranismi. Stato popolo e conflitto sociale (DeriveApprodi 2018)"
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
Many scholars have contributed to ongoing debates about the competition between the dollar and the euro for global monetary dominance. Few have added as much value as Miguel Otero-Iglesias with his systematic and original survey of the... more
Abstract Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea are în vedere următoarele aspecte: prezentarea uniunii economice și monetare din perspectiva aderării unui stat membru la aceasta, și în particular elementele juridice privind aderarea României la zona... more
The requirement for a collaborative effort to achieve a common set of security standards for use by entities that process, store or transport voter data. -More than 350,000 voting machines are used in the Unites States today in over 42... more
The EU is divided between member states that have adopted the euro and those that have not. This article looks at the issue of differentiated integration with particular reference to eurozone integration and the euro-outsiders. I explore... more
We propose a New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model where a risk aversion shock enters a separable utility function. We analyze five periods from 1971 through 2011, each lasting for twenty years, to follow over... more
"PLEASE READ THIS PAPER AND GIVE ME FEEDBACK As nominal policy interest rates are hitting the lower zero bound in many industrialised countries, questions are raised about possible unintended consequences.... more
Poland committed to joining the euro when it joined the European Union in 2004, although no specific deadline was set for its entry into the currency union. There was widespread popular and political support for joining the euro at the... more
This article argues that the perception of a crisis in German-Greek relations that began with the „Greek crisis“ in the autumn of 2009 is the result of media coverage on both sides that indulged in football-style „us“ against „them“... more
A review for the LSE's Brexit Vote blog of The European Union in Crisis (by Desmond Dinan, Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson), the latest contribution to deal with the multi-dimensional nature of the EU’s crisis. it offers a solid... more
The year 2002 would be remembered in the European Union as the year the ‘Euro’ officially became the common legal tender of the ‘Eurozone’ comprising presently of 19 member states. Exactly seven years after, a full blown banking and... more
Introductory chapter of PhD thesis: 'Why Not Default? The Structural Power of Finance in Sovereign Debt Crises.' Defended (without corrections) at the European University Institute in Florence on May 19, 2016. This thesis aims to answer... more
Daphnie Ploegstra (3960374) Capita Selecta Economic and Monetary Union mr. dr. Ton van den Brink Word count: 2891
Nelle UM incomplete ogni Paese membro mantiene la propria PF indipendente. Le UM complete sono caratterizzate dall'unificazione del bilancio. L'UM incompleta è fragile e poco sostenibile.
The legal and political dispute Iceland fought with the UK and Dutch governments over responsibilities of deposits in the fallen cross-border Icesave Bank in wake of the international financial crisis – which hit Iceland severely hard in... more
"Size: 2499 words
Analysis of neoclassical economics from the historical perspective that attempts to evaluate its ability to provide solution to the ongoing crisis of the western world."
Analysis of neoclassical economics from the historical perspective that attempts to evaluate its ability to provide solution to the ongoing crisis of the western world."
La Unión Europea (UE) se encuentra en las horas más bajas de su historia, en una “crisis existencial” que pone en cuestión su racionalidad, legitimidad, relevancia y viabilidad. Esa crisis afecta al menos a cuatro dimensiones substantivas... more
Dirk Ehnts beschäftigt sich in diesem Artikel mit der „Modern Monetary Theory“ (MMT) als einer in den USA und Kanada gegenwärtig sehr einflussreichen ökonomischen Strömung. In Deutschland fand diese bisher wenig Anerkennung. Insofern... more
The hospitality and tourism sector is experiencing numerous challenges as a result of the global economic crisis. After a significant contraction in 2009, tourism rebounded strongly in 2010 and in 2011 the international tourist arrivals... more
NB This is a pre-print - prior to refereeing and revision. Combining international political theory and EU studies, Richard Bellamy provides an original account of the democratic legitimacy of international organisations. He proposes a... more
The following work aims to propose an organic reconstruction of the phenomenon of the withdrawal from the European Union. Such work, at this level of systematicity, has never been carried out by the doctrine: the reason for this is that... more
La teoria delle Aree Valutarie Ottimali (AVO, in inglese “Optimum Currency Area”) sta vivendo una notorietà particolarmente elevata dallo scoppio della crisi dell'euro. Economisti di diverse estrazioni, e numerosi studi dei maggiori... more
The crucial question of the Habermas-Streeck debate on the crisis in Europe was, ‘Should the political forces resisting the de-democratization of capitalism strive for renewal of the European Union through its deeper integration, as per... more
Il presente volume intende ripercorrere la storia del sistema economico italiano dalle sue origini, cercando di spiegare al lettore le ragioni dell'eterna crisi del debito pubblico italiano. La spina dorsale del lavoro è costituita dalle... more
La monografia è frutto di un’opera di rielaborazione della tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza dell’Autore. L’Autore, dopo la disamina dell’origine storica e della disciplina giuridica del mandato d’arresto europeo (c.d. MAE),... more
This book discusses how the global financial crisis induced the ‘Great Recession’ and triggered problems within the eurozone regarding sovereign debt. The authors argue that the failure of the eurozone to meet any convergence criteria,... more
The author of this paper attempts to describe and examine the position, structure and powers of the European Central Bank. He does this through researching the main features and points that appear in this system-legal personality,... more
The evolution of money and banking is at the cusp of a paradigm shift in the 21st century. The introduction of digital currency built on blockchain technology enables a distributed, peer-to-peer payment system ideal for the decentralized... more
This paper covers four main areas: the motivation for capital markets union (CMU) and the expected benefits for the functioning of the European economy and financial system; the road map for its implementation and the obstacles and... more
The articles in this monograph are written in the following language All of them contain summaries in both languages and have been grouped into three sections. The first section deals with the challenges of the euro area and overcoming... more
by Remy Davison, Jean Monnet Chair in Politics and Economics, Monash University. . Published by Australian Book Review, December 2018. Link:... more
Die Veränderungen des Kapitalismus haben sich aus seinen organischen Krisen und ihrem staatlichen Management ergeben. Aus der Großen Depression entstand der zwischenimperialistische Organisierte Kapitalismus, aus der Weltwirtschaftskrise... more