Medieval feasts
Recent papers in Medieval feasts
With the emergence of the legend of Saint Blaise, who protected the people of Dubrovnik against the Venetian menace, the city of Dubrovnik has been continuously organizing a feast in Saint Blaise's honour on the 3rd of February of each... more
The Feast of the Pheasant, held in Lille in 1454 to launch a planned crusade by the duke of Bur-gundy to recapture Constantinople, has long been regarded as a singular and extravagant moment of 15th century spectacle. However, the Feast... more
A collection of thirteen articles and papers published during the last fifteen years. They are divided in three main parts relating to the hagiographic literature of byzantine and post-byzantine period, the history and special criteria of... more
la procession de 1349 77 La trinité : une invocation significative
Historians have never properly dealt with the Twelve Great Feasts (the Dodekaortion) of the Eastern Orthodox Church. While some feasts have received much attention, others have been almost totally ignored, making an understanding of... more
Religious festivities in the Middle Ages Abstract: In the Middle Ages, religious festivities used to take placeregularly all through the year, setting the pace of daily life. Certain elements —such as popular devotion, masses,... more
This paper focusses on the scenes of eating and drinking at Etzel's court in the middle high german Nibelungenlied *AB and in different modern adaptations. I presented it at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds in July 2016.
This article edits and analyses the Dance for Saint Vincent Ferrer, preserved in manuscript 3619 of the Biblioteca de Catalunya. Retrospectively, it examines the main choreutical and theatrical aspects of some traditional festivities of... more
"n contemporary historiography, traditional festivities and games constitute one more element in the comprehension of social systems, and the analysis of their main manifestations open a new window into the understanding of the economic,... more
The Xraxčanakankʻ of Anania Širakac‘i is a small collection of arithmetic problems (for now, we can confidently talk about six xraxčanakans) which are united by the theme of the feast. Unlike other arithmetic problems by Širakac‘i, the... more
Festive entertainments featuring ‘Moors’ and ‘Christians’ are still staged with more than a thousand performance locations worldwide. Halfway between history and myth, this tradition unites customs, characters, and meanings, going beyond... more
Las fiestas de toros tienen gran importancia y arraigo social en Medellín. Estos festejos, con un número limitado de ejemplares en cada caso, se suceden a lo largo de todo el año. Medellín recibe entre 10 y 12 toros de sus rentas, número... more
Antoni Maria Alcover i Francesc de Borja Moll van definir la memòria en el seu reconegut diccionari com la «facultat de l’ànima per la qual retenim i reproduïm les imatges de les coses que han impressionat els nostres sentits, o bé les... more
This is the advance material for Magnificence and Princely Splendour in the Middle Ages, a major new book by Richard Barber, to be published next March. It covers a very wide range of topics, all related to the Aristotelian idea of... more
Festive meals punctuated all the significant moments of medieval courtly life, such as marriages, christenings, diplomatic receptions and international tournaments. But if no important event could take place without a banquet, then no... more
2ª circular CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL «LA DANSA DELS ALTRES» «LA DANZA DE LOS OTROS»: Alteridad y juego en la fiesta popular: moros, cristianos y otras figuras del diferente en el teatro, la música y la danza de la tradición. Fecha: 7-9 de... more
Das Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte volkssprachlichen Übertragungen. Leider sind die drei Bände nicht vrillig aufeinander abgestimmt; z.B. sind Eigennamen (Georg von Podiebradbzw. Podöbrady) nicht vereinheitlicht, und... more
En las fiestas se entre-mezclaban e interactuaban elementos sacros, profanos y mágicos que reflejaban los valores y las creencias propias de cada comunidad. Las celebraciones eran un medio de regulación y ordenación del tiempo al... more
We warmly invite proposals for papers for the conference Ambiguities of Hospitality in the Middle Ages, 1000-1350 to be held at Stockholm University on the 8-9 th September 2022. The conference is open to established and early career... more
Volume II -Dopo l'Unità Nazionale, a cura di Roberto Regoli -Maurizio Tagliaferri Il Dizionario storico della Chiesa in Italia intende definire le caratteristiche salienti del cattolicesimo in Italia dall'inizio del Cristianesimo fino ad... more
Au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne, Mons et Maubeuge offrent d’indéniables analogies. Leur vie urbaine est dominée par un chapitre noble de chanoinesses, dépositaire d’un précieux patrimoine sacré: les reliques de leur sainte fondatrice... more
Atti del XXI Convegno Internazionale dell'Istituto di Studi Umanistici "F. Petrarca" (Chianciano e Pienza, 20-23 luglio 2009)
XIII e siècle, contient l'Office de la Circoncision, aussi appelé asinaria festa ou Fête des Fous, et le drame liturgique Le Jeu de Daniel. Cette fête, dédiée au sous-diacre, commence par le chant processionnel Orientis partibus, le chant... more
El surgimiento de una tipología de fiesta propia de la Edad Moderna, de enorme éxito en Europa y América al menos hasta el siglo XIX, tiene su origen en la figura de Carlos V, o más bien en una serie de préstamos que sus casas ancestrales... more
The disruptive other can erupt into the ordered, structured world of the medieval court of romance – not least on the highly formal occasion of the feast – initiating ‘an engagement with the more chaotic and less readily manageable... more