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This thesis is a historical and filmic analysis of the Black Panther Party, using two documentaries, All Power to the People: The Black Panther Party and Beyond (1996) and The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution (2015). It is first... more
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      HistoryFilm StudiesRace and RacismCivil Rights
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      American HistoryRace and RacismSpiritualityCatholic Social Teaching
In my final paper I want to elaborate on the possible negative and positive impact of Malcolm X on the Black Liberation Movement
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      Black PowerBlack NationalismMalcolm XBlack Liberation
Two weeks ago, the world witnessed a murder of an innocent Black man, George Floyd, what many, including Jesse Jackson, called a “public lynching” in broad daylight, at the hands of a white policeman. It was a brutal killing by the manner... more
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      HistorySociologyAnthropologyRace and Racism
I would consider Baldwin's writings about Malcolm X/el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz and several queries. First, how do Baldwin's representations of el-Shabazz compare with The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley? This is a... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMedia StudiesFilm StudiesJames Baldwin
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      Civil RightsBiographyAfrican American HistoryNation of Islam
James Baldwin in Context provides a wide-ranging collection of approaches to the work of an essential black American author who is just as relevant now as he was during his turbulent heyday in the mid-twentieth century. The perspectives... more
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      African American LiteratureUS Civil Rights MovementJames BaldwinMalcolm X
Critical Insights: Malcolm X / table of contents
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    • Malcolm X
Ethnologiquement et historiquement, l’Afro-Américain et l’Arabo-Européen ont beaucoup en commun. Plusieurs générations après avoir été “importés” dans une terre promise, ils ne sont toujours pas considérés comme des citoyens à part... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesRace and RacismHistory of SlaveryColonialism
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      Rhetoric and Public CultureOratoryCivil Rights MovementAfrican American Rhetoric
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricRace and RacismRacism
C'est un compte rendu d'une nouvelle biographie de Malcolm X par Manning Marable.
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      Malcolm XBiographieLa Litterature AfricaineBlack Political Thought
This is a book review of "The autobiography of Malcom X as told to Alex Hailey"
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      HistoryAutobiographyBiographyMalcolm X
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      Social JusticeMalcolm XBlack Emancipation
Theologically speaking, human rights emerge from God’s creative act of humanity from a single soul (Adam) and appointing humanity as Earth’s vicegerent. Any subsequent denial of a person’s dignity and right of existence therefore implies... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesRace and EthnicityWhiteness StudiesIslamic Studies
In this paper, I examine works of fiction, digital resources, and speeches of Malay political ideologues who engaged in the mythologization, mo- numentalization, and mobilization of Malcolm X's thought. As a travel- ling model, his life... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesMalcolm XThe Malay World
Afro-Amerikan Müslüman lider Malcolm X'in (El Hacc Malik El Şahbaz) birçoğu ilk kez Türkçeleştirilen ve dönemine damgasını vurmuş, üniversite öğrencilerine hitaben yaptığı konuşmaları içeren Amerika'ya Meydan Okurken kitabının ilk baskısı... more
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      American StudiesHistory of SlaveryPanAfrican HistoryMalcolm X
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      American HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesHuman RightsUnited Nations
Assignment This critical writing assignment asks you to discuss any one or two of the texts on the syllabus. The topic is up to you to choose, though it is important that you do more than rehash class discussion. Given the length of the... more
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      American LiteratureAfrican American LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Ralph Ellison
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      American LiteratureAfrican American LiteratureAfrican American StudiesPostwar America
Born out of a critical deconstruction of the Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley (1965), Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention (2011) by Manning Marable takes upon a significant task: not only placing Malcolm’s life and death... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesCivil WarAmerican Civil WarAfrican American Studies
Malcolm X is an iconic figure who has inspired, controversy, debate, scholarship, revolution, fear, nationalism, and pride in the hearts and minds of those who contemplate his memory. One of the many topics of his ideology that... more
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      Sex and GenderClassGenderSocial movements and revolution
This article examines the political development of Malcolm X domestically. Malcolm influenced and was influenced by activists in the United States. The long held notion that Malcolm's critiques of capitalism and imperialism only emerged... more
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      SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesActivismMalcolm X

Mepa News Biyografi
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      Malcolm XEl-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz
When it was first published, many Black writers condemned William Styron's biographical novel The Confessions of Nat Turner. What few scholars have noticed is that there were many Black intellectuals who defended and even supported Styron... more
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      American LiteratureBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesNineteenth Century Studies
This essay reflects an attempt to advance our understanding of the relationship between argument and history, as well as to add to the scholarly conversation surrounding Malcolm X by explaining how he was able use history as argument to... more
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      HistoryArgumentationMalcolm X
O artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre alguns aspectos da vida de Malcolm X. O objetivo central do trabalho é apresentar Malcolm como um representante da “diáspora negra” que lutou pelo fim da supremacia branca e pelos ideais de... more
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      Spike LeeMalcolm XTeoria SocialRelações étnico-Raciais
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      Social MovementsCivil RightsBlack PowerBlack Power Movement
A discussion of the Autobiography of Malcom X in comparison to the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.
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      African American LiteratureAutobiographyHarlem RenaissanceFrederick Douglass
Office hours: MWF 10:30-11, 1-2, 4-4:30; by appt. Course Description This course surveys African American literature from the end of the Harlem Renaissance through the period of the Black Arts Movement to the present. The primary... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesDigital HumanitiesInterdisciplinarityAfrican American Literature
En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se estudian las vidas e ideas de dos de los líderes negros estadounidenses más importantes del siglo XX: Martin Luther King Jr. y Malcolm X. Para ello, en primer lugar, se exponen sus respectivas... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesMalcolm X
Resumen El feminismo negro o afrofeminismo surgió como fenómeno social y político a finales del siglo XIX, cuando las mujeres blancas estadounidenses líderes del movimiento sufragista decidieron dar prioridad a su derecho al voto sobre el... more
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      Bell HooksMalcolm XAngela DavisFeminismo Negro
Argumentative tactics honed while participating in formal debates were a central foundation of Malcolm X's rhetorical practices. Despite this fact, structured debates and panel appearances represent one of the least theorized aspects of... more
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      RhetoricMalcolm XRefusal Speech Act
There are many good reasons why Malcolm X's legacy has outlived his short life. Though his life as a public figure lasted just thirteen years before an untimely death-murdered by gunfire at 39 years old while speaking at the Audubon... more
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      Higher EducationPrison EducationPrisonsNation of Islam
Former Washington Post editor Karl Evanzz is the leading advocate of the "Elijah Killed Malcolm" claim. He is also the principle fabricator of the evidence supposedly proving that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad ordered the murder of... more
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    • Malcolm X
Here are a set of comprehensive notes aimed at framing a discussion around the work of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. Coming on the heels of a discussion of W.E.B. Du Bois, one major aim here is to see how King and Malcolm are... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAmerican History
Work In Progress
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      Political AssassinationsNation of IslamMalcolm X
God & Apple Pie: Religious Myths and Visions of America by Christopher Buck Kingston, NY: Educator's International Press, 2015 Contents Introduction, by J. Gordon Melton Chapter 1: America: Nation and Notion Chapter 2: Native American... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNew Religious MovementsHistory
Experience is an universal phenomena that is interpreted, framed and narrated by individuals and communities to orientate, bind together or divide, to create continuity and difference. Experience of the Ultimate, whether named God, the... more
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      IslamReligious ExperienceSt Therese of LisieuxNation of Islam
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      Asian American StudiesRace and EthnicityIslamic StudiesAmerican Islam
Afro-Amerikan Müslüman lider Malcolm X'in (El Hacc Malik El Şahbaz) birçoğu ilk kez Türkçeleştirilen ve dönemine damgasını vurmuş, söylev, söyleşi, gazete yazıları ve mektuplarını içeren Biraz Aksiyon-Rahat Durmayacağız kitabının ilk... more
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      American StudiesSlaveryPanAfrican HistoryMalcolm X
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      Islamic StudiesCivil Rights MovementBlack Intellectual HistoryJames Baldwin
As an organization, upon the orders of Elijah Muhammad the Nation of Islam were the killers of Malcolm X.-Zak Kondo on Riot Starters TV February 24, 2022 Zak Kondo has been described as the author of "a definitive account of the... more
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      Political AssassinationsNation of IslamMalcolm X
was firebomb in an FBI-and NYPD-involved operation. A justifiably angry Malcolm X immediately laid the blame on the Nation of Islam and any behind-thescenes reconciliation negotiations that might have been engaged in at the time between... more
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    • Malcolm X
One myth that is important to the Malcolm X False Narrative is the claim that, in preparation for the February 21 st assassination, the Nation of Islam rented the Audubon Ballroom a week prior (Tuesday, February 16) in order to dress... more
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      Nation of IslamMalcolm X
Malcolm was our manhood, our living black manhood. That was his meaning to his people. And, in honoring him, we honor the best in ourselves...And we will know him then for what he was and is-a Prince, our own shining Black Prince who... more
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      Nation of IslamMalcolm XBlack Males and Masculinity
Malcolm X is one of the most iconoclastic persons in the African American political and intellectual traditions. The challenge in performing the research for this thesis, was to find a way to examine the life of Malcolm X that is... more
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      American HistoryIslamic StudiesAfrican American StudiesIslam
600 words - short analytical review of the 3-page long "Learning to Read" extract from Malcolm X's Autobiography
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      American HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesComparative PoliticsPopular Music
For nearly four-hundred years, blacks in North America have survived under conditions of oppression or in environments where they are required to assimilate into communities that have historically served the predominantly white privileged... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAnthropologyEducationDiversity