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      MarketingSurvival AnalysisSHELF LIFEInterval Censoring
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    • Interval Censoring
Survival analysis statistics have been used to estimate shelf life of foods based on consumers' acceptance or rejection of samples with different storage times. The interval censored nature of the data does not allow regular methods to... more
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      MarketingSurvival AnalysisSHELF LIFEInterval Censoring
Survival analysis statistics have been used to estimate shelf life of foods based on consumers’ acceptance or rejection of samples with different storage times. The interval censored nature of the data does not allow regular methods to... more
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      MarketingSurvival AnalysisSHELF LIFEInterval Censoring
We consider the asymptotic behavior of posterior distributions and Bayes estimators based on observations which are required to be neither independent nor identically distributed. We give general results on the rate of convergence of the... more
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsStatisticsTime Series
Data analysis sometimes requires the relaxation of parametric assumptions in order to gain modeling flexibility and robustness against mis-specification of the probability model. In the Bayesian context, this is accomplished by placing a... more
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      Data AnalysisProbability Distribution & ApplicationsFortranSampling methods
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      EconometricsStatisticsInterval CensoringRegression Analysis
Estimation for the Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) regression model has been discussed by various authors when data are either complete or subject to Type-I or random censoring. But, this problem has not been considered for the case of interval... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsMonte Carlo SimulationMaximum Likelihood
In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating unknown parameters of an inverse Weibull distribution when it is known that samples are progressive type-I interval censored. We propose an EM algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood... more
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      StatisticsBayesian InferenceInspection TimeInterval Censoring
This chapter is about the accelerated failure time model with an interval-censored covariate. Two cases concerning the response variable Y are distinguished: On one hand, Y is possibly right-or left-censored, on the other hand, Y is a... more
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      StatisticsMathematical ProgrammingSurvival AnalysisHIV
We apply Gaussian process (GP) regression, which provides a powerful non-parametric probabilistic method of relating inputs to outputs, to survival data consisting of time-to-event and covariate measurements. In this context, the... more
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      Survival AnalysisCompeting Risks ModelsGaussian processesCox Regression
For a version of the interval censoring model, case 2, in which the observation intervals are allowed to be arbitrarily small, we consider estimation of functionals that are differentiable along Hellinger differentiable paths. The... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsIntegral EquationsNonparametric maximum likelihood
In some biomedical clinical trials, especially cancer clinical trials, time-to-event data are generated from cancer scan within a specific interval (such as 1 or more months) resulting in interval-censored data. The common practice in... more
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      Clinical TrialInterval Censoring
In this paper a state estimation problem is addressed where part of the available data are interval censored. Censored and non-censored data are taken into account in an optimal manner via an extension of the state estimation technique... more
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      State EstimationKalman FilterInterval CensoringCensored data
Based on a data set obtained in a dental longitudinal study, conducted in Flanders (Belgium), the joint time to caries distribution of permanent first molars was modeled as a function of covariates. This involves an analysis of... more
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      StatisticsSemiparametric InferenceMultivariate AnalysisTIME
Based on a data set obtained in a dental longitudinal study, conducted in Flanders (Belgium), the joint time to caries distribution of permanent first molars was modeled as a function of covariates. This involves an analysis of... more
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      StatisticsSemiparametric InferenceInterval CensoringLongitudinal Study
Estimating causal inferences in observational studies with time varying covariates require methods that can address complexities such as non-random allocation of patients' to treatment groups, possible censoring of, exposure variables... more
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      Interval CensoringInverse Probability WeightingHazard Ratios
In some biomedical clinical trials, especially cancer clinical trials, time-to-event data are generated from cancer scan within a specific interval (such as 1 or more months) resulting in interval-censored data. The common practice in... more
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      Clinical TrialInterval Censoring
Interval censored life history data arise when the events of interest are only detectable at periodic assessments. When interest lies in the occurrence of two such events, bivariate interval censored event time data are obtained. We... more
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      AlgorithmsStatisticsLife historyRisk
It is widely believed that setting monetary policy through a majority voting commitee has major bene…ts. It is argued that a monetary policy committee can take personalities out of monetary policy decisions, while at the same time o¤ering... more
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      Decision MakingMonetary PolicyInformation SharingInterval Censoring
We consider the problem of estimating the intensity functions for a continuous time 'illness-death' model with intermittently observed data. In such a case, it may happen that a subject becomes diseased between two visits and dies without... more
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      GeneticsStatisticsBiostatisticsInterval Censoring
Many authors in recent years have proposed extensions of familiar survival analysis methodologies to apply in dependent data settings, for example, when data are clustered or subject to repeated measures. However, these extensions have... more
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      StatisticsAsthmaSurvival AnalysisBiometry
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      AlgorithmsBayesianClinical TrialOsteoporosis
This paper discusses the analysis of interval-censored failure time data, which has recently attracted a great amount of attention (Li and Pu, Lifetime Data Anal 9:57-70, 2003; Sun, The statistical analysis of interval-censored data,... more
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      StatisticsClinical TrialStatistical AnalysisPublic Health
The relatively short durations of the initial pivotal randomized placebo-controlled trials involving atomoxetine HCl for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) provided limited insight into the time courses of... more
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      PsychologyAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderSurvival AnalysisClinical Decision Making
In biostatistics applications interest often focuses on the estimation of the distribution of a timevariable T. If one only observes whether or not T exceeds an observed monitoring time C, then the data structure is called current status... more
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      StatisticsData AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisData Structure
PDF version ISBN 952-9528-68-X HELSINGIN YLIOPISTON VERKKOJULKAISUT Helsinki 2001 I wish to present my gratitude to my supervisor Elja Arjas for his support and patience during all these years of my postgraduate... more
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      Case StudyInterval CensoringDental Caries
Adequate knowledge of timing and pattern of permanent tooth emergence is useful for diagnosis and treatment planning in paediatric dentistry and orthodontics and is essential in forensic dentistry. Based on a data set obtained in a large... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsStatistical ModellingInterval Censoring
The transparency of the monetary policymaking process at the Bank of England has provided very detailed data on both the votes of individual members of the Monetary Policy Committee and the information on which they are based. In this... more
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      Decision MakingMonetary PolicyInformation SharingInterval Censoring
In studies involving subclinical events, times of events are often subject to interval censoring since their occurrence is only detected at inspection times. When individuals are event-free at an initial time and a single follow-up... more
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      AlgorithmsOrthopedic SurgeryStatisticsDisease susceptibility
When an examination is needed to determine if an event has occurred there will be a loss of efficiency in using the resulting interval-censored data instead of the exact event times. In designing follow-up intervals this loss for longer... more
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      StatisticsWound HealingComputer SimulationInterval Censoring
In some biomedical clinical trials, especially cancer clinical trials, time-to-event data are generated from cancer scan within a specific interval (such as 1 or more months) resulting in interval-censored data. The common practice in... more
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      Clinical TrialInterval Censoring
The non-parametric Bayes estimator with Dirichlet process prior of a survival function based on right censored data was considered by and many others. We obtain the non-parametric Bayes estimator of a survival function when data are... more
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      Interval CensoringSurvival Function
The non-parametric Bayes estimator with Dirichlet process prior of a survival function based on right censored data was considered by and many others. We obtain the non-parametric Bayes estimator of a survival function when data are... more
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      Interval CensoringBayes estimatorRight-censoringSoftware Package
We consider the problem of estimating the joint distribution function of the event time and a continuous mark variable when the event time is subject to interval censoring case 1 and the continuous mark variable is only observed in case... more
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      StatisticsInterval CensoringConsistencyAsymptotic distribution
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      GeneticsInterval CensoringHiv InfectionCurrent Status Data
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      StatisticsData AnalysisProbabilityMultivariate Analysis
The relatively short durations of the initial pivotal randomized placebo-controlled trials involving atomoxetine HCl for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) provided limited insight into the time courses of... more
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      PsychologyAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderSurvival AnalysisClinical Decision Making
Consider the model in which the data consist of possibly censored lifetimes, and one puts a mixture of Dirichlet process priors on the common survival distribution. The exact computation of the posterior distribution of the survival... more
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      StatisticsBreast CancerBayesian AnalysisMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
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      StatisticsBiometricsSurvival AnalysisBiometry
The marginal Cox model approach is perhaps the most commonly used method in the analysis of correlated failure time data . It assumes that the marginal distributions for the correlated failure times can be described by the Cox model and... more
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      AlgorithmsStatisticsTreatment OutcomeBiometry
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      AsbestosMaximum LikelihoodInterval CensoringMesothelioma
Based on a data set obtained in a large dental longitudinal study, conducted in Flanders (Belgium), the joint emergence distribution of seven teeth was modeled as a function of gender and caries experience on primary teeth. Besides... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsStatistical ModellingInterval Censoring
The semi-Markov assumption emphasizes the importance of time spent in a state. In order to compute this type of multistate model, most transition times are always considered to be exactly identified or right censored. However, in the... more
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      StatisticsRiskKidney transplantationSurvival Analysis
Adequate knowledge of timing and sequence of tooth emergence is of clinical significance for diagnosis and treatment planning in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics and is very useful in forensic dentistry. On the basis of mean ⁄ median... more
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      DentistryNonparametric StatisticsPrincipal Component AnalysisBelgium
Data from sensory shelf-life studies can be analyzed using survival statistical methods. The objective of this research was to introduce Bayesian methodology to sensory shelf-life studies and discuss its advantages in relation to... more
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      MarketingSurvival AnalysisSHELF LIFEInterval Censoring
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      Reliability TheoryFailure AnalysisComputer SoftwareSampling methods
Based on a data set obtained in a dental longitudinal study, conducted in Flanders (Belgium), the joint time to caries distribution of permanent first molars was modeled as a function of covariates. This involves an analysis of... more
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      StatisticsSemiparametric InferenceMultivariate AnalysisTIME
Consider the model in which the data consist of possibly censored lifetimes, and one puts a mixture of Dirichlet process priors on the common survival distribution. The exact computation of the posterior distribution of the survival... more
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      StatisticsBreast CancerBayesian AnalysisMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
Age at which cattle become faecal culture positive for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) can be used as a proxy parameter for age at onset of faecal shedding, which is an important parameter in the control of Map in cattle... more
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      Survival AnalysisPreventive Veterinary MedicineAgeText