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VI Coloquio de la Red Europea de Investigaciones sobre Centroamérica (RedISCA) “Mas allá del estrecho dudoso – intercambios y miradas sobre Centroamérica” Universidad de Barcelona Resumen de la conferencia titulada: Coordinadas de lo... more
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      Mexican StudiesCentral America and MexicoDocumentary PhotographyPhotography (Visual Studies)
Статья посвящена изучению представлений испанских колонистов конца XVI в. о политической организации майя-юкатеков позднего постклассического периода. Автор, рассматривая “Историко-географические сообщения из Юкатана”, уделяет внимание... more
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      Maya HistoryPolitical GeographyHistory of YucatanPostclassic Maya
Esta conferencia fue impartida en el marco del Seminario "Inmigraciones a Yucatán. Siglo XIX y XX", del 14 al 18 de mayo de 2018, en el Auditorio "José Díaz Bolio".
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      International MigrationMigration StudiesTransnational migrationMigration (Anthropology)
historia de la Iglesia Católica en Yucatán y sus relaciones con el Estado durante el Porfiriato.
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      History of YucatanMexican HistoryCatholic Church History
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryHistory of SlaveryHistory of YucatanColonial Latin American History
The site of Ek Balam has produced a corpus of amazing hieroglyphic inscriptions dating to the crucial Late-to-Terminal Classic transition which have provided numerous crucial insights into this important period in the ancient Maya... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentEpigraphy (Archaeology)Ancient HistoriographyClassic Maya (Archaeology)
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      IconographyArchitectureMesoamerican ArchaeologyBody Modification Studies
Capítulo en el volumen
México al tiempo de su guerra con Estados Unidos, coordinado por Josefina Z. Vazquez, Fondo de Cultura Económica, El Colegio de México, Secretaría de Relaciones exteriores, pp. 578-615
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      Mexican StudiesMexican-American WarHistory of Yucatan
contiene mi articulo EL ORIGEN HISPANOÁRABE DE LA NORIA DE TIRO EN YUCATÁN, EL CASO DE MAMA en Tecnohistoria Objetos y artefactos de piedra caliza, madera y otros materiales donde se describe históricamente la influencia directa de... more
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      History of YucatanHistoria de la ArquitecturaYucatan PeninsulaMayas Yucatecos
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      History of YucatanGuerra de Castas de Yucatán
Historia de la Iglesia Católica en Yucatán durante el período revolucionario y posrevolucionario.
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      Church HistoryHistory of YucatanMexican History
The article offers an overview of the African population and their castes in Mérida, first to dismantle the popularized idea that the Yucatecan and Meridan identity is the result of miscegenation between Spaniards and Maya, which means... more
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    • History of Yucatan
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      Maya ArchaeologyRitual violence (Archaeology)Ritual TheoryArchaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)
El desarrollo de la Escuela Racionalista de José de la Luz Mena y Alcocer en Yucatán a principios del S. XX estuvo determinada por las normas sociales y políticas de su contexto. Aunque se trató de una propuesta libertaria en la... more
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      YucatanHistory of YucatanYucatánColonial Yucatan
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex, the only one discovered in the twentieth century, was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a 20-page,... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Textos de Adriana Rocher, Alicia Conteras, Marlenne Falla Carrillo,  Mickael Augeron, Jorge Victoria Ojeda, Emiliano Canto Mayén, Yazmín Lizárraga Pérez, Carlos Álcala Ferráez y Thomas Calvo.
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    • History of Yucatan
Estudio sobre las élites económicas y políticas en el estado mexicano de Yucatán desde el siglo XIX y XX. A partir del Porifiriato hasta llegar a medidados del siglo XX. Muestra las complejas estrategias de las élites regionales para... more
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      YucatanHistory of YucatanPorfiriatoMexican History
This paper reviews the Macanxoc stelae of Coba and argues that these monuments reveal the reign of arguably one of the most powerful female rulers of the Precolumbian western hemisphere. The details of her reign and the cultural... more
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      ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyMaya EpigraphyGender and identity (Archaeology)
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      History of ElitesHistory of YucatanColonial Latin American HistoryElites
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      Historical ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyBlack/African DiasporaHistory of Yucatan
En el presente ensayo se describirá la obra de fray Diego de Landa, por medio de la bibliografía consultada en la biblioteca del campus de ciencias sociales y un libro propio de segunda edición a cargo de la editorial dante. Donde se dará... more
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      EtnohistoriaHistory of YucatanEvangelizationFray Diego De Landa
La llegada de las Hermanas de la Caridad a la capital yucateca contribuyó a subsanar algunos de los problemas sociales generados por el deficiente sistema benéfico meridano. Una de las pocas instituciones sobrevivientes de la época... more
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      History of YucatanMéxicoHospitalYucatán
Abstract: The present work will analyze the social, economic and political situation of the Maya in the colonial peninsular development and later in the construction independent from Yucatan up to the snap of the War of Castes (1847). The... more
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      Cuban StudiesCuban HistoryHistory of YucatanYucatec Maya
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      Ancient Maya KnowledgeMaya HistoryHistory of YucatanYucatec Maya
Un conjunto de factores, tanto internos como externos, tuvieron una incidencia importante en la vida de la provincia de Yucatán durante el siglo xviii. Desde cambios dinásticos y guerras coloniales relacionadas con el equilibrio político... more
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      Disaster StudiesMexico HistoryRisk and VulnerabilityYucatan
The April 21, 1971 New York Times article by George Gent covering the opening of the Grolier Club exhibition, "Ancient Mayan Calligraphy" with interview quotes by Yale anthropologist Michael D. Coe. The article focuses on the significant... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionCultural History
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      History of Colonial MexicoHistory of YucatanNatural hazards and disasters, especially vulnerability analysisHistory of Disasters
During the first half of the last century, studies of Maya skeletal remains gave emphasis mainly to head shaping and dental decoration, while little or no attention was bestowed to the ancient Maya's skeletal biology and bioarchaeology.... more
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      BioarchaeologySkeletal BiologyMaya ArchaeologyHistory of Yucatan
bens: Relações entre clientes e importadores em Antioquia na segunda metade do século XIX Traducciones Ivonne Suárez Pinzón. Las tribus indígenas Guarano-Guaymies del itsmo de Panamá y de Centro América. Por A.L. Pinart. Transcripciones... more
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      Women's travel narrativesHistory of Gender and Women in MexicoTravel LiteratureDiarios de Viajes
Revue d'archéologie préhispanique et coloniale
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesArchaeologyLatin American and Caribbean History
ABSTRACT In this article I propose to analyse the history of Yucatec Maya people from a biopolitical perspective. I study two periods of great importance in Mayan history: first, during the colonial period, the politics of population... more
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      Cuban StudiesBiopoliticsCuban HistoryHistory of Yucatan
The December 13, 1977 New York Times article by Laurie Johnson giving a brief history on the whereabouts of the Grolier Codex since its exhibition at the Grolier Club in New York City in 1971. This article has been posted on... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory
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      History of YucatanYucatec MayaYucatan PeninsulaMayas Yucatecos
Un libro de huellas catalanas en la Península de Yucatán.
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      Migration StudiesHistory of YucatanCataluñaHistoria Contemporánea
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      Funeral PracticesMaya ArchaeologyHistory of YucatanHuman Taphonomy
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      Human sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ritual and Magic
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      History of Colonial MexicoHistory of Yucatan
Estudio sobre la Iglesia católica durante los años de la Revolución Mexicana en el estado de Yucatán.
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      YucatanHistory of YucatanMexican Revolutionhistoria de la Iglesia
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya HistoryMaya Epigraphy
This study compares two cemetery series together with their civil records from the city of Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico which spotlight changes in lifestyle, life expectancy and health during the 20th century. To this end, we scored health... more
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      Human EcologyNutrition and DieteticsBioarchaeologyDiabetes
From the last quarter of the 16th century to the end of the 18th century, some Englishmen (such as merchants, sailors, adventurers, scholars, courtiers, military men, government officers and members of parliament) regarded the mainland of... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsLatin American and Caribbean HistoryAtlantic World
Este libro trata sobre un episodio de política internacional que involucró a la península de Yucatán. A mediados del siglo XVIII, ya en plena decadencia, el imperio español se esfuerza en mantener el control comercial de los productos... more
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      HistoryHistory of YucatanHistoriaCaribbean
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      German StudiesMigration StudiesMexicoHistory of Yucatan
Popola was a small village in north-central Yucatan. The site has evidence of occupation from the Middle Preclassic through the Postclassic, with a demographic peak in the Late and Terminal Classic periods. Popola's population peak occurs... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyHistory of Yucatan
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyDental ResearchAfrican Diaspora Studies
Idolorum cultores: une vue d'ensemble de la Blasphème et des Crimes contre la religion dans le Yucatan pendant la Colonie Idolorum cultores: An Overview on Blasphemy and Crimes against Religion in Colonial Yucatan Idolorum cultores:... more
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      History of YucatanYucatec MayaYucatan PeninsulaYucatán
Este artículo analiza la historia de la empresa alemana Siemens & Halske, en Mérida, Yucatán, preguntando en qué medida las expectativas construidas en torno a la idea porfirista del “progreso” fueron o no alcanzadas. De acuerdo con el... more
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      UrbanizationMultinational CorporationsHistory of YucatanElectrification
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      Fiscal HistoryYucatanHistory of YucatanHacienda henequenera
This course combines traditional classroom learning, community based service learning, and on-site international field experience in the Maya world of Yucatán. Specifically, this field study abroad course provides students with direct... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementCultural Heritage