F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Recent papers in F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
This presentation covers the F-35 Lightning, examining its capabilities and strategic usages in addition to implications the hardware will have on power dynamics in international system.
The F-35 was originally conceived as a multirole air superiority/ strike aircraft capable of operating in self-contained formations, or alone, into hostile airspace. As its development proceeded, however, it proved extremely difficult to... more
Soğuk Savaş sonrasında ABD'nin yeni nesil savaş uçağı üretmek için yaptığı çalışmaların en önemli aşamalarından birisini Müşterek Taarruz Uçağı (MTU) ya da diğer adıyla F-35 Lightening II Projesi oluşturmaktadır. Beşinci nesil olarak da... more
This article analyzes drivers for Turkey's contraversia involvelment in the F-35 program.