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The geothermal field of Akropotamos produces fluids at temperatures up to 90oC. The waters from wells AKR-1, AKR-3, AKR-4, AKR-5 and AKR-6 at 30 86oC and TDS of 3.1-30.7 g/l are classified as Na-Cl type. The water from well AKR-2 at 46oC... more
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      HydrochemistryKavalaScalingIsotope Hydrogeochemistry
In 1979, the New South Wales Dams Safety Committee (DSC) was constituted under the Dams Safety Act 1978, to oversee the safety of the State's dams and to prevent significant uncontrolled loss of their storages. The DSC regulates mining... more
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      HydrogeologyBig DamsMiningRisk Analysis
Chromium (Cr) is a contaminant commonly found in surface and groundwater. In nature Cr commonly occurs in two valences: Cr(VI) is highly mobile, toxic and carcinogenic, while Cr(III) is less mobile. Cr was first detected in groundwater in... more
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      Stable IsotopesCHROMIUM HEXAVALENT IN DRINKING WATERIsotope Hydrogeochemistry
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      HydrologyIsotope HydrogeochemistrySoil Salinization
A new technique for on-line sample preparation and D/H determination is described. The technique is suitable for the preparation of fresh and brine waters, as well as natural gases and organic solvents. A 5-µL sample of water or hydrogen... more
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      Chlorinated SolventsIsotope Hydrogeochemistry