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The study examines the influence of board characteristics on environmental sustainability performance. Companies' sustainability performance is affected by many factors such as board composition, lack of knowledge, policies and resources... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate GovernanceEnvironmental Management AccountingEnvironmental Sustainability
This research aimed to answer the questions of sustainability of palm oil processing PT XYZ in the economic, social, environmental and technology with the design and implementation of Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA). MFCA provides... more
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      Corporate SustainabilityMaterial Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
The Occupation era (1945-1952) witnessed major change in Japan and the beginnings of its growth from of the ashes of defeat towards its status as a developmental model for much of the world. The period arguably saw the sowing of the seeds... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryEcological EconomicsJapanese History
This paper report findings from a pilot study in a micro-brewery that demonstrates the adoption of the MFCA model to capture adequate waste-cost information to support and improve waste-reduction decisions. While studies have shown that... more
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    • Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
ABSTRAK Ekosistem mangrove merupakan suatu ekosistem vegetasi di wilayah pasang surut berlumpur, yang terutama dijumpai di wilayah tropis dan sub-tropis. Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan mempunyai garis pantai yang sangat panjang, dan... more
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    • Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
Health equipment and furniture become a complementary factor for good health services to the communities. Management of health equipment and furniture is started by manufacturers within the industry scope and sustainable business... more
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      Green ConceptMaterial Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
This research aimed to answer the questions of sustainability of palm oil processing PT XYZ in the economic, social, environmental and technology with the design and implementation of Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA). MFCA provides... more
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      Corporate SustainabilityMaterial Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
Concerns regarding the development of environmental accounting have been around for decades. This work is an update to some of the previous questions around the development of ecological accounting to see how this has changed over the... more
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      Environmental AccountingMaterial Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)Sustainability
Health equipment and furniture become a complementary factor for good health services to the communities. Management of health equipment and furniture is started by manufacturers within the industry scope and sustainable business... more
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      Green ConceptMaterial Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
Since the Balearics are one of the key tourism destinations in Europe, the tourism industry has entailed a radical transformation of coastal life on the islands. In the 1960s and 1970s, fish captures increased enormously due to the... more
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      Tourism StudiesPolitical EcologyEcological EconomicsFisheries
This paper explore the feasibility of integrating material flow cost accounting (MFCA) technique with existing environmental management systems (EMS) in a brewery process for improved waste-reduction decisions and increased environmental... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringWastewaterMaterial Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
Material flow cost accounting analyzes input/output relations of material flows in the production process based on mass balance principles. However, the measured data of a process contains errors representing a mass imbalance in the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCleaner ProductionManufacturing EngineeringData reconciliation