Masonic Studies
Recent papers in Masonic Studies
Never entirely analyzed until now, the pictorial iconography of Maria Carolina looks more vivacious and interesting than that of her sister Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, both for its various languages from different countries, as the... more
Mozart and his connection with the Freemason have been the subject of a number of studies, most of which aiming at determining if and if so to which extent the Freemasonic milieu influenced Mozart's production. The main aim of this paper... more
A VERY rare book, almost impossible to find, about the Masonic "forces" and their political maneuverings in the Middle East since colonialist times...
Buildings have a significant and continuously increasing impact on the environment because they are responsible for a large portion of carbon emissions and use a considerable number of resources and energy. The green building movement... more
In my book The Genesis of Freemasonry I proposed how natural philosopher and Freemason Dr Jean Theophilus Desaguliers was responsible for creating the third degree by the mid-1720s. Before this, there were two 'parts' being performed; the... more
[The Second DAILY Invocation: To the Superior agents in Merai nicknamed Mercury; for the spiritual Monday, and not for the temporal Monday. SUNDAY is the true day Monday, given to Mercury.] O you M.10., O you M.93., O you M.21. I CALL you... more
gave a resumé of the most recent fifty years, for more than twenty of which he had then been a member of the Lodge and, for almost fifteen, Secretary. The present short account of the history of the Lodge inevitably draws very largely... more
The Foundation Stone Meditation given by Rudolf Steiner is a marvelous structure of thought with tremendous significance that has been compared, justifiably, to the Lord’s Prayer, the Holy Grail and the Philosopher’s Stone. In these few... more
A priori, l'architecture maçonnique ne semble pas poser question : pour l'observateur extérieur ou distrait, il existe une architecture maçonnique comme il existe une musique maçonnique, qui se caractérise par un rapport direct, notamment... more
Proponiamo la lettura del lavoro di Vinicio Serino “Arturo Reghini, Pitagorico”, apparso nel 2005 come introduzione alla raccolta, curata da Moreno Neri, Per la restituzione della Massoneria Pitagorica Italiana . Il contributo di... more
This publication contains, for the first time in English, the totality of Martinez de Pasqually’s l’Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Élus Coëns de l’Univers, manuscript B.M.G. MS. 4123 Extrait de ce qui est contenu dans les Grades de l’Ordre... more
Cet article est extrait d’une thèse de Doctorat en Architecture : « Le temple maçonnique : forme, type et signification », sous la direction d’A. Mastrorilli (ENSAPLille, ED SHS, Université de Lille 3). Il offre un panorama de... more
D'entrée, la question posée en titre pourrait paraître provocatrice, s'agissant d'illustrer par un propos théorique le catalogue d'une exposition consacrée… à l'architecture maçonnique. Pourtant, à la lecture de certains ouvrages ou... more
ﻣﻨﻈﻮر ﻣﻦ ﻣﺎﻳﻮ 14 ﺻﻼة اﻟﺪﻳﻦ:ﺗﺒﻌﺎت رﺟﺎل إﻟﻰ رﺳﺎﻟﺔ ﺗﻜﺘﺐ اﻟﺪﻳﻦ ﺟﻤﺎل ﻫﺒﺔ د. اﻟﺸﻌﺎﺋﺮي اﻟﺤﻮار 2020 ,9 ﻣﺎﻳﻮ ﻓﻲ اﻷﻫﺎﻟﻲ ﺟﺮﻳﺪة ﻛﺘﺐ 917 뀢 Share 917 뀢 Share اﻷﻫﺎﻟﻲ ﺟﺮﻳﺪة اﻟﺴﺎﺑﻖ اﻟﻤﻮﺿﻮع ... more
Kitaptaki Başlıca Konular: Türkiye İçin En Öncelikli Tehdit; AKP İktidarıdır! "Küçük İsrail" Olacak "Büyük Kürdistan", AKP'ye mi Kurdurulmaktadır? Ahmaklık; Çelişkilerin Farkına Varmamaktır! Türkiye ABD'nin Eyaleti mi Sayılmaktadır?... more
Difficile de savoir si le chevalier de Ramsay est déjà franc-maçon lorsqu'il rédige et publie son unique roman. Pierre Chevallier, par exemple, ne nous rend pas la tâche plus aisée, lui qui affirme : « C'est en tout cas au cours du séjour... more
Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer la relevancia del modernismo de Lisboa a través de la figura de Manuel Joaquim Norte Júnior, arquitecto cuya trayectoria, cronología y lenguajes formales se encuentran cercanos a Enrique Nieto y Nieto .... more
Kabbalah (קַ בָּלָה) is derived from ancient Hebraic priesthood practices that has as it's goal the transformation or perfection of mankind. Today’s Kabbalah mostly happens from the neck up – via meditation, study, and contemplation. In... more
Rosicrucian and Masonic symbols provide clues to solving the riddle of the Dedication to Shake-speare's Sonnets, published in 1609. Assuming that "William Shakespeare" was a pseudonym, the actual author may have been Sir Francis Bacon or... more
Le « Discours » de Ramsay fait partie, avec les Constitutions d'Anderson, de ces textes emblématiques, souvent qualifiés de « textes fondateurs de la Franc-maçonnerie ». Beaucoup l'ont parcouru. L'a-t-on vraiment lu ? Pourquoi ce texte... more
It is always discouraging, as a Centenary celebration approaches, for a new Lodge Secretary to find that the brethren expect a history of the Lodge to be produced for the meeting in question. This is particularly the case when a number of... more
BAŞLARKEN Mesleğimizin dili ve terminolojisi önemli bir şey değil, önemli tek şeydir! Masonluğun bir Tefekkür ve Tefsir Sanatı olduğu tanımı, bu çalışmanın ve bir önceki cümlenin özünü anlatır. Bugünün yaşamında pek de kullanılmayan bu... more
The importance of masonic education is a subject that has been overlooked by many lodges. In the interest of forming a lodge of research and education in the Delaware jurisdiction, and hopefully help other lodges do the same. I see it... more
This paper will conduct a detail analyze on Freemasonry's symbolism codified to The Great Seal of the United States obverse and reverse sides, The Apotheosis of George Washington, The Centennial Great Seal of 1882, The Capitol Building... more
This article seeks to address the complex relationships, conspiratorial theories and actual relationship between Jacobites, Hanoverians and Freemasons. This is a translation of the original article published in French.
Editora de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, 2015 (Nueva historia de las redes masónicas atlánticas 2). Inventada entre las Islas británicas, Holanda y Francia a la confluencia del siglo XVII y del siglo XVIII, la... more
À partir d’enquêtes de terrain et d’autobiographies de « compagnons », cet article propose de retracer la naissance et l’évolution d’une notion clé du compagnonnage : l’« Orient ». Forgée en réaction aux progrès du machinisme au xixe... more
Americans of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries shared specific ideas concerning the appearance of Solomon's temple. This conception was shaped by a specific set of artists, art works, and buildings. This American... more
This paper analyzes the Cuban Freemasonry from a historical and evolutionary perspective, which has a cause-and-effect relation in Cuban society and in construction of the national identity. Shows the correlation between Freemasonry and... more
La obra de Cremaster 3 (2002) de Matthew Barney constituye un ejemplo paradigmático de la complejidad simbólica y estética de la creación audiovisual de algunos autores contemporáneos. A través de la profundidad iconóligca en masonería,... more
Resumen: Antecedentes y estudio comparativo de las documentos fundamentales de dos tendencias de grados colaterales del Rito Francés o Moderno de la Francmasonería, que abarca el contenido de estos documentos respecto de participantes,... more
Al igual que los dos primeros, el presente volumen contiene medio siglo de aportes sociológico-puntuales de Xavier Gamboa Villafranca. Presenta contribuciones de resultados de sus análisis coyunturales, utilizando la visión de la ciencia... more
Fecha de terminación del trabajo: septiembre de 2007. Fecha de aceptación por la revista: noviembre de 2008. BIBLID [0210-962-X(2008); 39; 213-232]
El presente trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre los valores de la escenografía masónica como recurso estético en el arte contemporáneo, desde principios del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad, analizando las obras de diversos artistas que han... more
Este trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre los efectos sociales de los hitos urbanos masónicos de Canarias, analizando su integración democrática en el paisaje urbano. En la concepción de la ciudad como entidad multicultural, es necesario... more