Journal Impact Factor
Recent papers in Journal Impact Factor
Objectives: Although research has consistently shown a higher prevalence of depression among women compared with men, there is a lack of consensus regarding explanatory factors for these gender-related differences. The aim of this paper... more
Objective To explore bibliometric markers in a worldwide sample of emergency physician investigators to define global, continental and individual patterns over time. Methods We evaluated the number of papers published, citations received,... more
Objective. The objective of this study was to identify core journals in physical therapy by identifying those that publish the most randomized controlled trials of physical therapy interventions, provide the highest-quality reports of... more
JAMDA jo u rn a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. j a m d a. c o m
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
Increasingly, academics have to demonstrate that their research has academic impact. Universities normally use journal rankings and journal impact factors to assess the research impact of individual academics. More recently, citation... more
In this paper I explore the modalities of evaluating research publications in the humanities and, in particular, some of the evaluative practices adopted within the Serbian higher education system. I analyse the structural issues related... more
Some thoughts on whether the Beall's list tells you the 'whole' and 'indisputable' story when it comes to alleged predatory journals and publishers. Including a call for more consideration for researchers in this matter.
The bibliography in the 21st century acquires a new impuls, now as a basis for bibliometric measurements, in demand both for the evaluation of individual and institutional publications ratings, and for a comparative analysis of trends in... more
Caballero-Uribe CV, Viloria-Doria JC, Soriano E. The impact factor of the Pan American and the International official Rheumatology journals: A bibliometric analysis. JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 2018; 24 (S3): S157. Available in:... more
African scholarly research is relatively invisible globally because, even though research production on the continent is growing in absolute terms, it is falling in comparative terms. In addition, traditional metrics of visibility, such... more
The majority of highway bridges are girder type structures, either single spans or continuous spans. Determining the principal effects of the various loading combinations can often be achieved with a 2-dimensional analytical model but for... more
This paper analyses the entire publication history of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) by analyzing 1747 documents from 1973 to June 2018. Citation networks were examined from available metadata such as author and... more
مما لا شك فيه أن هناك العديد من الصعوبات التي تواجه من يعمل في مجال العلوم من الباحثين والأكاديميين لاختيار المطبوعة أو الدورية العلمية المناسبة لنشر نتائج بحوثهم العلمية، ولهذا أجتهد الباحثون والناشرون لأوعية النشر العلمي في البحث عن... more
"African scholarly research is relatively invisible globally because, even though research production on the continent is growing in absolute terms, it is falling in comparative terms. In addition, traditional metrics of visibility, such... more
The Polish slang word PUNKTOZA (‘running for points’) over the last few years. Its Russian equivalent is балломания.
Background: In this study, the impact of self-citation (Journal and Author) on impact factor of Iranian English Medical journals in two international citation databases, Web of Science (WoS) and Islamic world science citation center... more
Рассмотрены наукометрические характеристики белорусских журналов, индексируемых в Science Citation Index Expanded, проведено их сравнение с изданиями, относящимися к той же тематической категории и имеющими лучшие значения импакт-фактора,... more
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
Introduction: In the current study, we compared h5-index provided by Google Scholar (GS), impact factor (IF) provided by web of sciences (WOS), and SCImago journal rank indicator (SJR) provided by SCOPUS for quality assessment of nuclear... more
The distribution of scientific citations for publications selected with different rules (author, topic, institution, country, journal, etc…) collapse on a single curve if one plots the citations relative to their mean value. We find that... more
Letter to authors on publishing in ISA transactions Hi Future Authors, Years in several roles related to publishing journal articles, especially during my time as Editor-in-Chief of ISA Transactions, have led to my formulating general... more
Earlier publications have shown that the number of references as well as the number of received citations are field-dependent. Consequently, a long reference list may lead to more citations. The purpose of this article is to study the... more
Eugene Garfield advanced the theory and practice of information science and envisioned information systems that made the discovery of scientific information much more efficient. The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), which he... more
This 2016 edition of the “top bioethics journals and articles” list includes updated rankings for bioethics journals and new citation metrics for articles published in 2015, as well as updates for previous years’ top articles. This is an... more
The scientific literature was scanned for the published research articles dealing with countercurrent chromatography (CCC) over the time period 1980-May 2008. The search returned 1638 articles that were analyzed focussing on people and... more
A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between... more
The Spanish scientific journals on education have experience an exponential growth in recent decades. The reasons are closely related to the supranational policies of university quality assessment, with specific emphasis on research... more