Mesoamerican codices
Recent papers in Mesoamerican codices
Comprehensive study of the fourth known Pre-Columbian Maya codex, the "Códice Maya de México", formerly known as the "Grolier Codex", the oldest book on paper from the ancient Americas.
One of four known ancient Maya books, the Grolier Codex depicts different manifestations of Venus; the column of glyphs on the left of each panel records days in a 104-year Venus almanac. These plaster-coated bark-paper pages,... more
Very brief introduction to precolonial Mexican pictography, with some examples from the Teoamoxtli or Borgia Group and from the Mixtec Codices (e.g. the birthdate of Lord 8 Deer).
En 1584, el cacique de Tepexi de la Seda, don Joaquín de San Francisco, solicitó a la corona la exención de tributos por los méritos que don Gonzalo Mazatzin Moctezuma, su abuelo, había prestado al rey de España. Avalado por más de... more
Please note: all Visiting Scholar seminars are held mornings from 9-11 a.m., and afternoons from 2-4 p.m. Readings are from core Institute texts (see list of Core Required Texts below) and from readings placed on a Blackboard site... more
: El artículo plantea la relación entre las sangrías rituales, el desmembramiento, la auto-decapitación y el consumo ceremonial de sustancias naturales enteógenas, prácticas asociadas a los rituales que componen el corpus del proceso del... more
The Grolier Codex is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B. Carlson. One of four known... more
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
The essay examines the use of monochrome in a few illustrations of the Florentine Codex in relationship to the theme represented, the corresponding text and the general layout of the work as a whole. It argues that monochrome painting was... more
Resumen: En este trabajo presentamos lo que consideramos que son los tres sistemas de análisis que actualmente se aplican al estudio de los códices mesoamericanos. Debido a sus características metodológicas los denominamos del siguiente... more
The almanacs on pages 27 and 28 of the Borgia Codex are rare examples in the highland Mexican Borgia Group that record dates in the 52-year calendar. In this paper, I propose a historical dating model for both almanacs using... more
In a 1992 article, V. Bricker and H. Bricker detail their historical approach to dating and decoding codical almanacs in the Maya codices that lack explicit Long Count dates. Astronomical and seasonal imagery are the key to their... more
Swanton, Michael W. 2001. El texto popoloca de la Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca. Relaciones, 22: 87-109.
In this article, see pages 164, 166-168 for Stuart's discussion of the Grolier Codex. It is highly significant that the Mexican State of Chiapas and the Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas chose to include the Grolier Codex as an authentic... more
"Selected proceedings of the “First International Conference on Ethnoastronomy: Indigenous Astronomical and Cosmological Traditions of the World”held at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 5-9 September 1983." Available on... more
Las altas culturas mesoamericanas prehispánicas desarrollaron un sistema de escritura jeroglífica o logosilábica que, unido a la información iconográfica, les permitía dejar constancia por escrito de diversos aspectos de su cultura. Uno... more
La exploración del ciclo del año en el Códice Borgia en relación con las ceremonias de fin de año representadas en las páginas 49-52 del Borgia permite entender mejor el ciclo de las 18 veintenas (periodos de veinte días) en las... more
El siguiente articulo analiza iconográficamente el contenido del Lienzo de Analco, un manuscrito histórico-cartográfico producido por los aliados indígenas de los conquistadores de la sierra Norte de Oaxaca. Narra la historia... more
El presente trabajo estrí basado exclusivamente en la información que encontramos presente en los autores del siglo XVI que trataron del Imperio Afeca o Mexic4 dest¿cando que todos ellos ensalzan la importancia de la educación y mencionan... more
The work is one of the final drafts of a study about the Nahua system of writing employed in the Codex Xolotl and published as Chapter 13 the homage to Karen Dakin. Chapter 13 compares the Nahuatl of the folio that Thouvenot classified as... more
Codex Bodley (Codex Ñuu Tnoo - Ndisi Nuu) is a precolonial Mexican pictorial manuscript, stemming from the Mixtec region (Ñuu Dzaui). It tells the history and genealogy of the rulers of the Mixtec city-states Tilantongo (Ñuu Tnoo) and... more
This selective Finding List is not intended as a bibliographical document; it is intended solely as a convenient jump-starter listing the URL's for major collections and for major and lesser known individual codices that have been made... more
En este escrito, pretendo hablar brevemente sobre el trabajo de los primeros frailes misioneros que llegaron a la Nueva España; y abordar las dificultades culturales que presentaron al realizar este proceso. Además, mencionaré la... more
To cite this article:
Michael D. Mathiowetz (2018): The Sun Youth of the Casas Grandes Culture, Chihuahua, Mexico (AD 1200–1450). Kiva: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 84(3): 367-390.
Michael D. Mathiowetz (2018): The Sun Youth of the Casas Grandes Culture, Chihuahua, Mexico (AD 1200–1450). Kiva: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 84(3): 367-390.
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex—the only one discovered in the 20th century—was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a hybrid-style... more
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex, the only one discovered in the twentieth century, was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a 20-page,... more
Pablo Escalante Gonzalbo, Los códices mesoamericanos antes y después de la conquista española. Historia de un lenguaje pictográfico, México, fce (Sección de Obras de Antropología), 2010, 415 pp.
Copper, Brown and Dark Nations & People Are Indigenous To North America & Weren't Brought Here As Slaves.