Recent papers in Järnålder
In this essay I analyze the stone circles known as domarringar in northern Småland. In order to understand the stone circles, one must understand the society that built them, I argue. Therefore I first date them so I can put them in a... more
This article looks at using areas where there are high status remains from the Iron Age to identify places with centralisation tendencies in the county of Västernorrland. The remains chosen as indicators for these high status areas are:... more
Betydelsen av Lommaryd 28 i järnålderns landskap
Detta är boken Forntid i Västernorrlands län med ny layout och språkgranskad. Boken innehåller kunskapsläget efter dryga 330 år av arkeologiska undersökningar.
Första delen av två som handlar om Skånes historia. I denna del behandlas forntiden fram till vikingatiden.
Sigtuna is Sweden’s oldest extant medieval town. The predominant narrative has been that the town was founded on virgin land around 970/980 A.D. However, in the surrounding landscape there is abundant evidence of an older settled... more
In the Uppåkra house the place for a possible high seat dedicated to the woman is marked out by a deposit consisting of a bronze beaker with embossed gold-foil bands and a glass bowl originated from the area around the Black Sea. These... more
This paper deals with the relationship between the iron-age hill-forts from the migration period and the later settlements called Stenby. I discuss whether the settlements are a part of a larger complex and if they succeed the hill-forts... more
This paper is a closer look at a high status area in the Iron Age called the Timrå valley (Timrådalen) in the province of Medelpad in the County of Väster-norrland that has largely been forgotten by researchers. It is a very rich area... more
In recent years two new finds of miniature weapons and tools have been made on the Iron Age site of Uppåkra. Because of this it is my intention to present an alternative interpretation that might perhaps supplement earlier studies of... more
- Hur jag upptäckte ett forntida sakralt landskap alldeles utanför dörren I den här skriften berättar jag om hur jag upptäckte ett mönster i landskapet, som skulle kunna tyda på ett mycket tidigt (300-talet) försök att införa... more
Memory-stones seldom stand by the road, save when kinsman honors his kin. -Hávamál 1:72 Abstract This thesis concerns the patterns of organization visible within the context that is the Scanian runestones in relation to roads, organized... more
Våren år 2017 genomförde Arkeologerna, Statens historiska museer en arkeologisk utredning steg 1 och 2 inom fyra områden i närheten av Hedensberg i Tillberga socken, Västmanland. Bakgrunden till utredningen samt den följande... more
Detta är Länsstyrelsen Västernorrlands handlingsprogram för uppdragsarkeologin länet. Enligt riksantikvarieämbetets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om uppdragsarkeologi (KRFS 2017:1) bör varje länsstyrelse ha ett handlingsprogram eller en... more
In this article I take a look at a cauldron that was found when the foundations for the new vicarage were dug in 1879 in the parish of Boteå, in the county of Västernorrland. The vessel is made of pure copper with fragments of an iron... more