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Among the old manuscripts once kept by the Karashima family in Nakatsu, there is one entitled A New Theory of Inoculation. Several ex libris seals of the physicians Karashima Chōrei (1779–1857) and his son Chōtoku (1806–1845) indicate... more
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      Early Modern (Japanese History)History of Medicine in JapanEdo-period JapanHistory of Smallpox and Vaccination
Practice, transl. De Soriano, G. and Dawes, N.; Churchill Livingstone, 2010.
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    • Kampo Traditional Japanese Medicine
In this paper, I analyzed the medical records on cold damage included in the Yeoksi Man-pil by Yi Sugi, a medical practitioner active in the 17th and 18th centuries, during the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. And I compared the cold damage... more
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      History of MedicineTraditional Chinese MedicineKampo Traditional Japanese Medicinetraditional Korean medicine
The history of anatomical dissections in early modern Japan has been recounted many times, usually beginning with Yamawaki Tōyō (1706–1762) who conducted the first Japanese autopsy in 1754. As Yamawaki, and all those curious physicians... more
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      Early Modern (Japanese History)Knowledge TransferBody ImageHistory of Anatomy
目次: 1.村上家について 2-3 2.村上家の薬箱の概容 4-6 # 薬箱の外観 # 薬箱の中の薬袋の数と大きさ # 薬袋の性状 # 薬袋に記された一字薬名 # 薬袋に記されたアルファベット 3.薬袋の中の薬物の同定 6-52 # 一字薬名の同定 # 薬箱の1段目(a)に収納されていた薬物 # 薬箱の2段目(d)に収納されていた薬物 # 薬箱の3段目(c)に収納されていた薬物 # 薬箱の4段目(D)に収納されていた薬物 # 薬箱の5段目に収納されていた薬物... more
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      History of Medicine in JapanEdo-period JapanHistory of pharmacyHistory of Distillation
The overwhelming cultural charisma of China all too easily prevents recognition of neighbouring countries’ autonomy and achievements. Even though until the 19th century Western papers on acupuncture and moxibustion were predominantly... more
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      Early Modern (Japanese History)History of Medicine in JapanEdo-period Japantraditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
In 1825 Jean Baptiste Sarlandière published the „Traité inédit de l’acupuncture et du Moxa chez les Japonais“. It was the second translation of a Japanese paper on acupuncture and moxa to be distributed in Europe. According to the opinion... more
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      History of Medicine in JapanTraditional Chinese MedicineAcupuncture HistoryHistory of Traditional Chinese Medicine
In 1825 Jean Baptiste Sarlandière published the „Traité inédit de l’acupuncture et du Moxa chez les Japonais“. It was the second translation of a Japanese paper on acupuncture and moxa to be distributed in Europe. According to the opinion... more
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      Early Modern (Japanese History)History of Medicine in JapanEdo-period JapanAcupuncture History
ABSTRACT AimWithin the Kampo medical system, there exists a system specific to Japan of abdominal diagnosis called abdominal palpation, or Fukushin, which is used to obtain a holistic picture, called an abdominal pattern, of the physical... more
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      MedicineSimulatorKampo Traditional Japanese Medicine
The overwhelming cultural charisma of China all too easily prevents recognition of neighbouring countries’ autonomy and achievements. Even though until the 19th century Western papers on acupuncture and moxibustion were predominantly... more
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      Early Modern (Japanese History)History of Medicine in JapanEdo-period Japantraditional Chinese medicine (TCM)