Jewish Art History
Recent papers in Jewish Art History
Traduction de l'autobiographie originale de Marc Chagall ("Eygens") du yiddish vers le français
Jurgita Šiaučiūnaitė-Verbickienė ? V i l n i u s A c a d e m y o f A r t s P r e s s , 2 0 1 0 A M A C A t A L o g u e UDK 726(474.5)(06) Si91 S p o n s o r s o f t h e C a t a l o g u e Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation... more
The article examines the interwar period in the life and work of two architects, Usher Chiter (1899–1967) and Elyukim Maltz (1898–1973), both graduates of the Odessa School of Architecture.During that time the architects were doing work... more
A typology of the synagogues in Morocco and their ritual objects
Sanctifying Texts, Transforming Rituals © , , | . / _ The titles published in this series are listed at Brill's Studies in Catholic Theology
Andrea Morpurgo, Il cimitero ebraico in Italia: Storia e architettura di uno spazio identitario, Macerata: Quodlibet, 2012, 215 pp. Andrea Morpurgo, architetto e storico dell'architettura, passa in rassegna dal Medioevo al ventesimo... more
The chapter as a whole illustrates some of the possibilities and problems currently haunting the area of Jewish participation in the making and the history of feminist art in the United States.The signficance that gender, class,... more
This is a book review of Samantha Baskind's beautifully written and well-illustrated book, which focuses on the art of five American Jewish artists, all children of the ‘new immigration’ of 1880 to 1920.
Introduction: Framing the Holocaust: Contemporary Visions I. GEOGRAPHIES OF THE HEART: PLACES/SPACESOF REMEMBRANCE1. Archiving an Architecture of the Heart 2. Haunted by Memory: American Jewish Transformations 3. A House for an... more
Since the second half of the 1970s, a corpus of studies focusing on the history of women during the Holocaust has been produced. These studies assert that even though Jewish women shared the annihilation threat with the men, Jewish women... more
The collection owned by Lesser Giełdziński (1830–1910), relatively little known to contemporary scholars, was a multifaceted one; it not only reflected the interests and pursuits of its creator, but also pointed to his cultural identity... more
uxaua a<nL(^C(.a mh uavau uumciu ai.Giin.u cqlql' iOZ ULLCCi-Q ci/aaxi, ua L!a<:,L ixcMd' uz'Hi.a c,un.u zxzezu uuci.^12 QKiSiu uauxuu XU ziGxmQ LU. 1:71X1.*:; tolcl iih (aa*x cD* c;q«. iu LULU KLCkU U(:,a:7lU CULL tUL' LLC UUlduU aGUTlcQ... more
When considering the history of society and art in Russia, the last decade of the 19th century and first decades of the 20th century were among the most tumultuous. The monarchical structure of royals, fiefdoms and Tzars, and the cultural... more
Lidia Głuchowska, Sto lat awangardy i transgraniczny hołd dla Buntu i Jung Idysz = One Hundred Years of Avant-garde and Cross-border Homage to Bunt and Yung Yidish, w: Bunt. Nowa ekspresja/ Bunt. New Expression, red. Maciej Kurak,... more
Images 10 (2018)
יש לי בעיה בעניין זה עם ציורי הדיוקן. עקב עיוותו אני מעדיף תמיד לצייר אנשים הקרובים אליי, המכירים אותי, המוכנים "לבלוע צפרדעים", והמודעים לכוונותיי הטובות. הלוך-הרוח שלי בזמן העבודה הנו של לומד את האדם, של מי שיוצא מתוך הצורה כמתוך... more
Helène Aylon (b. 1931) is among the first generation of feminist artists who identified and challenged traditional patriarchal and misogynist readings of ancient religious texts. This article analyzes the discourse and examines the... more
A presentation of Titus and our exhibition in Ami Magazine, a weekly that serves the right-of-center Orthodox community. The author, Yossi Krausz, was both inquisitive and prepared— a pleasure to work with!
This demonstrates the Mathematical Reasoning of the 9 Branches Candelabrum Menorah. Extract from the Book " God's Language " by Professor Thierry BROUWERS ( Book in Progress as of 8/30/2019. Published on 20/20/2020 ) "If I were... more
A Comparative view of the place of the shoe in Jewish ritual, material culture, and the visual arts.
The artist works in various media and is a veteran printer, commissioned in 1983 and 1986 to print for the Israel Arts Council, in addition to her own editions. During the past years she has initiated a number of interdisciplinary... more
A new complete facsimile accompanied by a text volume (304 pp.). Available from the Museum's shop ( in two editions - English and Bosnian. For the credits, title page and table of contents, see the... more
The Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Journal of Eastern Studies / ed. E. Kotlyar. – Kharkiv: The Center for Eastern Studies of KSADA, 2010. – # 8 (Vol. 3: Jewish Art and the Ukrainian Context: Horizons of... more
תקציר מהי אמנות יהודית־פמיניסטית וכיצד היא תורמת למרחבי האמנות, החברה והדת? הספר ביקורת נאמנה מציע מסגרת תיאורטית להבנת אופייה, דרכי פעולתה ותרומתה של תנועת האמנות היהודית הפמיניסטית הדתית, אשר התפתחה מאז סוף שנות התשעים של המאה העשרים... more
Many scholars view the choral synagogues in the Russian Empire as Reform synagogues, influenced by the German Reform movement. This article analyzes the features characteristic of Reform synagogues in central and Western Europe, and... more
,"דוד שפרבר, "היהדות ושיחי האמנות בישראל
לא תעשה (קטלוג), מוזיאון על התפר, ירושלים, 2017, עמ' 13-22
לא תעשה (קטלוג), מוזיאון על התפר, ירושלים, 2017, עמ' 13-22
Examining a selection of modern urban spaces, this article describes how the history of medieval Ashkenazi Jewry is displayed in Germany today, as well as who displays it and for whom. The preoccupation of Germany with its Jewish past is... more
On the eve of Passover, April 19, 1943, Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto staged a now legendary revolt against their Nazi oppressors. Since that day, the deprivation and despair of life in the ghetto and the dramatic uprising of its inhabitants... more