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      Computer ScienceFraud Detection And PreventionWeb DevelopmentHidden Markov Models
Abstract. One hundred years removed from AA Markov's development of his chains, we take stock of the field he generated and the mathematical impression he left. As a tribute to Markov, we present what we consider to be the five... more
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      Information TheoryPerformance EvaluationHidden Markov ModelsPagerank
An offline cursive handwriting recognition system, based on hybrid of Neural Networks (NN) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM), is described in this paper. Applying SegRec principle, the recognizer does not make hard decision at the character... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNeural NetworksNeural Network
This paper aims to build a Bangla speech sentence recognition system by Hidden Markov Model (HMM). This system includes two phases; such as, a feature extraction phase to generate speech features from the Bangla speech sentence and a... more
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      Speech RecognitionHidden Markov Models
In recent years, there are many great successes in using deep architectures for unsupervised feature learning from data, especially for images and speech. In this paper, we introduce recent advanced deep learning models to classify two... more
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      Support Vector MachinesAffective ComputingEntropyImage
In this paper, we formulate a coupled factorial hidden Markov model-based framework to diagnose dependent faults occurring over time. In our previous research [1][2], the problem of diagnosing dynamic multiple faults (DMFD) is solved by... more
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      MathematicsIterative MethodsMarkov ProcessesGaussian processes
Recognizing human action from image sequences is an active area of research in computer vision. In this paper, we present a novel method for human action recognition from image sequences in different viewing angles that uses the Cartesian... more
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      Computer VisionPrincipal Component AnalysisGesture RecognitionProceedings
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      Information SystemsUser ModelingMachine LearningMethodology
We present two real-time hidden Markov model-based systems for recognizing sentence-level continuous American Sign Language (ASL) using a single camera to track the user's unadorned hands. The first system observes the user from a desk... more
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionSign LanguagePattern Recognition
—Face recognition has become an important subject in modern life, especially in security and surveillance applications. This work introduces a face recognition method, which is characterized by high-speed, low-complexity, and... more
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      Face Recognition (Engineering)Hidden Markov ModelsMedian FilterDiscrete wavelet transform
In this paper, we present a mismatch-aware stochastic matching (MASM) algorithm to alleviate the performance degradation under mismatched training and testing conditions. MASM first computes a reliability measure of applying a set of... more
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      Automatic Speech RecognitionSpeech RecognitionStochastic processesHidden Markov Models
In order to automatically provide the most appropriate learning objects to e-learners, a special interest should be given to the process of building the learners' models. First, we need to identify which relevant information to include in... more
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      DemographyWeb MiningE Learning Management SystemLearning Style
This paper focuses on microphone arrays to realize distant-talking speech recognition in real environments. In distant-talking situations, users can speak at arbitrary positions while moving. Therefore, it is very important for high... more
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      EngineeringNeural NetworksSpeech RecognitionHidden Markov Models
In Natural Language Processing (NLP), Word segmentation and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging are fundamental tasks. The POS information is also necessary in NLP's preprocessing work applications such as machine translation (MT), information... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsHidden Markov ModelsMorphological Analysis
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      EngineeringHarmonic AnalysisSpeaker RecognitionSpeech Processing
The main steps of document processing have been reviewed, especially those implemented on Arabic writing. The techniques used in this research, such as Vector Quantization (VQ), Hidden Markov Models (HMM), and Induction of Decision Trees... more
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      Pattern RecognitionWritingAutomatic Speech RecognitionNeural Networks
This paper will discuss the application of Markov chains in DNA sequencing. Specifically, we will look into the discrete and continuous stochastic process properties that appear in the discrete state space of various nucleotide base... more
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      Markov ProcessesDna SequencingHidden Markov Models
This paper presents the design of a FPGA-based hardware co-processor, based on the SPHINX 3 speech recognition engine from CMU; capable of performing Acoustic Modeling (AM) for medium sized vocabularies in real-time. By creating an... more
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      Computer ScienceSpeech RecognitionField-Programmable Gate ArraysAdvanced Placement
Diagnosis classifies the present state of operation of the equipment, and prognosis predicts the next state of operation and its remaining useful life. In this paper, a prognosis method for the gear faults in dc machines is presented. The... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingData MiningPattern Recognition
As amounts of publicly available video data grow, the need to automatically infer semantics from raw video data becomes significant. In this paper, we address the use of three different techniques that support that task, namely,... more
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      Hidden Markov ModelsDynamic Bayesian NetworksDATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMhidden Markov model
The ability to predict episodes of acute hypotension (abnormal drop in arterial blood pressure) would be of immense benefit to the healthcare community, and is therefore a focus of research in both medical and engineering domains. This... more
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      PhysiologyBiomedical EngineeringSpeech AcousticsSignal Analysis
In this work, we provide a variational Bayesian (VB) treatment of multistream fused hidden Markov models (MFHMMs), and we apply it in the context of active learning-based visual workflow recognition. Contrary to training methods yielding... more
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      Activity RecognitionHidden Markov Models
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionWritingHealthcare
The basic theory of Markov chains has been known to mathematicians and engineers for close to 80 years, but it is only in the past decade that it has been applied explicitly to problems in speech processing. One of the major reasons why... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSpeech Recognition
Online auction, shopping, electronic billing etc. all such types of application involves problems of fraudulent transactions. Online fraud occurrence and its detection is one of the challenging fields for web development and online... more
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      Computer ScienceFraud Detection And PreventionWeb DevelopmentHidden Markov Models
The subspace Gaussian mixture model (SGMM) has been exploited for cross-lingual speech recognition. The general motivation is that the subspace parameters can be estimated on multiple source languages and then transferred to the target... more
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      AcousticsSpeech RecognitionGaussian processesHidden Markov Models
— Nowadays, the usage of e-commerce is growing day by day, so online users are also rising. Every user spends their most of the time on e-commerce websites and their behavior is different from one another. E-commerce has become very... more
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      Hidden Markov ModelsClusteringhidden Markov modelEngineering and Computer Science
One of the research goals in the human-computer interaction community is to build believable Embodied Conversational Agents, that is, agents able to communicate complex information with human-like expressiveness and naturalness. Since... more
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      Human Computer InteractionFacial expressionHidden Markov Modelshidden Markov model
Hidden Markov models have been applied in many different fields, including econometrics and finance. However, the lion's share of the investigated models concerns Markovian mixtures of Gaussian distributions. We present an extension to... more
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    • Hidden Markov Models
Abstract. In RoboCup Middle Size league (MSL) the main referee uses assisting technology, controlled by a second referee, to support him, in particular for conveying referee decisions for robot players with the help of a wireless... more
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      Computer VisionSign LanguageMachine LearningSign Languages
Bayesian spiking neurons (BSNs) provide a probablisitic and intuitive interpretation of how spiking neurons could work and have been shown to be equivalent to leaky integrate-and-fire neurons under certain conditions . The study of BSNs... more
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      System IdentificationMachine LearningComputational NeuroscienceHidden Markov Models
This paper describes a new identity authentication technique by a synergetic use of lip-motion and speech. The lip-motion is defined as the distribution of apparent velocities in the movement of brightness patterns in an image and is... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage ProcessingSignal ProcessingSpeaker Recognition
Verbmobil, a German research project, aims at machine translation of spontaneous speech input. The ultimate goal is the development of a portable machine translator that will allow people to negotiate in their native language. Within this... more
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      Computational LinguisticsMachine TranslationSchedulingLocalization
Cel pracy: 1) zbadanie wpływu różnorodnych czynników na skuteczność i szybkość rozpoznawania izolowanych słów mowy polskiej; 2) opracowanie efektywnej metody rozpoznawania izolowanych słów polskich. Zbadano wpływ częstotliwości... more
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      PhoneticsPattern RecognitionDigital Signal ProcessingAutomatic Speech Recognition
The battery management system (BMS) is an integral part of an automobile. It protects the battery from damage, predicts battery life, and maintains the battery in an operational condition. The BMS performs these tasks by integrating one... more
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      EngineeringSystem IdentificationSupport Vector MachinesParameter estimation
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      Hidden Markov ModelsFeature ExtractionMutual InformationMel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient
This paper describes an effect of articulatory dynamic parameters (Δ and ΔΔ) on neural network based automatic speech recognition(ASR). Articulatory features (AFs) or distinctive phonetic features (DPFs)-based system shows its superiority... more
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      Machine LearningHidden Markov ModelsLocal Features
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    • Hidden Markov Models
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      Signal ProcessingStatistical AnalysisMarkov ProcessesSpeech Recognition
A crucial part of a speech recognizer is the acoustic feature extraction, especially when the application is intended to be used in noisy environment. In this paper we investigate several novel front-end techniques and compare them to... more
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      Speech RecognitionDatabasesSpeech TechnologyMFCC
We propose a novel multi-stream framework for continuous conversational speech recognition which employs bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) networks for phoneme prediction. The BLSTM architecture allows recurrent neural nets to... more
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      Computer ArchitectureSpeech AcousticsSpeech RecognitionSpeech
Usage monitoring entails determining the actual usage of a component on the aircraft and requires accurate recognition of regimes. In this paper, a data mining approach is adopted for regime recognition. In particular, a regime... more
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      Data MiningNeural NetworksHidden Markov Modelshidden Markov model
livre reconnaisance et apprentissage des formes et du son : b preface, shrikanth narayanan and abeer alwan (editors). /bb foreword:modification of speech: tribute to mike macon, jan van santen. ... Sommaire. Preface, Shrikanth Narayanan... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingSpeech SynthesisSpeech Processing
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      AcousticsComputer VisionOptical ImagingBehavioural Sciences
Traffic congestion is an important socioeconomic problem that swelled in the last few decades. It affects the social mobility of people, length of trips, quality of life, and the economy of countries. As a major problem in most countries,... more
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      Traffic SimulationHidden Markov Models
Americans are living longer, and research shows that seniors are embracing independence, and will benefit from living in the same place. These are the rationale for 'Aging in Place' and the development of Tiger Place, an... more
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      GeriatricsBiomedical EngineeringFuzzy LogicFocus Groups
Modeling network traffic is an endeavor actively carried on since early digital communications, supporting a number of practical applications, that range from network planning and provisioning to security. Accordingly, many theoretical... more
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      Machine LearningNETWORK PREDICTIONMobile appsMarkov chains
The autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model is extensively used in the fields of economics and finance for forecasting stock prices. Using vast amounts of historical data, it is used in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)... more
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      Hidden Markov ModelsSupport Vector RegressionFirefly AlgorithmTime Series Analysis and Forecasting
Current advances in technology allow for the efficient capturing and storage of high resolution and high frequency person movement data. The advent of wi-fi position triangulation has allowed us to capture human movement with a great deal... more
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      Machine LearningHidden Markov ModelsHausdorff DistanceGlobal Retail Analytics