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Reseña del libro de Graziella Altamirano Cozzi, Pedro Lascurain, un hombre en la encrucijada de la revolución, Col. Historia urbana y regional, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, 2013.
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisHistory of foreign policyMexican foreign policy
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsGerman History
"Не знаю, гость я или пленник..."
Рауль Валленберг

Заметки о реабилитации Рауля Густава Валленберга
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      Russian LiteratureCold WarPost-Soviet StudiesHolocaust Studies
This dissertation will consider the enduring place of Rome in French foreign policy towards end of the ancien régime through an examination of the Conclave of 1774-75. It will establish the role the Papacy played in the religious affairs... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of foreign policy
Publicado en Juan Pablo Fusi y Genoveva García (eds.), Cartas al Rey. La mediación humanitaria de Alfonso XIII en la Gran Guerra, Madrid, Patrimonio Nacional/Santander Fundación, 2018, pp. 97-115. "la guerra (…) ha hecho vibrar las fibras... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPublic OpinionSpanish HistoryPolitical History
L'article constitue une première tentative de théoriser l'impérialisme informel allemand et austro-hongrois tel qu'il a pu exister en Chine entre 1895 et 1918 (hormis le territoire de Kiautschou, qui a été déjà très étudié), afin de lever... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryAsian StudiesGerman Studies
Nowadays, many scholarly messages are posted on Chinese microblogs and more and more researchers tend to find scholarly information on microblogs. In order to exploit microblogging to benefit scientific research, we propose a scholarly... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisHistory of foreign policy
Встреча советской и финляндской делегаций в местечке Раяйоки, проходившая с 12 по 24 апреля 1920 года, стала первой попыткой урегулирования отношений между двумя странами с августа 1918 года. Несмотря на то, что апрельские переговоры о... more
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesHistory of foreign policyHistory of FinlandFinland (History), Finnish-Soviet Relations
Este ensaio visa apresentar as ideias de Lord Acton sobre nacionalismo, inserindo-o no contexto da produção de seu ensaio Nationality de 1862. A turbulenta década de 1860 forneceu elementos para a formação das ideias de Acton, bem como a... more
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      Nationalism And State Building19th Century (History)History of foreign policyBrasil Império
The Nixon Administration, Bonn's "Great Coalition", and German political elections of 1969
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      German HistoryThe 1970s and 1980s (U.S. history)History of International Relations20th Century German History
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      PoetryPoeticsVictorian LiteratureItalian Literature