Kurdish Question
Recent papers in Kurdish Question
Oil corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan arose from US/UK and Turkish patronage systems and clientalism. This investigative paper examines how IOCs and other businesses began preparing the ground in northern Iraq to benefit themselves long... more
Öz Kürt kadınlarının, modernleşmenin/demokratikleşmenin bir tezahürü olarak gösterilmesi hem aile, hem din/dindarlık hem de çocuk yetiştirilme tarzına uygun bir sosyolojik yapıyı barındırmaz. Çünkü Kürtlerin kadim tarihinden beri... more
Diviso tra Turchia, Siria, Iraq e Iran, il Kurdistan rappresenta probabilmente uno degli scenari geopolitici più caldi del Medio Oriente. È il territorio di un popolo, i curdi, che vanta più di trenta milioni di persone la più grande... more
Kirkuk is a city and governorate in northern Iraq that holds significant importance to three different ethnic groups. Kurds, Turkmen, and Arabs each view themselves as the rightful heirs to the land and use history to legitimize their... more
Das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker beinhaltet das Recht auf einen eigenen Staat. Jedoch vergrößert die Gründung eines Staates nicht das Maß der Freiheit eines Volkes. Das auf Nationalstaaten basierende System der Vereinten Nationen ist... more
Commentators, including myself, forecast a deepening crisis in Turkey and the wider Kurdish region-unless 'peace' talks resume and the sustained assault on the pro-Kurdish HDP's members and supporters cease. Conversely, the Turkish... more
Мировое сообщество в течение десятков лет подвергалось и подвергается непрерывной промывке мозгов, когда утверждается, что отсутствие приемлемого решения арабо-израильского конфликта является основным, чуть ли не единственным... more
Tarihsel Süreç içerisinde Kürdistan coğrafyasında Pek çok Emirlik kurulmuş bu emirlikler Kürt Tarihini, coğrafi yapısını ve siyasi hayatını oluşturmuştur, bu Emirliklerden Botan Emirliği, Etki alanı bugünkü Kuzey Kürdistan'da yer alan... more
This chapter focuses on the Iraqi Kurdish response to the rapid and devastating advance of ISIS. Of course, the Iraqi Kurdish response to the ISIS advance has been a multifaceted, complex, and evolving one that includes military strategy,... more
La mia analisi sulle possibilità e prospettive per il Rojava, il Kurdistan siriano.
This book scrutinizes the transformation of pro-Kurdish political parties in Turkey from an ethno-national stance to a civic one promoting integration to the wider society, known as "Turkiyelilesme" (Turkeyfication). For an ethno-national... more
KURDISH BELONGS to the Western Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family. The two principal branches of modern literary Kurdish are (1) Kurmanji, the language of the vast majority of Kurds in Turkey, Syria,... more
The ultimate outcome of ultranationalism is the disappearance of the state altogether, and its replacement by power structures that do not recognize any form of democratic control by the very people these structures affect. Nor do these... more
Western modernity with its colonial application has created an identity trauma and patriarchal domination of the memory of colonized and oppressed peoples. Critiques from colonized territories encourage us to reread the colonial epistemes... more
Ekonomi kavramı evrenseldir. Tüm canlılar âleminde metabolizma olayındaki madde alışverişinin düzenlenmesi olarak en genel bir tanıma kavuşturulabilir. Cansız maddeden canlandırıcı madde elde etmek ve bunu tüketerek tekrar cansız maddeye... more
Para muchxs kurdxs, la lucha significa navegar todos los días entre una utopía y la realidad. El lado utópico es soñar con una sociedad democrática, comunal, ecológica y sin jerarquías ni privilegios; y el lado real es despertar con la... more
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, gerek kuruluşunda ve gerekse günümüzde yaşadığı önemli çözülüş sürecinde, çeteleşme biçiminde kuruluşlara gitmekte ve içindeki engelleri olduğu kadar karşısındaki hedeflerini de düşürmek için bu yöntemi kullan-makta... more
Will the PKK return to its original Manifesto endorsing a 'national liberation struggle' for a greater Kurdistan given Kurdish territorial gains beyond the watchtowers and the barbed wire in Rojava and the quasi-independent Kurdistan... more
1 Teil einer zweiteiligen Artikelserie über die neue PKK, Inhalt: Ideologie und zivile Organisationsstruktur erläutert anhand von Originaldokumenten der Organisation
Zweiter Teil meiner Studie über die PKK/KCK
Kurdistan has always been a problem for European powers that have colonial zed and then instituted their mandates in the Middle East. Although constituting the 4th major ethnicity in the Middle East after the Arabs, Turks, and Iranians... more
Turkish Newspaper Milliyet Position Of The Kurdish Movement and September Revolution in Iraq (1958-1963) Turkish newspaper Milliyet, founded in 1950, one of the leading civil newspapers in Turkey in terms of its broad audience, and stand... more
The connotation of hair flattop in Jaziri poetry is the title of this research based on the meaning of gnosis of hair flattop word as a member of human's face, and put it to the content of gnostic poetry. This knowledge gives a poetry... more
Depuis quelques années, le PKK turc et le PYD syrien sont au centre de l'attention des gauches mondiales. Certains observateurs, comme l'anthropologue David Graeber, l'historien Immanuel Wallerstein ou le linguiste Noam Chomsky les... more
İçinde yaşadığımız evren anı anına, durmaksızın bir değişim, dönüşüm ve gelişim içerisinde oluşumunu sürdürmektedir. Bizler görsek de görmesek de, duysak da duymasak da, bilsek de bilmesek de, farkında olsak da olmasak da bu oluşum bir... more
On the occasion of the inauguration of the Kurdish community-house in Berlin, Germany in September 1997, the well-known Kurdologist Dr. Jemal Nebez held a warmly received speech under the title: The Kurds – their history and culture.... more
Handan Çağlayan’ın Diyarbekir’den başlayıp farklı Kürt ailelerin gündelik hayatlarında dil kullanımının peşine düşerek yaptığı alan araştırmasına dayalı Aynı Evde Ayrı Diller çalışması, bize Kürtçe’nin farklı kuşaklar arasında hangi... more
With the demise of the rule of the Ba‘ath party in Iraq, the country’s Kurdish population faces a new chapter in the political and regional development of its region. For over a century the Kurds have been subject to the grand schemes of... more
The decision by the European Union (EU) of 17 December 2004 that Turkey is to become a candidate for accession heralds a new era for the Turkish Kurds. The logic of ethnic nationalism in Turkey has long generated attempts to repress... more
A begginers guide to Kurdish history
Zakho has a strategic position in terms of connecting all parts of Great Kurdistan most importantly, it bridges south, north and west parts of it. Moreover, it was a connecting point between borders of two Kurdish emirates namely, Badinan... more
This book elucidates the political and economic history of the Kurdish people who first composed a significant part of the Ottoman Empire, and later, of Republican Turkey. It goes on to explore the development of Armenian-Kurdish... more
THE materials collected in the ensuing pages are the results of about 7,500 miles of riding and innumerable conversations with policemen, nluleteers, mullahs, chieftains, sheep drovers, horse dealers, carriers and other people capable of... more