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    • IT Risk Management
Group Assignment 1 Session 4
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    • IT Risk Management
ISO/IEC 27019 elektrik enerjisi, elektrik, gaz, yağ ve ısı üretimini, iletimini, depolanmasını ve dağıtımını kontrol etmek ve izlemek amaçlarıyla ve ilgili destek süreçlerinin kontrolü için, enerji tedarik kuruluşlarında kullanılan proses... more
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      IT GovernanceBilgi GüvenliğiISO/IEC 27001Scada Security
The risks associated with the functioning of information are becoming more common and have a variety of different forms. The risk connected with a wide application of information technologies in business is increasing with increasing... more
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      IT RisksIT Risk Management
In 2009, ISACA launched a first information risk repository: Risk IT. Risk IT relies on COBIT 4, the IT governance framework that, according to ISACA, provides the missing link between traditional business risk management and information... more
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      Information SecurityRisk ManagementComputer SecurityIT Governance
CRAAS provides the system needed to perform a Cybersecurity architecture technical and procedure risk assessment analysis. In essence, CRAAS is a foundational Holistic Cybersecurity Architecture development system. CRAAS enables someone... more
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      Information SecurityRisk assessmentCyber SecurityCSF
Rumah Sakit Umum Haji adalah institusi sarana pelayanan kesehatan milik Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur yang tidak tidak hanya berfungsi sosial, tetapi telah berkembang menjadi unit pelayanan kesehatan yang harus bisa mengoptimalkan... more
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      Iso 31000ISO/IEC 27001IT Risk Management
This paper seeks to tackle the current confusion about the constituent dimensions of IT Governance (ITG) and inconsistent operationalisation approaches inhibiting advances in research and organisational ITG practice. Through a structured... more
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      Citation AnalysisIT Risk Management
IT risk management is a business imperative. A hybrid framework based on leading frameworks should be employed. Risk management efforts should be tailored to the organization it serves. The predominant risk frameworks should be mapped... more
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      COBIT AnalysisIT RisksIT Risk Management
En el Perú y específicamente en Lambayeque, las instituciones financiera que cuentan con la autorización de la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros (SBS), y que gozan de autonomía económica, financiera y administrativa, brindan servicios... more
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      IT GovernanceIT Risk Management
front page
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    • IT Risk Management
content chap 1-5
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    • IT Risk Management
Risk analysis is traditionally accepted as a complex and critical activity in various contexts, such as strategic planning and software development. Given its complexity, several modeling approaches have been proposed to help analysts in... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)
7183T - TP3 - S7 - R1
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    • IT Risk Management
ISO (International Standardization Organization) based Risk management frameworks and standards in Latin America are the most used within Information Technology organizations. ISO 31000:2009 is maybe the one more frequently used, but ISO... more
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      Business Continuity PlanningDisaster RecoveryCibersecurityIT Risks
Electrosmog is the electromagnetic radiation emitted from wireless technology such as Wi-Fi hotspots or cellular towers, and poses potential hazard to human. Electrosmog is invisible, and we rely on detectors which show level of... more
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      Augmented RealityIT Risk ManagementAugmented Human
List of my documents in category 6 Problemlösen/Problem solving
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUncertainty ReductionManagement CyberneticsSecond-Order Cybernetics
Zarządzanie ryzykiem IT jest prewencją wobec zagrożeń, gdyż polega na rozwiązaniach, których zasadniczym celem jest zapobieganie sytuacjom krytycznym przez dostrzeganie czynników zagrożeń, monitorowanie charakterystycznych i typowych... more
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      Information SecurityIT SecurityIT RisksIT Risk Management
Streszczenie: Zarządzanie ryzykiem to proces ograniczania ryzyka poprzez stosowanie odpo-wiednich środków bezpieczeństwa. Efektywne zarządzanie ryzykiem w organizacji wymaga systemowego podejścia do analizy ryzyka. Na podstawie jej... more
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      Risk assessmentIT RisksIT Risk Management
7183T - TK1 - S4 - R1
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    • IT Risk Management
In a packetized memory device, pipelined row and column address paths receive row and column addresses from an address capture circuit. Each of the row and column address paths includes a respective address latch that latches the row or... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyRisk AnalysisSAM
Dans ce texte, je propose une technique pour appliquer COBIT 5GR afin de réaliser une analyse de risque dans une organisation. Cette technique est basée sur l’utilisation d’indicateurs de risque (KRI) génériques qui devront être adaptés... more
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      IT Risk ManagementGestion des risques
7183T - TP2 - S3 - R1
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    • IT Risk Management
Due to increasing requirements, standards and tight oversight from governments, along with the immediate need to effectively manage the increasing business and operational risks inherent to competing in a complex global market, integrated... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyBusiness Process ManagementGovernance
Abstract Due to increasing requirements, standards and tight oversight from governments, along with the immediate need to effectively manage the increasing business and operational risks inherent to competing in a complex global market,... more
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      Information TechnologyBusiness Process ManagementGovernanceProcess Control
Implementing IT Risk Management for Internet Banking service by capitalizing ISACA RiskIT.
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      CybercrimesRisk ManagementInternet BankingMobile Banking
7183T - TP3 - S7 - R1
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    • IT Risk Management
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      IT Project Risk ManagementPost Merger IntegrationPost-Merger IntegrationIT risk managment