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Life expectancy is increasing in most countries and has exceeded 80 in several, as low-mortality nations continue to make progress in averting deaths. The health and economic implications of mortality reduction have been given substantial... more
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      MortalityEvolutionary DemographyLonger Lifespan
The Gompertz mortality model is often used to evaluate evolutionary theories of ageing, such as the Medawar–Williams' hypothesis that high extrinsic mortality leads to faster ageing. However, fits of the Gompertz mortality model to data... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyAgingEvolutionary DemographyGompertz model
There persist two widely held but mutually inconsistent views on the evolution of post-fertile lifespan of human females. The first, prevalent within anthropology, sees post-fertile lifespan (PFLS) in the light of adaptive processes,... more
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      Life History TheoryAllometryEvolutionary Demography
Male-biased sex ratios have been observed in multiple small-scale societies. Although intentional and systematic female-biased mortality has been posited as an explanation, there is often a lack of ethnographic evidence of systematic... more
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      Evolutionary AnthropologyHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Evolutionary DemographySex Ratios
• A novel method for building multitrait population projection matrices is proposed. • Asymptotic properties of multitrait matrices are explored. • A new evolutionary demography tool, the trait level analysis, is proposed. • Trait level... more
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      Population DynamicsLife History TheoryEvolutionary Demography
Este artigo apresenta os processos que envolvem a migração subsaariana para Espanha e a haitiana para o Brasil, passando pelos fatores que impulsionam os deslocamentos, as rotas migratórias utilizadas, a inserção social e laboral desses... more
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      International MigrationInternal migrationEvolutionary Demography
The demographic rates of most organisms are supported by the consumption of food energy, which is used to produce new biomass and fuel physiological processes. Unlike other species, modern humans use 'extra-metabolic' energy sources... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnergyEnergy and EnvironmentLife History Evolution
In this paper I propose that evolutionary demography and associated theory from human behavioral ecology provide a strong basis for explaining the available evidence for the patterns observed in the fi rst agricultural settlement of... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeneticsDemography
The negative wealth–fertility relationship brought about by market integration remains a puzzle to classic evolutionary models. Evolutionary ecologists have argued that this phenomenon results from both stronger trade-offs between... more
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      Biological AnthropologyEvolutionary DemographyHuman Behavioural Ecology
Lifetime reproductive effort (LRE) measures the total amount of metabolized energy diverted to reproduction during the lifespan. LRE captures key components of the life history and is particularly useful for describing and comparing the... more
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      Evolutionary EcologyLife History EvolutionEvolutionary Demography
... The corollary of this is that populations are often unpredictable, and that 'the devil is in the detail' (Clutton-Brock & Coulson 2002) when it ... to the results of a density-dependent and stochastic analysis (Caswell... more
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      Population DynamicsAnimal EcologyBiological SciencesElasticity
The ambivalent attitude of demographers towards the formulating and applying of scientific theories is a long-term issue. So far, the strong point of demography has been in precise empirical research and analysis, not in the formulation... more
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      DemographyEvolutionary AnthropologyEvolutionary DemographyDemography and Population Studies
The systematic literature search on the fertility rate was performed on articles from the Web of Science compiled by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) to provide major publication characteristics. All articles related to... more
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      BiochemistryEvolutionary BiologySocial DemographyHealth Psychology
Issue Code: Click <a href= target=_new>here</a> to find the code for your issue.: FERTILITY Subject: Behaviour < BIOLOGY
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      Reproduction and human fertilityEvolutionary DemographyDemographic Transition
‘Demographic transition theory’ assumes that fertility decline is irreversible. This commonly held assumption is based on observations of recent and historical reductions in fertility that accompany modernization and declining mortality.... more
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      Population ecologyEvolutionary DemographyDemographic TransitionPopulation Forecasting
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    • Evolutionary Demography