Hegemonic Stability Theory
Recent papers in Hegemonic Stability Theory
O presente trabalho objetiva testar as recentes afirmações que indicam a queda da posição hegemônica norteamericana no século XXI. Para tanto, será feita uma breve revisão bibliográfica acerca do conceito de hegemonia, fase que será... more
La infancia, la comunicación y la educación han sido protagonistas en las agendas de la política pública durante las dos últimas décadas en la mayoría de países del mundo. También han sido objetos de estudio centrales en disciplinas como... more
The deferred effort in trying to understand international relations is something that has taken place centuries ago. The use of theories that – through the use of certain methodologies previously defined – would have meant making reality... more
Scholars of international political economy in the 1970s explored the relationship among a dominant power, leadership, and openness. The discussion soon centered on the concept of hegemony, meaning a situation in which a single state... more
Almost four decades have passed since the Argentina-Brazil balance of power gave way to a Brazilian uncontested primacy in the Southern Cone. The peaceful and cooperative nature of this regional power transition poses an interesting... more
Negli ultimi anni la questione delle teorie di Tucidide e della sua Trappola hanno riempito il dibattito accademico nelle relazioni internazionali, collegandola alla questione della teoria dell’Egemonia.Il ruolo della teoria Tucididea... more
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
This article explores the possibility of conceiving South America and Southern Africa as subsystemic unipolarities under Brazilian and South African primacy, respectively. It argues that this concept, when applied to these regions, sheds... more
This paper is about the limited and decreasing role of Hegemonic Stability Theory in today's global political economy.
This introduction frames the contributions that follow in a reflection on how the Japanese experience has been assimilated in US debates on economic policy, on the larger historical significance of the current slowdown of all advanced... more
This essay will assess the relevance of hegemonic stability theory (HST) in analysing today’s global political economy. The supposed decline of the United State’s economic and political hegemony towards the end of the 20th century has... more
This Turkish article deals with the analysis of the current Turkish Foreign Policy towards the Middle Eastern countries, such as Israel, Syria, Iran and Iraq within the theory of Hegemonic Stability. According to this approach, a... more
What follows is an exploratory piece making connections between different usages of hegemony and seeking answers to the following questions: First, how is hegemony used in the literature? Second, how is Gramscian hegemony reflected in the... more
Existing theories predict that the rise of China will trigger a hegemonic transition and the current debate centers on whether or not the transition will be violent or peaceful. This debate largely sidesteps two questions that are central... more
Somewhere in between unipolar and imperial orders, hegemonies divide the continuum from anarchy to hierarchy in world politics, connoting interstate systems of the highest concentration of authority. However, depending on the author,... more
Thucydides’ History remains the basis for numerous claims within International Relations Theory, contributing to defining concepts from the security dilemma to the dynamics of bi-polarity and hegemonic transition theory. But the... more
This article analyses China's strategic intentions and how these may ultimately project its violent or peaceful hegemonic rise. It maintains that, although it is difficult to define accurately China's future hegemonic role and general... more
ABSTRACT The Squandering of American Hegemony is an exploratory piece making connections between different usages of hegemony and seeking answers to the following questions: First, how is hegemony used in the literature? Second, how... more
本文利用霸權穩定理論,檢證與比較中美兩國外援對跨國直接投資的影響。研究方法為結構方程式,研究對象為2000─2013年145個開發中國家與轉型國家。實證結果顯示:中美兩國外援都可充當國際投資公共財──降低跨國直接投資政治風險,且雙方都在搭對方的便車。... more
Breve definición del COMECON: COMECON: se constituyó como una organización internacional de cooperación económica que se forjó al alero de la Unión Soviética, después de que ésta lograse posicionarse como una potencia regional, económica,... more
This chapter traces the changing role that the concept of ‘hegemony’ has played in international legal thought. It begins by establishing the original meaning of the term in Ancient Greece and follows its deployment in the Russian... more
ABSTRACT This was my second shot at this subject. Unfortunately, Because of passport problems I could not go to Montreal to present. A shame. “Towards a Grand Unified Theory of Hegemony” forms the middle and largely theoretical... more
The American science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov (1919-1992) formed one of my main inspirations, with his introduction of the future-predicting scientific discipline of 'psychohistory'. This gave me the idea of doing the same for a... more
This paper examines the utility of the hegemonic stability theory in understanding regional power dynamics within Africa. The study operationalizes the concept of regional hegemony by drawing insights from a comparative foreign policy... more
In this article, I deconstruct the concept of legitimacy (notably in the form elaborated by Max Weber) by emphasising its conceptual complicity with the notion of sovereignty. Through an analysis of Derrida's critique of Austin's theory... more
This is an award winning essay arguing that China cannot accede to global hegemony.
In this article, I engage with Derrida’s deconstructive reading of theories of performativity in order to analyse Max Weber’s sovereignty/legitimacy paradigm. First, I highlight an essential articulation between legitimacy and sovereign... more
In the discipline of international relations, debate over the relative advantages and disadvantages of different configurations of international order has been a long and historical tradition, especially during the past 100 years, in... more
Somewhere in between unipolar and imperial orders, hegemonies divide the continuum from anarchy to hierarchy in world politics, connoting interstate systems of the highest concentration of authority. However, depending on the author,... more
Northeast Asia has traditionally been a region rife with historical and political conflicts that display characteristics that seem to follow a path of development different from other regions. As one goes through the massive inventory of... more
The free and open multilateral trade order – an important public good provided through the World Trade Organization (WTO) – is in increasing peril. This dissertation makes evident the crisis in the WTO is primarily due to the decline of... more
a la fecha, es a través del desenlace de alguna o algunas de las situaciones de mayor magnitud que estén relacionados con las potencias emergentes que pretenden establecerse como hegemónicas en alianza, de acuerdo a lo acordado en Davos... more
Through bailout packages and policies that aim to align the economies of debtor states with that of their creditors, ordoliberalism has become the primary structure of European integration in recent years. By virtue of its effect upon,... more
Brief Description The book was originally conceived of shortly after the 2016 election and consists of three principal parts: 'Hegemony and It's Disavowal,' which considers the actions of the current administration; 'Hegemony and It's... more
Peace negotiations with Afghanistan's Taliban are under way, but the majority of Afghans were either born after NATO arrived in 2001 or came of age - they are modern global citizens who are not keen to return to the days of Taliban rule.... more
RESUMO: Este trabalho tem por objetivo refletir uma possível disputa hegemônica entre Estados Unidos e China. Tendo por base os aportes da corrente do "capitalismo histórico", parte-se do pressuposto de que a ascensão material da China... more
Paper Starting Finance La Trappola di Tucidide e la sua influenza nello scontro Cina-USA Quella fra USA e Cina è solo una tregua, per permettere alle due superpotenze di riprendere fiato. Infatti, la Cina difficilmente sarà disposta ad... more
Το παρόν άρθρο προσεγγίζει τις σινο-αμερικανικές σχέσεις μετά την ανάληψη της αμερικανικής Προεδρίας από τον Joe Biden, υπό το πρίσμα της θεωρίας ηγεμονικής σταθερότητας.
There is no doubt that Russia’s aggression is worthy of a response, but in doing so the US must take into account the strategic realities of the international system.
Klare’s analysis is timely, well written, and intriguing considering its central thesis that the world’s reliance on fossil fuels will eventually lead to increased geopolitical tensions. While other books may offer a more thorough... more
Although few disagree that advancements in technology and the establishment of trade-conducive transnational institutions play an important role in augmenting the potential for trade globalization, there is more disagreement surrounding... more