Georgian Culture
Recent papers in Georgian Culture
ÖZET Misafirperverlik birçok ulus için karakteristiktir ama Doğuda misafirperverlik özel bir kavramdır. Gürcü misafirperverliği Gürcü kültürüne özgü bir kavramdır. Gürcü insanının açık görevidir. Gürcülerin inançları doğrultusunda... more
ÖZ İnsanoğlu kendini ifade etmenin çeşitli yollarını araştırmış ve en etkin güç olarak dili keşfetmiştir. Dil, iletişimin en temel unsurudur. Gürcü Dili çok eski zamanlardan bu yana varlığını korumuş ender dillerden biri olmanın yanı... more
ქართველოლოგი, #27, 2018/ The Kartvelologist, #27, 2018
Ardahan which was named as Artaani according to the ancient sources, had earlier names such as Kacta-Kalaki in the 3rd century BC and Huri in the 11th century AD. Medieval Ardahan located in Tao-Klarjeti region had been under strong... more
This article is an attempt to compare Polish and Georgian language of courtesy illus- trated with the example of greetings. The mentioned formulas are an excellent material for this type of analysis due to the commonness of their usage.... more
Aghche – or as its residents call it, Akhchia – is a village in Iran’s Isfahan province with a population of about 1,000 Georgian speakers in more than 200 households. Georgian travellers have named it in their research and travelogues... more
Образъ каѵказскаго «Вырьяго сада» въ русской изящной словесности
This volume brings together essays from different fields of the humanities and social sciences that offer a fresh look at the complexity of artistic and cultural contacts, transfers, and exchanges between Europe and the Middle East. The... more
This volume brings together essays from different fields of the humanities and social sciences that offer a fresh look at the complexity of artistic and cultural contacts, transfers, and exchanges between Europe and the Middle East. The... more
Small presentation and reconstructed piece of film
English translation.
English translation.
... region no less than five such associations are working, with really active roles in the village. ... are never performed by men (ie cooking, cleaning the home or bringing up children) since, in ... rather poor and deserted collective... more