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This paper examines Haruki Murakami's short story, "Thailand", focusing on the self-healing process of the protagonist.
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      Asian StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiteratureMagical Realism
This paper examines the use of magical realism as a way of social criticism in Haruki Murakami's early short story "The Dancing Dwarf".
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiteratureScience Fiction
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureIntercultural CommunicationJapanese Literature
This paper sought to reveal insights into how Haruki Murakami's After Dark is reflective of the isolation currently being experienced by Japanese society today. The writer analyzed and consolidated the author's writing style and explored... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureHaruki MurakamiIsolation
The career of novelist Haruki Murakami has conventionally been divided into two periods: detachment and commitment. Murakami's transition to commitment, in the sense of a social engagement with a defined political sensibility, is... more
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureHaruki Murakamistudent activism in AsiaJapanese Political Thought
Este libro narra la odisea de un adolescente llamado Kafka Tamura que se escapa de su casa el día en que cumple quince años. A partir de ese momento, este joven solitario inicia un viaje alucinante, repleto de misterios y acontecimientos... more
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      Japanese LiteratureHaruki Murakami
The two postmodern novels "Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" by Haruki Murakami and "Asleep" by Banana Yoshimoto both engage with the concept of 'memory' as a central theme of their respective narratives. Murakami explores... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiterary TheoryModern Japanese Literature
Literary stardom has put great pressures on the authorship of Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami (1949). In the construction of his public persona, several authorial discourses and cultural conventions clash, resulting in an authorial... more
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      Self and IdentityLiteratureCelebrity CultureHaruki Murakami
Chapter 14: Postmodern cities. 5,000 words. This chapter discusses the two principal strands of the postmodern city novel: texts in which the city is presented as a verbal labyrinth, simulacrum, or technoscape (e. g. the fiction of... more
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      PostmodernismHaruki MurakamiPostmodernism (Literature)Doris Lessing
Bất cứ một tác phẩm văn học nào cũng đều được sinh ra, được sáng tạo trong một không gian văn hóa nhất định. Do vậy việc giải mã tác phẩm văn học từ mã văn hóa là một hướng đi cho phép kết hợp các phương pháp liên ngành trong nghiên cứu... more
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    • Haruki Murakami
This thesis paper tackles contemporary themes such as alienation, dreams and self-actualization, and tries to paint a picture of the disillusioned artist in society. In the present capitalist-driven society, the “real” world, also known... more
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      BuddhismMarxismEnlightenmentEastern Philosophy
以下の原稿はある文芸誌への寄稿を念頭に 2009 年にまず英語で書かれ、日本 語に訳出されたが、事情があり、掲載を見合わせられたものを今回、見直した上 末尾に新たな数行を加えて発表するものである。 筆者はすでに同趣旨の学会での口頭発表と他言語での論考発表を行っているが (後注参照) 、その原型的な考えがここに示されている。一言で言えば、この小論 で筆者は、村上春樹の作品に通底する女の語り(フィーメール・ナラティブ)の... more
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      Japanese LiteratureGenderHaruki Murakamiジェンダー
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    • Haruki Murakami
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      Japanese LiteratureLiteratureHaruki Murakami
The case of the vanishing elephantaged and dying, like Japan's traditional culturevanishes in a pragmatic and material society, too coherent and unitary to perceive the vanishing as a "strange" phenomenon. Modern Japan, heavily influenced... more
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      Haruki MurakamiBook ReviewsEast Asian Literature
This paper attempts to focus critically on the idea of parallel worlds in Haruki Murakami's novel 1Q84. Firstly, it reveals the connection between the present world and the parallel world represented as 1984 and 1Q84. Murakami showcases... more
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      Haruki MurakamiNarrativity
[An essay on 'Kafka on the Shore' by Haruki Murakami]
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      Japanese LiteratureHaruki MurakamiContemporary Japanese LiteraturePostmodern Literature
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      Film TheoryHaruki Murakami
This paper attempts to focus critically on the idea of parallel worlds in Haruki Murakami's novel 1Q84. Firstly, it reveals the connection between the present world and the parallel world represented as 1984 and 1Q84. Murakami... more
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      Haruki MurakamiNarrativity
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This paper provides a comparative analysis of Michael Cunningham’s The Snow Queen and Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore. Both novels portray a contemporary society with supernatural events, which causes an estranging effect. This... more
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      Comparative LiteratureHaruki MurakamiThe uncannyLoneliness
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureGreek Tragedy
Thế giới nghệ thuật là kết tinh tư tưởng và sáng tạo của nhà văn, bởi vậy, nghiên cứu một tác phẩm hay hiện tượng văn học, điều quan trọng là đi vào khảo sát, phân tích, đối chiếu, so sánh để làm nổi bật những điểm chồi nghệ thuật - cái... more
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    • Haruki Murakami
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      Japanese LiteratureContemporary FictionContemporary LiteratureJapan
Análise literária da obra “Kafka à beira-mar”, do premiado escritor japonês Haruki Murakami. Através de uma leitura mais aprofundada, é possível a observação de questões que não poderiam ser notadas em uma primeira leitura.... more
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      Japanese LiteratureLiteratureHaruki MurakamiContemporary Japanese Literature
You may use content in the SJEAS back issues only for your personal, non-commercial use. Contents of each article do not represent opinions of SJEAS.
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    • Haruki Murakami
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      World LiteraturesJapanese LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesIdentity (Culture)
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      Haruki MurakamiJapan StudiesMurakami Haruki
​This paper attempts to study space and time relations in Haruki Murakami's novel "Kafka on the shore" (Umibe no Kafuka). Once such a brief study is unable to deeply encompass the possibilities of analyzing this relation, the focus of... more
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    • Haruki Murakami
In this paper, I extend Malonfalean’s close reading by focusing on how Boku and Watashi struggle against the entropy around them brought about by hyper-reality. I highlight this struggle in two ways, both of which will explain how Boku... more
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      HyperrealityHaruki MurakamiGenji MonogatariHeian Literature
This is to certify that the project work titled Magical Realism: A Study of Murakami's Kafka on the Shore is a record of research work carried out by Mr. S.PRAVEEN KUMAR (18PGE29) in the Research Department of English, The American... more
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      Japanese LiteratureSurrealismMagical RealismHaruki Murakami
Sevgi  ve  bir o  kadar  da  qariplik  ve  Japonya  tahiri  içeren roman
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      Haruki MurakamiRomanJaponyaAşk
This paper explores queerness within the magical realism genre and attempts to consolidate this with queer theory to form a resistance to gender and sexual essentialism.
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryMagical RealismQueer Theory (Literature)
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      LiteratureLeadershipCritical Management StudiesOrganization Studies
A diferencia de los grandes nombres de la posguerra japonesa, que como Kenzaburō Oe se empeñaban en redefinir Japón tras el durísimo trauma histórico que supuso el año 1945, Murakami pertenece a una generación que ya no tiene en tan alta... more
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      Quantum PhysicsLiterature And ScienceHaruki MurakamiQuantum entanglement
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    • Haruki Murakami
This paper aims at finding out the existential crisis and alienation of human beings in the modern world through a study of Haruki Murakami"s short story "Men Without Women". Philosophy of Existentialism and Alienation from Heidegger and... more
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      Existential PsychologyHaruki MurakamiSartre's existentialism
This paper is focused on the Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami and it attempts to delve into how Murakami uses magical realism in order to indcate trauma, as well as suggesting how it may be healed.
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      Japanese LiteraturePostmodernismMagical RealismJapanese Literature and Culture
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      Haruki Murakami1984