Fluid Dynamics
Recent papers in Fluid Dynamics
A computer aided design (CAD) tool has been specifically developed for rapid and easy design of solid models for surfboard and sailboard fins. This tool simplifies the lofting of advanced fin cross-sectional foils, in this instance based... more
The present study reports the effect of momentum injection at the inlet on the performance of an S-shaped rectangular diffuser having an aspect ratio of 6 at inlet. A cylinder of diameter 3 cm was placed at the inflexion plane across the... more
In the present work, experimental and numerical studies for the hydrodynamics in a gassolid tapered fluidized bed have been carried out. The experimental results obtained by carrying out experiments in a tapered fluidized bed for glass... more
Integrating geological concepts, such as relative positions and proportions of the different lithofacies, is of highest importance in order to render realistic geological patterns. The truncated plurigaussian simulation method provides a... more
This project is modeled around reducing the overall drag and lift coefficient by modifying the geometry and comprehending the underlying rootphenomenon for the variation in these drag values. The designing of models used in this project... more
Current aircraft engine designs tend towards higher bypass ratio, low-speed fan designs for improved fuel burn, reduced emissions and noise. Alternative propulsion concepts include counter-rotating propfans (CRPs) which have been... more
These design guideline are believed to be as accurate as possible, but are very general and not for specific design cases. They were designed for engineers to do preliminary designs and process specification sheets. The final design must... more
This paper describes the summary of a three-year development program for the first-stage stationary vane and rotating blade for the next generation, 1500°C class, high-efficiency gas turbine. In such a high-temperature gas turbine, the... more
... School of Engineering Springfield, Massachussetts Drag Reduction and Wake Minimization on Marine Vehicles ,,P. ,3 1991 By: , Craig A. Hunter Pasquale Delore Walter M. Presz, Jr. Final Report Office of Naval Research Grant... more
We present a laterally emitting, coupled cavity micro fluidic dye ring laser, suitable for integration into lab-on-a-chip micro systems. The micro-fluidic laser has been successfully designed, fabricated, characterized and modelled. The... more
This paper presents the general purpose framework Peano for the solution of partial differential equations (PDE) on adaptive Cartesian grids. The strict structuredness and inherent multilevel property of these grids allows for very low... more
A new general cell-centered solution procedure based upon the conventional control or finite volume (CV or FV) approach has been developed for numerical heat transfer and fluid flow which encompasses both structured and unstructured... more
Drawing of the hollow all-polymer Bragg fibers based on PMMA/PS and PVDF/PC materials combinations are demonstrated. Hole collapse during drawing effects the uniformity of a photonic crystal reflector in the resultant fiber. We first... more
A 2-D mathematical model (SED-2) was developed simulating the sediment transport in alluvial shallow-wide streams in order to solve practical problems in the Nile River. The Finite Difference technique was used to solve the... more
Analytical expressions correlating the volumetric flow rate to the inlet and outlet pressures are derived for the time-independent flow of Newtonian fluids in cylindrically-shaped elastic tubes using a one-dimensional Navier-Stokes flow... more
A conceptual framework for analysing the energetics of density-stratified Boussinesq fluid flows is discussed. The concept of gravitational available potential energy is used to formulate an energy budget in which the evolution of the... more
This report summarizes research advances pursued with award funding issued by the DOE to Drexel University through the Presidential Early Career Award (PECASE) program. Professor Rich Cairncross was the recipient of this award in 1997.... more
Numerically challenging, comprehensive benchmark cases are of great importance for researchers in the field of CFD. Numerical benchmark cases offer researchers frameworks to quantitatively explore limits of the computational tools and to... more
The decay of vortices in flows of an electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a magnetic field is studied. Two flow configurations are considered: 1) flow in a double array of vortices; 2) flow behind a two-dimensional grid. It is... more
A multi-fidelity global metamodel is presented for uncertainty quantification of computationally expensive simulations. The multi-fidelity approximation is built as the sum of a low-fidelity-trained metamodel and the metamodel of the... more
We carry out an analytical study of laminar circular hydraulic jumps, in generalized-Newtonian fluids obeying the two-parametric power-law model of Ostwald-de Waele. Under the boundary-layer approximation we obtained exact expressions... more
The primary aim of this pilot study was to study uterine artery (UtA) blood flow volume in uneventful human pregnancies delivered at term, at mid and late gestation by means of 3D and bi-dimensional ultrasound imaging with angio-Doppler... more
Liquid sloshing is an oscillatory motion of a free liquid surface that occurs inside partially filled containers. This phenomenon generates forces that can have a significant influence on a vehicle's safety and stability. Several studies... more
As características dos escoamentos que aparecem com frequência na natureza são influenciadas direta-mente pela viscosidade dinâmica do fluido. Tal influência pode ser notada, por exemplo, na distribuição de velocidades na seção de um... more
Low-level light signals that are highly dependent on temperature are very common in measurement applications that employ sensors coupled to optical fibres. In order to amplify and condition the signal, photomultipliers are traditionally... more
title: The Fluid Dynamical Forces Involved in Grass Fire Propagation. We know from previous numerical modeling studies that it is possible, using a combination of a simplified set of fluid dynamical equations, observations, and full-scale... more
Pulsed beams, originating from a high pressure, fast acting valve equipped with a shaped nozzle, can now be generated at high repetition rates and with moderate vacuum pumping speeds. The generated high intensity beams properties are... more
In an effort to corroborate theoretical and experimental techniques used for cold spray particle velocity analysis, two theoretical and one experimental methods were used to analyze the operation of a nozzle accelerating aluminum... more