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Statutory and internal audit though have differences in object but are both geared towards value enhancement. Internal audit assures the board of directors of the effectiveness and efficiencies of governance, risk management and internal... more
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      ManagementCorporate GovernanceProcess ControlInternal Audit
This doctoral dissertation includes five related working papers that provide valuable contributions to the understanding of internal audit (IA) and its effectiveness. Paper 1 is a literature review that uses the perspective of new... more
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      EffectivenessCorporate GovernanceInternal Audit
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      Corporate GovernanceInternal AuditRisk assessmentInternal Control
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      BusinessInternal AuditEconomic business
This Paper is review of scientific journal by Halid Saino and Syed Iskandar Zulkarnain from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang Malaysia, titled "Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: The Effect of Budget Emphasis Leadership Behaviour, and... more
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      AccountingManagement AccountingInternal AuditManagerial Accounting
The objective of our paper is to contribute to the accounting education literature by demonstrating that there are significant differences among final year undergraduate accounting students in the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and... more
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      Cultural StudiesEconomicsLearning and TeachingInternal Audit
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      Internal AuditData QualityAnalytical MethodEmpirical Method
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      NeurosurgeryInternal AuditProspective studiesHumans
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    • Internal Audit
Corporate risk management governance and management frameworks, approaches and practices face a variety of challenges and in many cases need to be reviewed and revised to copy with multiple uncertainties, disruptive technologies, new... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceRisk GovernanceCorporate GovernanceGovernance
According to the South African Small Business Act No. 102 of 1996 Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) are regarded as separate small business entities owned by one or more owners; operating in various sectors of the national... more
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      BusinessAccountingFinancial AccountingInternal Audit
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of role ambiguity, role conflict and auditor competence on auditor independence and internal audit quality as well as the effect of auditor independence and audit planning... more
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      AccountingInternal AuditPublic Sector AuditingRole Conflict
Dit artikel behandelt enkele resultaten van vier casestudies naar de gevolgen van de invoering van corporate governance regelgeving voor internal audit in de afgelopen tien jaar. Internal audit staat in de belangstelling en lijkt aan... more
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      Corporate GovernancePolitical ScienceAgency TheoryInternal Audit
The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are discussed in the context of a process and outcome based quality management model in which the user?s needs are the central focus. The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are examined in terms of... more
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      Quality ManagementInternal AuditProceduresProcess
The purpose of this study is to direct interest in using the sound methodology in cost management and to choose a more effective approach to managing costs from a series of alternatives in order to obtain more accurate data on the cost of... more
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      ManagementFinanceStrategic ManagementCorporate Finance
Primeiro: Como ele soube? A competência da Ouvidoria em denúncias é receber, triar, responder e encaminhar à apuração, em sigilo, e proteger os dados do denunciante, conforme Lei 13460/2017. (Jamais pedir informações ao denunciado.)... more
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      Internal AuditAuditingAnti-CorruptionOmbudsman
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      Science EducationInternal AuditSCIENCE TEACHINGCurriculum and Pedagogy
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    • Internal Audit
Analyse électronique des données et logiciels spécialisés : les gros volumes ne font plus peur. Il est aujourd’hui inconcevable pour les auditeurs et contrôleurs d’utiliser les méthodes de travail d’il y a seulement vingt ans. Si les... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisInternal AuditAuditing
In the current economic context marked by the relentlessness of the competition, the internal auditor is often called upon to put his skills at the service of organizations in order to control risks and evaluate internal control systems.... more
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      AccountingInternal AuditAdded Value
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    • Internal Audit
The Covid-19 epidemic is going on as a serious health problem and threat. Indeed, it is also a devastating financial and economic problem. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 epidemic is causing many firms to shut down and go out of business.... more
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      FinanceAccountingUnemploymentInternal Audit
Artykuł opublikowany na łamach czasopisma: "Finanse Komunalne".
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      Local GovernmentInternal AuditCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
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      BusinessAccountingInternal AuditAudit
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      Corporate GovernanceInternal AuditAuditingInternal Control
При рассмотрении вопроса об эффективности того или иного вида деятельности, общепринятым содержанием этого понятия является соответствие достигнутых в процессе его осуществления результатов намеченным целям, степень приближения... more
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      Internal AuditExternal and Internal AuditingResource efficiencyAudit
Teknologi informasi dewasa ini sudah berkembang jauh lebih pesat dan mempengaruhi semua pekerjaan manusia. Dengan adanya teknologi, dapat menyebarluaskan informasi ke seluruh penjuru dunia tanpa harus bertatap muka secara luar jaringan.... more
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      Internal AuditInformation Systems Audit
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      Internal AuditOutsourcingExternal AuditorAccounting Finance
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      AccountingInternal AuditCombined Assurance
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      FinanceCommunicationInternal AuditPublic Sector Finance
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      Internal AuditAuditingAkuntansiAudit
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      Information SystemsInternal AuditAccounting Information SystemsBusiness Process
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    • Internal Audit
ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze self-images of internal auditors in the light of the metaphors and short descriptions they give about their own role(s) in their organization. Worldwide data have... more
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      Self and IdentityInternal AuditMetaphorsSelf-Images
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    • Internal Audit
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      EconomicsEarnings ManagementMalaysiaIndonesia
Internal Auditing is projected to be a declining job and is at a crossroads. On the micro level, in organizations and institutions, stakeholders may see less and less value in the contributions from Internal Auditing, and on a macro... more
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      Corporate GovernanceGovernanceInternal Audit
In early 2009, the Ontario Ministry of Education decided to create and fund a new mandatory internal audit process for all school boards in the province beginning in September 2009 of that year. The 2010-11 projected cost of this... more
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      Public AdministrationEducationInternal AuditAuditing
This report aims to develop a reference tool for the structure and function of internal audit (IA) within the education sector of the United States of America (USA). It begins by providing an introductory overview of IA, building on the... more
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      Public FinanceEducationEducational LeadershipStrategic Management
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      Internal AuditAuditingPublic sectorAnalytic Hierarchy Process
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    • Internal Audit
This study into the impact of accounting information on managers bring to forth the huge burden financial information influences in the decision making of managers in diverse industries and fields in the world. The study begins with an... more
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    • Internal Audit
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      Analytical ChemistryInternal AuditQuality ImprovementAccreditation and Quality Assurance
COVID-19’un yayılımını kontrol altına almak için alınan tedbirler çerçevesinde işletmelerin bazıları faaliyetlerini geçici olarak durdurmuş, faaliyet seviyelerini düşürmüş ve iş yapış modellerinde zorunlu bazı değişiklikler yaparak... more
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      AccountingInternal AuditAuditingInternal Auditing
Le attività di verifica ed audit, oltre a costituire un obbligo per i DPO, sono uno strumento di accountability per tutti i titolari e responsabili del trattamento. La normativa è particolarmente articolata, vasta, trasversale e in... more
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      AssessmentAccountabilityInternal AuditInformation Security and Privacy
Background: South African small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) add significant socio-economic value to the national economy. Unfortunately, up to 80% of these business entities fail after being in existence for only 4 years.... more
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      BusinessManagementInternal AuditControl Systems
الرقابة والمراجعة الداخلية هي مجموعة متكاملة من الأنشطة والخطط والسياسات ومجهودات تبذل من الأفــراد فــي المنظمات أو مؤسسات الاعمال أو الشركات، كل ذلك يهدف في مجموعه إلى توفير حدا معقولا من التأكيدات نحو تحقيق أهداف تلك المنظمات أو... more
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      Internal AuditInternal ControlInternal ControlsInternal Control and Risk Management
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      Statistical AnalysisCase StudiesInternal AuditEvaluation
Mata kuliah Audit Syariah Lembaga Pengelola Zakat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang audit Syariah yang meliputi: 1. Mengetahui proses audit operasional/manajemen dari proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan... more
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      Internal AuditAuditingShariah Audit