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Finger vein division is a significant issue in the unique mark acknowledgment framework. A finger vein picture must be sectioned to evacuate uninterested areas in different advances, for example, improvement and details identification... more
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      Electronic VotingSupport Vector MachinesFinger Vein
This work is part of the project "Remote Controlled Arm Project", no. LLP-LdV/PAR/2010/RO/023. The project has been funded by European Commission in Lifelong Learning Programme, the action Leonardo da Vinci Partnership.
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      RoboticsDesignElectronicsFinger Vein
Abstrak Pembayaran merupakan salah satu aktivitas penting yang dilakukan dalam proses transaksi. Saat ini, teknologi yang mendukung sistem pembayaran sudah cukup banyak, namun dalam implementasinnya teknologi yang digunakan masih memiliki... more
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      BiometricsFinger Vein
Fingerprint is an impression of friction ridges of the fingers. It has getting better either by enrollment or by the impressions lifted from crime scenes. Latent prints are partial prints, invisible and it had been get from accidental... more
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      Finger VeinFingerprintLatent prints
Unimodal biometric recognition is not able to meet the performance requirements in most cases with its application becomes more and more broadly. Recognition based on multimodal biometrics represents an emerging trend recently. In the... more
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      Image ProcessingBiometricsFinger VeinFingerprint