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Northeastern region of India is one of the six most seismically active regions of the world. Guwahati, the major city in the region is growing rapidly in every aspect. The 1897 great Assam earthquake and the 1950 Assam earthquake both of... more
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    • Liquefaction
In this study, experimental investigations on the liquefaction of Karanja Press Seed Cake (PSC) were carried out in the presence of Pyrolytic Bio-oil (PBO) produced from the slow pyrolysis of the same feedstock. The effects of PBO amount... more
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    • Liquefaction
Previous case histories have shown that soil liquefaction severely damaged many structures supported on pile foundations during earthquakes. As a result, evaluating the potential for instability is an important consideration for the safe... more
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      GeologyLiquefactionFoundation EngineeringSoil Dynamics-Liquefaction
A new liquefaction potential map of the peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, is presented in this paper. Liquefaction potential is expressed in terms of the liquefaction potential index (LPI) developed by Iwasaki et al. and calculated... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringCartographyGeology
Liquefaction is a hazardous seismic-based phenomenon, which causes an abrupt decrease in soil strength properties and can result in the massive destruction of the built environment. This research presents a novel approach to reduce the... more
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      LiquefactionApplied SciencesSoil Dynamics-LiquefactionLiquefaction potential Evaluation
The effect of size, shape, and aromaticity in the formation of radicals from model polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) was theoretically studied using the MINDOI3 method. The results were interpreted in terms of hydrogen transfer on... more
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      EngineeringCarbonLiquefactionFree Radical
Liquefaction is a phenomenon loss the strength of the soil due to a cyclic load, like the load caused by an earthquake, which causes the soil to deform from solid to liquid. occurs in saturated soil due to increased pore water pressure... more
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Collapse of pile-supported structures in liquefiable deposits is still observed after strong earthquakes despite the fact that large factors of safety (against bending due to lateral loads and axial capacity) are employed in their design.... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPlasticity
The major plastic wastes are always mixtures, which are difficult to separate to treat in practice. Because of some possible cross-reactions, the degradation behaviors of plastics could not be mathematically represented by a simple... more
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Hydrogen storage
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      EngineeringLiquefactionHydrogen StorageHydrogen Energy
Strong ground motions can trigger soil liquefaction that will alter the propagating signal and induce ground failure. Important damage in structures and lifelines has been evidenced after recent earthquakes such as Christchurch, New... more
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      EngineeringFinite Element MethodsLiquefactionConditional Random Fields
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      Soil MechanicsLiquefactionSample PreparationAnisotropy
In this paper numerical analysis is carried out to identify borehole log at a particular location of a site thus producing a number of parameters which are empirically related to SPT values. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) remains the... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyEarthquake EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering
In this paper, an experimental investigation, an analytical analysis and a numerical model of a typical four-point bending test on a honeycomb sandwich panel are proposed. The honeycomb core is modelled as a single solid layer of... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
The hydro-liquefaction of Dunaliella salina over solid acid catalyst was examined under moderate conditions (200°C, 2.0 MPa, 60 min). The significant increment of bio-oil yield was obtained over Ni/REHY catalyst, increasing about 20%... more
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Mud volcanoes sometimes erupt within days after nearby earthquakes. The number of such nearly coincident events is larger than would be expected by chance and the eruptions are thus assumed to be triggered by earthquakes. Here we compile... more
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Resumen El Terremoto de Limón (Ms = 7.5) se presentó el 22 de abril de 1991 y tuvo su epicentro en las coordenadas 9.685 N y-83.073 W. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la relación de los procesos detonados por el sismo en... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringDisaster risk managementCentral America and MexicoDeveloping Countries
The study of earthquake-related geological processes has become immensely necessary due to increasing danger on the life and the property of the people after an earthquake. Soil liquefaction following large earthquake is a major... more
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    • Liquefaction
Colloidal silica (CS) is a kind of nanomaterial used in soil/rock grouting techniques in different branches of civil engineering. Many studies have recently been performed to investigate the potential of CS in improving the mechanical... more
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      LiquefactionNanomaterialsSoil StabilizationGrouting
Ten moderate to large (magnitude 6-7) earthquakes have occurred in southwestern British Columbia and northwestern Washington in the last 130 years. A future large earthquake close to Vancouver, Victoria, or Seattle would cause tens of... more
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      HistoryPsychologySeismic HazardRisk
This paperˆrst reviews the earthquakes that occurred since 1995 and then outlines the signiˆcant lessons learnt from disasters. The discussion then goes into the induced development of engineering practices that were triggered by those... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceDesignPerformance
River bank failures occur continuously throughout Bangladesh. From a strict economic viewpoint, cost of ramification of these problems is high, and the national budget for such works is never sufficient. It was found that the traditional... more
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      Civil EngineeringLiquefactionSlope Stability and Landslides
This report qas prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.
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Current methods to improve the engineering properties of sands are diverse with respect to methodology, treatment uniformity, cost, environmental impact, site accessibility requirements, etc. All of these methods have benefits and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringSoil MechanicsLiquefaction
The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Its primary mandate was -and is -two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical... more
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyLNGBiomass
Exergy Exergy efficiency Comparison criteria a b s t r a c t In a hydrogen liquefier the pre-compression of feed gas has generally higher stand-alone exergy efficiency than the cooling and liquefaction sub-process. Direct comparison of... more
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      EngineeringHydrogenLiquefactionComparative Study
a b s t r a c t Field investigations following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (M s ¼ 8.0) identified 118 liquefaction sites nearly all of which are underlain by gravelly sediment in the Chengdu Plain and adjacent Mianyang area. Field... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyGeophysicsLiquefaction
To predict the earthquake response of saturated porous media it is essential to correctly simulate the generation, redistribution, and dissipation of excess pore water pressure during and after earthquake shaking. To this end, a reliable... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeophysicsLiquefaction
In 2013, over 500 million metric tons of Iron Ore Fines (IOF) were transported around the world using bulk carriers. Under certain conditions IOF, while being transported, can possibly undergo liquefaction. Since 2006, there has been... more
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      Civil EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringLiquefaction
About OCZ
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    • Liquefaction
This paper presents new correlations for assessment of the likelihood of initiation (or "triggering") of soil liquefaction. These new correlations eliminate several sources of bias intrinsic to previous, similar correlations, and provide... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringLiquefactionGeotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
This laboratory investigation has been conducted to elucidate how the fi nes fraction affects the undrained residual shear strength and liquefaction potential of sand-silt mixtures (Algeria). A series of monotonic and cyclic undrained... more
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      GeologyLiquefactionResidual Strength
Earthquake Environmental Effect for seismic hazard assessment: the ESI intensity scale and the EEE Catalogue Gli effetti dei terremoti sull'ambiente per la valutazione della pericolosità sismica: la scala di intensità ESI e il Catalogo EEE
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      LiquefactionMass MovementsHISTORICAL SEISMICITYSeismic Intensity
The liquefaction potential of saturated cohesionless deposits in Guwahati city, Assam, was evaluated. The critical cyclic stress ratio required to cause liquefaction and the cyclic stress ratio induced by an earthquake were obtained using... more
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    • Liquefaction
Earthquake excitations often cause an increase in pore water pressure in contractive sands resulting in liquefaction, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to assess the earthquake-induced excess pore... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringLiquefactionSoil DynamicsEarthquake Geotechnical Engineering
LIQUEFACTION Liquefaction is a process by which sediments below the water table temporarily loose strength and behave as a liquid rather than a solid. A more precise definition of soil liquefaction is given by Sladen et al (1985): "... more
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      Soil ScienceLiquefactionSoil Dynamics-Liquefaction
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringLiquefaction
Site investigation is essential prior to all construction activities of engineering structures for determining the suitability of the site for the construction of the proposed structure. The results from the site investigation gives us... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringLiquefactionSoil and Water Engineering
Liquefaction of saturated soils during earthquake often had been a major cause of damage to structures. Since beginning the liquefaction studies were concentrated on sandy soils, as the sandy soils are known to be more susceptible to... more
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      LiquefactionCyclic TestSPT
This paper presents a literature review followed by a case study of the evaluation of liquefaction susceptibility for sand-like materials using field and laboratory tests (SCPTu and grain size distribution), applied for different methods.... more
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      LiquefactionLaboratory Investigation on the Mechanical Behavior of SoilsSoil Liquefaction Potentialfield investigation
Improvement of soft ground deposit s near the coastal areas, delta and black cotton soil areas of the country has been the challenge for infrastructural development. Rapid urban and industrial growth demands more land for further... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringSettlement PatternsLiquefaction
Soil improvement with stone columns is often implemented in seismic areas in particular as a countermeasure against liquefaction. The efficiency of stone columns can be explained by the compaction effect during their execution, by the... more
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      LiquefactionCase StudyPile Foundation
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      LiquefactionSoil Dynamics-Liquefaction
The Palu earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 Mw occurred on September 28, 2018, at 18:02 WITA time. Palukoro fault experienced a strike with a mechanism of "strike slip". Earthquake epicentre is located 72 km north of the city of Palu... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringGroundwaterLiquefactionEarthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Liquefaction adalah suatu kejadian dimana suatu massa tanah mengalami kehilangan kekuatan mekanisnya pada kondisi tanah yang jenuh air, pada jenis tanah yang non-kohesif yang disebabkan oleh kenaikan nilai pore water pressure (tegangan... more
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      LiquefactionSoil Improvement
A number of countries have recently discovered and are developing oil and gas reserves. Policy makers in such countries are anxious to obtain the greatest benefits for their economies from the extraction of these exhaustible resources by... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GeographyPolitical EconomyNatural Resources
There is considerable interest in investigating the deoxygenation process, due to the high oxygen content of the feed-stocks used for the production of renewable fuels. This review addresses studies related to the catalytic... more
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      Chemical EngineeringRenewable EnergyHigh PressureBiomass
Two approaches for the conversion of waste post consumer plastic (PCP) into oil have been investigated: (1) direct liquefaction and (2) pyrolysis followed by hydprocessing of the pyrolysis liquids. The PCPs investigated were a washed PCP... more
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The failure of a sloping ground due to static liquefaction occurs when the shear stress applied by a monotonic triggering load exceeds the undrained yield (peak) shear strength of the saturated liquefiable cohesionless soil. Current... more
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      LiquefactionShear Strength