Feminist Science Fiction Studies
Recent papers in Feminist Science Fiction Studies
Presented 2-11-16 @ King's College (PA) (for Socratic Society) In the wake of the popularity of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I endeavor to use the movie to explain some philosophy, and use philosophy to explain and explore some of the... more
Female science fiction writers are about to occupy a significant spot on the genre's author scene in China. At least since August 2016, when Hao Jingfang (*1984) became the first Chinese woman to win the Hugo Award, it is clear that they... more
Comment éviter les pièges de la binarité lorsqu'on est un costumier trans ? Je traverse dans cette recherche les liens entre les textiles et les binarités structurelles (homme/femme, hétérosexuel/homosexuel, sain/malade). Il s'agit en... more
There is a word game being played throughout Helen Phillips’ debut novel, The Beautiful Bureaucrat. The first instance occurs when Joseph Jones, the protagonist’s husband, notices how the sign for a “Diagnostic Laboratory” reads as... more
Media Studies Research Investigation A2: Female representations in fantasy/sci-fi film, focusing on the representations in Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) and The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
La capacidad de la ciencia ficción para convocar las inquietudes colectivas más inconscientes y reprimidas es proporcional a su propia inventiva auto-regeneradora. Interstellar (2014) de Christopher Nolan profundiza algunos temas de la... more
Drawing on feminist theory, this paper uses a feminist lens to analyze the gendered representations and discourses of artificial intelligence in cinema history. In particular, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the... more
Victor Frankenstein fails in his profession because he consistently contravenes three basic tenets of scientific community: observation, repetition, and transparency. Critics of Frankenstein have generally failed to recognize the socially... more
In 1905 the writer, educator and reformist Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain published Sultana's Dream, a fictional short story discussing the dream realm Ladyland, where women built and ruled a utopian society while men lived in seclusion. In... more
Feminist dystopia is not isolated from or even antagonistic to the dystopian tradition at large: The history, development and characteristics of feminist dystopianism draw from feminist theory and social critique but also from the ways in... more
Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy and The Heart Goes Last use genre to explore the risks and opportunities associated with gender’s intersection with technology and culture in 21st century Western society. Atwood’s generic model, the... more
An inquiry into onto-epistemology, this essay investigates the reciprocal production of aesthesis and empiricism, both the seemingly scientific and the perceptual knowledge that signifies otherwise under conditions of imperial Western... more
The horror of the cosmos is essentially a horror of the body.
The origins of science fiction are most often thought to trace to Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, a story born from a night of spooky tale-telling by the fireside that explores scientific, moral, and ethical questions that were of... more
Most Americans would describe Japanese science fiction with one word: Godzilla. However, true fans of the genre know that for decades, Japan has been turning out some of the most innovative stories ever published. Unfortunately, those... more
Książka "Narracje fantastyczne" pod wspólną redakcją Kseni Olkusz i Krzysztofa M. Maja jest piątym tomem serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności”, zbierającym na blisko siedmiuset stronach trzydzieści tekstów naukowych rozpatrujących... more
Capítulo añadido a la segunda edición de La ideología de Star Wars.
Cryonics denotes research into and the practice of deep-freezing dead bodies for resuscitation in a technologically advanced future. This article discusses the technoscientific practice and rationality of cryonics, focusing on two aspects... more
El Lado Oscuro en la saga Star Wars comparte rasgos ideológicos importantes con el horror cósmico lovecraftiano. Resulta relevador a través de temas tan poco evidentes como el amor cortés, base de los mitos contemporáneos sobre el amor.
Nas regiões temperadas e tropicais nas quais parece que os hominídeos evoluíram em seres humanos, a principal comida da espécie eram vegetais. 65 a 80% do que os seres humanos comiam naquelas regiões nos períodos paleolítico, neolítico e... more
Octavia Butler’s 1988 novel, Dawn, and Ursula K. Le Guin’s 1971 novel, The Lathe of Heaven, each present human-alien relationships that disrupt anthropocentric hierarchies by inserting themselves their nonhuman selves into human... more
Relación entre el concepto revolucionario de "fraternidad" y los personajes Rose Tico y Kylo Ren en Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi.
“Anna Bedford’s piece on the MaddAddam series, ‘Survival in the Post-Apocalypse’, argues that Atwood’s contribution to apocalypse literature is her modern ecofeminism, which holds that capitalism (one of the main contributors to the... more
This article explores the ways in which the TV series Westworld blurs gender and genre, creating resonances that deconstruct traditional notions of gender roles. Through a minute analysis of several key scenes in the first season, it... more
Capítulo introductorio a La ideología de Star Wars sobre el funcionamiento de la cultura popular desde principios de teoría de la literatura.
Özet Toplumsal cinsiyet, bireyleri kadın ve erkek olarak ikili kategoriler içinde belirli konumlara yerleştirir ve onları bu şekilde sınırlandırır. Toplumsal cinsiyet örüntüsüyle sarmalanan birey, bu konumdan farklı davranamaz ve... more
Kindly note there are nearly 200 hours of programming going on in parallel for which your registration badge gains you access.
The 1980s in the United States are now understood as years of widespread cultural and ideological fracture. Neoliberalism became the nation's economic mantra, détente was jettisoned in favor of military build-up, and conservative backlash... more
No presente ensaio pretendo colocar em questão a noção de Luce Irigaray da diferença sexual. Procuro investigar a genealogia do pensamento da autora, pensando suas conexões com a filosofia da diferença e com a psicanálise. É um exercício... more
ABSTRACT: This article exercise is a science fiction of sociology literature. It in an attempt to identify and analyses the connections between a literary science fiction and its social context is sociology. Sociologists of literature... more
Abtract: Speculative fiction has always provided a suitable ground for contesting social constructions such as strict gender roles and conventional views on sexuality. In the 1970s especially, with the influence of second wave feminism,... more
This essay will explore the authorial process in order to present my hypothesis concerning what was going on in the mind of Ursula K. LeGuin when she wrote The Left Hand of Darkness. It will suggest that at the moment of writing all... more
The new world -El Dorado, Atlantis, the Gold Coast, Newfoundland, Plymouth Rock, Rapanaui, Utopia, Planet Blue. Chanc'd upon, spied through a glass darkly, drunken stories strapped to a barrel of rum, shipwreck, a Bible Compass, a giant... more
What is particularly interesting, then, in American film star Scarlett Johansson? What does she signify in the context of stardom, gender and idealised whiteness within the science fiction film text? How might her idealised whiteness... more
For many theorists, both feminist and not, the figure of an archetypal, active female warrior hero has been problematic. Many feminists believe it is gender stereotyping to suggest that women are unable to possess the force of the... more
review of Eleonora Federici, Quando la fantascienza è donna: Dalle utopie femminili del secolo XIX all'età contemporanea. Rome, Italy: Carocci editore, 2015. Paperback, 190 pages, € 19.00. ISBN: 9788843077953.
in SFRA 321, 2017
in SFRA 321, 2017