History of calculus
Recent papers in History of calculus
In 1930, the engineer Theodoro Ramos published a book on vector calculus through the French publisher Albert Blanchard. The context of is publication, the publishing house where it was printed, the market for books of this kind in France,... more
The most important concept in mathematics is the concept of number, and yet no one after Euclid or before me realised how a number is perfectly derived from nothing using only one's brain of course. In this mind-blowing article, I... more
The phrase “calculus was made rigorous...” or its equivalent has appeared in thousands of textbooks and has been repeated ad nauseam by thousands, if not millions of academics and their sycophant followers and students alike. Today, it is... more
Resumen - abstract de la tesis doctoral defendida en 1996 en la Universidad de Valladolid (España) y dirigida por el Prof. D. Javier de Lorenzo
Calculus is (usually) a weird experience.
LOGARITHM (Arithmetic) d'Alembert LOGARITHM. Number in an arithmetic progression, which corresponds to another number in a geometric progression. To understand the nature of logarithms in a suitably clear and distinct manner, let us take... more
FORM OF THE EARTH. This important question has raised such a clamor in recent times, learned men – above all in France – have so occupied themselves with it, that we believe we must make it the subject of a specific article, without... more
This paper will investigate the general class theory of polycalculii, and theory originally developed and introduced on the Quora platform as a kind of philosophy of logic and mathematics. The ostensible goal at minima will be to... more
The purpose of this article is to prove to any academic who is willing to listen with an open, unbiased mind, that mainstream calculus was never rigorous and still is not rigorous. Why is this so important to understand you may ask. Well,... more
Vague clues about some dotty aspects of calculus.
A comienzos del siglo XVIII se origina una polémica en la Academia de Ciencias de París a propósito de la fundamentación del cálculo initesimal. Con motivo de la misma Leibniz presentará los infinitesimales como ficciones útiles...... more
A finales del siglo XVII existe un intercambio de cartas entre Leibniz y Johann Bernoulli en el que tratan la posible existencia de una referencia para los infinitesimales. Ambos tratan de justificar el cálculo desde posiciones... more
Obwohl sich Leibniz während seines Aufenthalts in Mainz (1667-1672) in seinen Studien zur Bewegungslehre mit der Indivisibilientheorie Cavalieris auseinandergesetzt hat, waren bisher keine infinitesimalmathematischen Schriften von ihm aus... more
Leibniz an der Schwelle zur Infinitesimalmathematik Obwohl sich Leibniz während seines Aufenthalts in Mainz (1667-1672) in seinen Studien zur Bewegungslehre mit der Indivisibilientheorie Cavalieris auseinandergesetzt hat, 1 waren bisher... more
Leibniz an der Schwelle zur Infinitesimalmathematik Obwohl sich Leibniz während seines Aufenthalts in Mainz (1667-1672) in seinen Studien zur Bewegungslehre mit der Indivisibilientheorie Cavalieris auseinandergesetzt hat, 1 waren bisher... more