Maternal Behavior
Recent papers in Maternal Behavior
To test the hypothesis that selective breeding for high voluntary wheel running negatively affects maternal performance in house mice, we observed maternal behavior and compared litter size and mass, in replicate lines of selected (N =4)... more
This review aimed to identify interventions to promote breastfeeding or breast milk feeding for infants admitted to the neonatal unit.
This paper is a report on the examination of demographic, birthing and social correlates of maternal role development in childbearing women.
for the Lifeways Cross-generation Cohort Study Steering Group BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Animal models have demonstrated that maternal overnutrition during pregnancy influences offspring adiposity. Few human studies of normal pregnancy have... more
Exposure of pregnant rats to stress results in offspring that exhibit abnormally fearful behavior and have elevated neuroendocrine responses to novelty and aversive stimuli. This study examined the effects of prenatal stress on plasma... more
to explore women's perceptions of conflicting advice around breast feeding from formal support networks, specifically health... more
Background: Assessment of mothers in the year after childbirth is important for a number of reasons, including the well-being of the mother and healthy development of the child. There exists a body of instruments that measure a range of... more
Abstract Aim To test whether alcohol is a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Design and setting US epidemiological study using computerized death certificates, linked birth and infant death dataset, and Fatality... more
Breastfeeding is a practice which is promoted and scrutinised in the UK and internationally. In this paper we use interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore the experiences of eight, British, first-time mothers who struggled with... more
1. Predicting population dynamics at large spatial scales requires integrating information about spatial distribution patterns, inter-patch movement rates and within-patch processes. Advective dispersal of aquatic species by water... more
Background: Numerous factors like continuous habitat reduction or fragmentation for free-ranging giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) as well as e.g. suboptimal housing conditions for animals in captivity might lead to behavioural... more
Background: Mental health disorders are medical conditions that influence individuals' daily functioning, ability to maintain social relationships, and decrease their quality of life (QOL). Social support is meaningful because it is... more
Objective. To evaluate new mothers' opinions of genetics and newborn screening.
The Marvin and Britner system for classifying caregiver behavior patterns in the preschool Strange Situation is presented to complement the Cassidy and Marvin (1992) preschool child -parent attachment classification system. Participants... more
Objective: There has been little research on women who are parenting while they experience pain and none of this research has focused on mothers with young children. The purpose of this study was to consider relational coping strategies... more
The aim of this study was to explore motherhood in the context of ED. The research question was: What are mothers' daily life experiences when suffering from ED? An explorative design was used. In-depth interviews (n=8) focused on... more
The early nursing-sucking relationship is not to be taken for granted in humans. A number of factors can either facilitate or mitigate its optimal establishment on the mother's or newborn's sides. Among these factors, a morphological... more
In this chapter we compare the behavior of mothers to their own infants at three to four and nine to ten months of age in five of the societies described in the previous chapters-namely the Gusii of Kenya, Yucatec Mayan of Mexico,... more
This study examined mother-adolescent conflict as a mediator of longitudinal reciprocal relations between adolescent aggression and depressive symptoms and maternal psychological control. Motivated by family systems theory and the... more
This study examines cultural patterning in situational variability in mother-infant interactions among middleclass Anglo and Puerto Rican mothers and their 12 to 15-month-old firstborn children. Forty mothers were interviewed regarding... more
Objective: to describe how women's maternal health, particularly at a psychosocial level, is assessed and promoted during the postnatal hospital stay. Design: postal survey of public hospitals providing postnatal care and interviews with... more
Little is known about premature infants' feeding skill development and the contribution to it of biologic and environmental conditions. Aims: Explore the level and variation in feeding skill performance through the first post-term year... more
Objective This randomized control trial examined the effects of a short-term, interaction-focused and attachment-based video-feedback intervention (VIPP: video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting).Design VIPP effect on... more
· Research and theory related to a dynamic systems perspective on emotion argue that emotions are relational, not individual; selforganfzing systems, not generated outputs; and processes of change, not states.
Background: Listening to music has a stress-reducing effect in surgical procedures. The effects of listening to music immediately before a cesarean section have not been studied. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of... more
Background: The birth of a very premature infant is a critical event in the life of a family and studies have shown that mothers of these infants are at greater risk of psychological distress than mothers of full-term infants. Study... more
Objectives: This paper examines the effectiveness of the Healthy Families New York (HFNY) home visiting program in promoting parenting competencies and preventing maladaptive parenting behaviors in mothers at risk for child abuse and... more
Maternal severe mental illness (SMI) disrupts mothereinfant interaction in the immediate postpartum and is associated with less than optimal offspring development. In-patient mother and baby units (MBUs) provide the opportunity of... more
maternal nestbuilding in Syrian hamsters: Interaction of ovarian steroids and energy demand. PHYSIOL BEHAV 58(1 ) 141 -146, 1995.--To investigate the relationship between energy demand, ovarian hormones, and behavioral thermoregulation,... more
We criticize a view of maternity that equates the natural with the genetic and biological and show how such a practice overdetermines the maternal body and the maternal experience for women who are mothers through adoption and ART... more
The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of maternal behavior, infant-mother attachment, and behavioral inhibition on the biobehavioral organization of toddlers during a primary non-attachment-related challenging context. In... more
The malleability of insecure and disorganized attachment among infants from maltreating families was investigated through a randomized preventive intervention trial. Findings from research on the effects of maltreatment on infant... more
Infanticide is a reproductive strategy found in many mammals, especially rodents. The proportion of male and female house mice (Mus domesticus) that are either infanticidal or noninfanticidal is strain specific and varies widely from... more
Many reptiles lay their eggs together in the most suitable sites, but it is difficult to account for the colonial nesting habit. .. without assuming that the gravid females are in some way attracted by the eggs of their own species.
A direct link between antenatal maternal mood and fetal behaviour, as observed by ultrasound from 27 to 28 weeks of gestation onwards, is well established. Moreover, 14 independent prospective studies have shown a link between antenatal... more
In the present study, linkages were examined between parental behaviors (maternal practices) at bedtime, emotional availability of mothering at bedtime, and infant sleep quality in a cross-sectional sample of families with infants between... more
1 ) Healthcare professionals' and mothers' perceptions of factors that influence decisions to breastfeed or formula feed infants: a comparative study.