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In 1964, Buchanan wrote an article in which he criticized the definition of economics given by Robbins in his Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science. This article is remarkable because it represents Buchanan's attempts... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyAustrian EconomicsHistory of Economic Thought
This report presents research into the current state of the Ugandan market for starch, starch-based adhesives and cassava flour for industrial use, and provides an assessment of the potential for locally made cassava-based products to... more
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This paper presents the results of a field research among Roman Catholic Charismatics and (Protestant) Pentecostals on their faith experiences, carried through in the region of Ecuador's capital, Quito. The outcomes of this research... more
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La présente contribution vise à préciser les aspects géographiques et chronologiques liés à l’apparition, au développement et au déclin d’un type de construction en pierre sèche localement appelée « torre ». Ces édifices monumentaux, qui... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchitectureMediterranean prehistory
Despite westernized reports to the contrary, occupation occurred in the Adirondacks of northeastern New York State before and after contact; it took several forms. Precontact seasonal encampments in the region were part of Iroquoian and... more
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      ViolenceNineteenth Century United StatesColonial (American History)War and violence
Sebbene l'archeologia subacquea mantenga presso il grande pubblíco un'aura di mistero e di diversità, i dibattiti teorici che hanno caratferizzato l'ultimo trentennio sono serviti, in definitiva, anche a sgomberare il campo dalle... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMetallurgyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
The obsidian sources of central Anatolia, the Aegean and central Europe have been studied in detail over the past 50 years. Various analytical techniques have been employed to discriminate artefacts from each of these and to reconstruct... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyAegean ArchaeologyObsidian SourcingExchange
Embezzlement, fraud, and theft are serious problems which seem to become increasingly severe each year. The estimates of losses each year increase at a rate far greater than the increase in either population or the gross national product.... more
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El objetivo de este estudio es conocer a profundidad la experiencia de los estudiantes internacionales que se reciben en la Universidad del Pacífico. Así, se analiza su estancia desde una perspectiva personal, académica y de desarrollo... more
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      Estrategias De Permanencia Estudiantil Y Programas De Bienestar UniversitarioEducacion SuperiorExchangeExchange Rates
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental Archaeology
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      ExchangeExchange Rates
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      SociologyBritish SociologyExchangeSociology religion
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      MetallurgyMiddle East AnthropologyTradePottery
Στάδια και οργάνωση της παραγωγής από το μετάλλευμα στο αντικείμενο. Αλλαγές στο χρόνο και σύνδεση με το ιστορικό πλαίσιο.
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      MetallurgyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)TradePottery
... Behrend and Luig write of the international proliferation of spirit possession cults and declare that 'the disappear-ance of spirits, as ... course, the identification of the work of demons is by no means lim-ited to... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyEgyptology
This report presents research into the current state of the Ugandan market for starch, starch-based adhesives and cassava flour for industrial use, and provides an assessment of the potential for locally made cassava-based products to... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnatolian Studies
The Indian derivative market has become multi-trillion dollar markets over the years. Marked with the ability to partially and fully transfer the risk by locking in assets prices, derivatives are gaining popularity among the investors.... more
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Graves and settlements of the 5th millennium BC in North Caucasus attest to a material culture that was related to contemporaneous archaeological complexes in the northern and western Black Sea region. Yet it was replaced, suddenly as it... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMetallurgyPrehistory of Caucasus (Prehistoric Archaeology)
This article from the ‘Classics Review’ section of the journal ‘ethnoarchaeology’ provides the back story and update for “Ceramic Theory and Cultural Process” published in 1985 and reprinted many times since then. That book built on the... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyAnthropologyEthnoarchaeology
This article deals with the similarity of hoard composition in Nebra and Apa (northern Carpathian basin). Apa (Romania) represents a composition model including weapons (axes and swords) and large spirals which is distributed east of the... more
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      MetallurgyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Romanian ArchaeologyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)
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Intercultural theology intends to engage in dialogue with theological expressions from different parts of the Global Church, but often works with western assumptions about what dialogue partners and texts are considered academically... more
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The exploitation of the quarries at Plancher-les-Mines (Haute-Saône) and, to a lesser extent, that of Réquista (Aveyron) present good examples of the regional produc-tion of technical tools, whose diffusion barely exceeds 200 to 250 km as... more
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      MineralogyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologySocial ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)
This article is of the earliest metal daggers, which in some cases are hardly distinguishable from knives, is compiled in the area between southern Bulgaria (Rohdope mountains), the western Ukraine and Upper Austria (Mondsee). They can be... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Balkan History
The study of nearly 1,800 large axeheads made of Alpine jades has allowed us to identify their source areas in the Italian Alps and their diffusion over distances up to 1,700 km as the crow flies, above all in a north-westerly direction... more
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      ReligionNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologySocial ArchaeologyArchaeological Theory
Résumé Dans le cadre de cet article, nous proposons une synthèse de la littérature archéolo- gique récente sur deux aspects fondamentaux de la mobilité dans les sociétés tradi- tionnelles d’Océanie: le peuplement progressif des différents... more
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      PolynesiaOceania (Archaeology)Oceania (Anthropology)Exchange
Ancient economies have been characterized by many researchers as localized, highly controlled by political actors, and static over long periods of time. In Mesoamerica, recent research has cast doubt on these views, with the recognition... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomic Sociology
Currently, long-distance trading, gateway communities, and the longboat are understood to have emerged in the Aegean during Early Bronze (EB) IB/IIA. This longboattrading model envisages an essentially static configuration of trading... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryMetallurgyNeolithic Archaeology
Sarazm is an agricultural settlement located in the Zerafshan Valley of northwestern Tajikistan; it was occupied from the fourth to the end of the third millennia BC. Located on the northeastern edge of a chain of agricultural settlements... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyAgriculture
Abstract : The ubiquity of stone adze blades in archaeological sites and museum collections resulted in their use as “cultural fossils” to draw cultural evolutionary changes in the Polynesian islands. The typological approach proves... more
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The mention of the terms ‘healing, truth and reconciliation’, conjure up different meanings across religio-political, social and economical divide in Zimbabwe. This paper seeks to explore the possible implications of the reading of... more
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      Conflict ResolutionBibleExchange
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      Economic AnthropologyTradeExchangeNew Guinea
Who are the Christians of the Middle East? How have churches and Christian organizations responded to violent conflicts, political unrest, refugee flows, and economic crises in the region? Does such socio-political turmoil define Middle... more
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A revolutionary development that resulted from Africa's experience of colonialism was the emergence of the nation-state made up of previously separate ethnic states. By the end of the colonial period the rulers of these ethnic states -the... more
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      Human RightsLegal PluralismExchangeSocial Conflicts
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The tells in the west Pontic region have been under investigation for almost a century now, yet our knowledge concerning the social organisation of Copper Age communities is still insufficient. Prior to the discovery of the cemetery near... more
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      ChronologyCopper ageExchangeSpecialisation
The chronology of the Early Bronze Age in Anatolia has not yet been fully established. The most important underlying reason for this is that wheelmade pottery, a key innovation which marked the beginning of the EBA III in western... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistory
The Neolithic period in Eastern Arabia is atypical : No agriculture, use of Mesopotamian (Ubaid) pottery vessels from 5 500 cal. BCE but no local pottery production except in the Northern and Central Arabian Gulf. It is characterized by a... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyAustrian EconomicsEconomical Analysis of Law
SUMMARY. - PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE EXCAVATIONS IN THE BRONZE AGE SETTLEMENT AT MURSIA (ISLAND OF PANTELLERIA). - The excavations in the Bronze Age settlement at Mursia included the terrace along the coast and inland (the... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomic Sociology
The full text is available here ""Controversy has surrounded The Merchant of Venice. Although some critics believe the play is not anti-Semitic, the present study shows that Shakespeare... more
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      New HistoricismComedyRenaissanceIdeology
"Corruption has become one of the most popular topics in the social scientific disciplines. However, there is a lack of interdisciplinary communication about corruption. Models developed by different academic disciplines are often... more
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      BusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
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      Hong KongInformationTaxInformation Exchange
For many laboratories, flow cytometry is becoming the routine method for quantifying viruses in aquatic systems because of its high reproducibility, high sample throughput, and ability to distinguish several subpopulations of viruses.... more
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The study is an empirical analysis of the skills enhancement and has identified the correlation amongst varied skills acquired during the exchange program for the outgoing as well as incoming students in leading B-Schools of India. Based... more
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      EducationHigher EducationEducational PsychologyManagement Education