Low Noise
Recent papers in Low Noise
An applications-oriented review of optical parametric amplifiers in fiber communications is presented. The emphasis is on parametric amplifiers in general and single pumped parametric amplifiers in particular. While a theoretical... more
A complete analysis of low-noise 0.1 m gate AlInAs/GaInAs HEMT's has been performed by using a semiclassical Monte Carlo simulation. The validity of the model has been checked through the comparison of the simulated results with static,... more
New advances in hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixers have recently resulted in record-low receiver noise temperatures at terahertz frequencies. We have developed quasi-optically coupled NbN HEB mixers and measured noise temperatures up to... more
A prototype free precession magnetometer i s described which uses a SQUID t o d e t e c t t h e
A large area, charge-couple-device (CCD) based fiberoptic taper array detector (APS-1) has been installed at the insertion-device beamline of the Structural Biology Center at the ANL Advanced Photon Source. The detector is used in protein... more
The sub-millimeter radiometers of the Herschel mission have very stringent requirements. The scientific goals require an instantaneous bandwidth of four GHz with very low noise, flat gain and low power dissipation. Short-term gain... more
The paper presents opportunities of cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy technique application in nitrogen oxides (NO x ) detection. In this method the concentration of an absorbing gas is determined by measure of decay time of the... more
Terahertz time-domain transmission spectroscopy was used to obtain the absorption coefficients and refractive indices of polycrystalline quartz, amorphous silica, Pyrex and BK7 glasses. The results were analyzed in terms of the power-law... more
This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of three state-of-the-art heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs); the AlGaAs/GaAs HBT, the Si/SiGe HBT and the InGaAs/InP HBT. Our aim in this paper is to find the potentials and... more
In this paper, a fully passivated true Enhancementmode 110-nm metamorphic high-electron mobility transistor (E-MHEMT) on GaAs substrate with excellent dc and RF performance has been developed. By choosing an indium content of 40% for the... more
Perpendicular recording has long been advocated as a means of achieving the highest areal densities. In particular, in the context of the 'superparamagnetic limit', perpendicular recording with a soft underlayer promises several key... more
Existing works on variational bayesian (VB) treatment for factor analysis (FA) model such as . Variational inference for Bayesian mixture of factor analysers. In Advances in neural information proceeding systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press;... more
We report on the experimental demonstration of strong quadrature EPR entanglement and squeezing at very low noise sideband frequencies produced by a single type-II, self-phase-locked, frequency degenerate optical parametric oscillator... more
We have developed a novel analog front-end part of a wireless brain oxymeter receiver instrument based on near-infrared spectroreflectometry (NIRS). The NIRS receiver makes use of dynamic threshold transistors (DTMOS) for low voltage... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Widely-tunable Sampled-Grating Distributed Bragg Reflector (SG-DBR) lasers with integrated Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs) simultaneously exhibit high (20 mW CW) fiber-coupled output power, high (>40) side mode suppression ratio,... more
In this paper, a high Q tunable 2nd order band-pass filter, working in the RF frequency range and designed in a II. ACTIVE INDUCTOR standard AMS 0.35pm CMOS technology, is proposed. The shows the topology of a CMOS active inductor [1-9]... more
We present a compact integrated fiber laser with more than 200 mW of output power. It combines polarized fiber output with very narrow linewidth of less than 2 kHz. The coherence length of the laser is measured to be longer than 5 km. The... more
Abstrac/-SAR surveys from separate passes show relative shifts of the ground wavcnu m ber spectra thaI depend on the local slope and the off-nadir angle. We discuss the exploitation of this spectral sllift for different app] ications: I)... more
We consider the Kuramoto model of globally coupled phase oscillators with time-delayed interactions, that is subject to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (Gaussian) colored or the non-Gaussian colored noise. We investigate numerically the interplay... more
We report low noise multiplication region structures designed for avalanche photodiodes grown on InP substrates. By either implementing a single heterostructure or using a pseudograded structure in the multiplication region, better... more
The experimental detection of capacitance variations with a resolution as low as few zeptoFarads (10 −21 F) is presented. This is achieved by means of a CMOS ultra-low-noise and wide-bandwidth current sensing circuit, coupled to a lock-in... more
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A low noise constant current source used for measuring the 1/f noise in disordered systems in ohmic as well as non-ohmic regime is described. The source can supply low noise constant current starting from as low as 1 µA to a few tens of... more
The paper concerns Drag-Free and Attitude Control of the European satellite Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) during the science phase. Design has followed Embedded Model Control, where a... more
Improving the of radio telescopes and ra- diometers and their associated receive subsystems translates into increasing the ground received signal-to-noise ratios. Therefore, low noise amplification with cooling operation is required. How-... more
The second harmonic induced voltage in the pick-up coil of a fluxgate magnetometer is generally used as a measure of the external Ž . magnetic field M.F. in applications where high stability and low noise are required. Fourth harmonic... more
The limits of the noise performance of detector readout front ends in CMOS technology have been studied. A theoretical minimal number of equivalent noise charge (ENC) that can be achieved by a CMOS technology is derived, taking both... more
High-power transmission capacity at low-energy losses, low noise emissions, high reliability, and ease of maintenance, as well as convenient cost-effectiveness, are required for industrial applications regarding variable electro-hydraulic... more
This letter presents, for the first time, measured data on a Bragg reflection grating based fiber-optic prism true time delay processor for transmit/receive phased array beamforming. Measurements taken over a 3.5-GHz bandwidth... more
A novel design of low noise amplifier for medical ultrasound transducers is described in this paper. Unlike conventional low noise preamplifiers, this design proposes a new circuit configuration which has electronically adjustable... more
Th e generation of femtosecond optical pulses 1 has opened up a range of applications from real-time monitoring of chemical reactions through to ultrahigh-bit-rate optical communications 2 , and has led to new concepts in femtosecond... more
In the past two decades, imaging sensors and detectors have developed tremendously. This technology has found its way into a number of areas, such as space missions, synchrotron light sources, and medical imaging. Nowadays, detectors and... more
The concept of concurrent multiband low-noise-amplifiers (LNAs) is introduced. A systematic way to design concurrent multiband integrated LNAs in general is developed. Applications of concurrent multiband LNAs in concurrent multiband... more
Sixty-gigahertz power (PA) and low-noise (LNA) amplifiers have been implemented, based on algorithmic design methodologies for mm-wave CMOS amplifiers, in a 90-nm RF-CMOS process with thick 9-metal-layer Cu backend and transistor T MAX of... more
This paper presents an analysis of sub-2.5-V topologies and design methodologies for SiGe BiCMOS and sub-90nm CMOS building blocks to be used in the next generation of 40-100 Gb/s wireline transceivers. Examples of optimal designs for... more
Significant progress has been made in systems that interpret the electrical signals of the brain in order to control an actuator. One version of these systems senses neuronal extracellular action potentials with an array of up to 100... more
The design of a miniaturized FM radio transmitter using a tunnel diode as the main active element to broadcast information regarding body activity such as muscle and heart potentials to a remote receiver and recorder is reported. This FM... more
This paper describes a high-performance strain sensing microsystem. A MEMS capacitive strain sensor converts an input strain to a capacitance change with a sensitivity of 26.5 aF per 0.1 µε. Low-noise integrated sensing electronics... more
This paper reviews recent research conducted at the University of Toronto on the development of CMOS transceivers aimed at operation in the 90-170-GHz range. Unique nanoscale CMOS issues related to millimeter-wave circuit design in the... more
A novel low-cost QFN (Quad Flat Non-Leaded) package is introduced for GaAs MMIC packaging. The air-cavity QFN package is designed and implemented with an HTCC process using Alumina substrate. To operate the package up to 40 GHz, several... more
Significant progress has been made in systems that interpret the electrical signals of the brain in order to control an actuator. One version of these systems senses neuronal extracellular action potentials with an array of up to 100... more
A CMOS preamplifier optimized for piezoelectric transducers is presented. The extensive use of CMOS-compatible lateral bipolar transistors (CLBT's) and careful layout leads to a very low noise along with good untrimmed dc and ac... more
Columnar CsI(Tl) screens are now routinely used in indirect digital x-ray imaging detectors. The CsI(Tl) scintillator provides high density, high atomic number, and high scintillation efficiency. These properties, coupled with the fact... more
This letter presents a novel Hartley low phase noise differential CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The low noise CMOS VCO has been implemented with the TSMC 0.18m 1P6M CMOS technology and adopts full PMOS to achieve a better... more