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Jules Isaac est entré dans l’histoire comme celui qui a joué un rôle crucial pour la mise à l’ordre du jour d’un texte sur les juifs au Concile Vatican II. Nombre de ses propositions inscrites dans Jésus et Israël ont trouvé leur réponse... more
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      Theology and History of Vatican IIJews in France during the Second World WarChristian anti-JudaismMethodology of theology
La segunda parte del libro del mismo título sobre Puerto Rico y el Caribe durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Este volumen contiene 18 ensayos de especialistas y capítulos sobre el Caribe Inglés, Martinica, Cuba, Haití , la República... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCuban StudiesHaitiCaribbean History
/Résumé analytique June 1940: The Italian Army and the Battle of the Alps Emanuele Sica This article focuses on the " Battle of the Alps " of June 1940, which pitted the Italian Regio Esercito against the French Armée des Alpes. Fearing... more
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      Military HistoryCultural HistoryFrench HistoryItalian (European History)
Français [English abstract follows]. « Sur l’horloge de l’histoire », note Adam Rayski, « les aiguilles avançaient plus vite pour les Juifs que pour les autres populations de l’Europe occupée. Le temps des autres n’était pas exactement... more
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      Jewish StudiesFrench HistoryLocal HistoryJewish History
U.F.R. Lettres et Sciences Humaines La communauté juive de Reims des années trente à la fin des années quarante Romain Dupré Mémoire de master d'histoire sous la direction de Catherine Nicault A Stéphanie Corcy, qui m'a montré la voie et... more
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      Jewish StudiesFrench HistoryLocal HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)
published in Identità. Les Corses et les migrations (XVIIe-XXIe siècles), Bastia, Museu di Bastia, 2018, pp. 61-67 (catalogue d'exposition).
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryCorsicaJews in France during the Second World War
An article about Second World War. How it happened and what were the motivations, reasons and plans for that
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      American HistoryJewish StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish History
An introduction to the subject of Jews and war/Judaism and war, and an annotated bibiliography of books on Jewish law concerning military Issues; History books on Jews and the Military; Biographies and Autobiographies etc. The... more
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      Jewish LawWar StudiesHistory of the JewsJews in France during the Second World War
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      Yiddish LiteratureHolocaust LiteratureHolocaust theories of representationJewish heritage, Polish-Jewish / German-Jewish Relations, klezmer revival, Jewish heritage tourism, Holocaust commemoration, antisemitism, social identity, oral history
REVIEWS: 1. "Recently, two Dutch historians finished a comparative analysis of the Holocaust in the Netherlands, Belgium and France, for the first time integrating the Jews as full protagonists in an explanatory model of the enormous... more
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      European HistoryFrench HistoryComparative HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)
Communication donnée le 11 juillet 2014 au colloque « L’histoire et les sens » - 28e colloque annuel de la Society for the Study of French History, St John’s College, Durham, Royaume-Uni.
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      Jewish StudiesFrench HistoryJewish HistoryHenri Bergson
Bien que le lien entre lieux et mémoire soit attendu depuis la publication de l'oeuvre fondatrice Les Lieux de mémoire de Pierre Nora, la prévalence des lieux et des pérégrinations comme clef d'un passé traumatique dans la littérature... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesAlgerian warCultural Identity
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      Jews in France during the Second World WarForeign Jews in France8 Settembre 1943
University of Oxford, March 2018

Keynote speakers:
Professor Laura Salisbury, University of Exeter
Dr. Rod Bailey, University of Oxford
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      War StudiesMedical HumanitiesSecond World WarWorld War II
Nazie allemande a fait Endlösung pour persécuter les Juifs pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ce qui les a menés à l'Holocauste, dite « la mort ». Pendant l’occupation allemande en France, le statut des Juifs a été appliqué. Polonski... more
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      French StudiesWorld War IIJews in France during the Second World War
RÉSUMÉ. En 1942, l’historien Jules Isaac achève dans la clandestinité un ouvrage intitulé Les Oligarques. Il y traite des adversaires athéniens de la démocratie qui, en 404 avant J.-C., profitèrent de la défaite face à Sparte pour... more
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      Athenian DemocracyJews in France during the Second World WarOligarchyThe French Resistance
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      Jewish StudiesFrench HistoryJewish HistoryAnti-Semitism
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      French LiteratureArtFrench StudiesAlgerian war
Ce chapitre évoque l'itinéraire du géographe et géopoliticien français Jacques Ancel pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsSecond World WarHistory of Geographic ThoughtHistory of geography
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      Jews in France during the Second World WarForeign Jews in France
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      ArchivesJews in France during the Second World WarFrench Jewish HistoryForeign Jews in France
A 'Useful Past' and the Crisis of the European Jews: Popular Jewish Historiography in Germany, France and Hungary in the 1930s", Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, Studies in Israeli and modern Jewish society, Vol. 18, 2008, pp. 307-339 (Hebrew
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      Modern Hungarian Jewish HistoryGerman-Jewish StudiesJews in France during the Second World War
The Conference aims to represent for scholars and experts from various backgrounds an opportunity for meeting, debatting, and even sharing studies on the pontificate of Pius XI during the Second World War. The analysis is focused on key... more
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      European HistorySecond World WarHolocaust StudiesHistory of the Jews
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      North Africa StudiesFrench colonial AlgeriaJews in France during the Second World WarVichy Regime
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      Religion and PoliticsHistory and MemoryConservative RevolutionHenri Bergson
Colloque organisé par Viviane Harroch, sous la direction scientifique de Jean-Louis Panicacci et Jérémy Guedj
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      Second World War20th century FranceJews in France during the Second World WarForeign Jews in France
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      Second World WarJews in France during the Second World WarFrance during and after the Second World War, Politics of Memory of the Second World War, European identity and citizensjipworld war II occupation of France