Recent papers in Mesolithic
Ever since the discovery of the site of Lepenski Vir, it was recognized that fishing had an important role in the settling of the Danube Gorges in the Mesolithic. The importance of wild game hunting has also been confirmed by the analyses... more
Since 1991, excavations at Blombos Cave have yielded a well-preserved sample of faunal and cultural material in Middle Stone Age (MSA) levels. The uppermost MSA phase, M1, is dated to c. 75 ka by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)... more
Guilanyà es un asentamiento localizado en las primeras estribaciones del Prepirineo de Lleida, a 1.150 m de altitud. En este artículo se exponen las observaciones preliminares derivadas de un sondeo realizado en el verano del 2008, que ha... more
A ‘popular’ report on the work of Nick Barton at the Mesolithic site on Hengistbury Head, Dorset.
Primitive Style Colour Paintings in Sri Lanka: An Archaeological Investigation into the Rock Paintings at Kurullangala in Monaragala District
Archaeobotanical analyses conducted on material from the Cueva Blanca rockshelter have provided much-needed data on past landscapes, vegetation change and woodland exploitation by late Mesolithic groups settled in the 'Campos de Hellín',... more
Chiens et Chats dans la Préhistoire et l'Antiquité Exposition créée au Musée du Malgré-Tout à Treignes (Belgique) du 9 mai au 11 novembre 2015
Omhandler diabasbrudd funnet på Breime i Lindesnes, Vest-Agder i 2013.
Résumé L'île d'Hoedic, située en Bretagne méridionale, recèle de nombreux vestiges de la préhistoire récente. Connue par la découverte dans les années 1930 d'une nécropole mésolithique, elle a reçu une empreinte très forte dès les... more
This volume presents the results of a five year research project which investigated the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age of Southern Kintyre. This area of western Scotland had seen little previous archaeological research prior to this... more
Zusammenfassung -Vorgestellt werden die borealzeitlichen Tierund Menschenreste aus dem kleinen "Abri am Galgenberg,, bei Beratzhausen in der Oberpfalz (Bayem), nördlich der Donau gelegen, die zusammen mit frühmesolithischen Stein... more
L'analyse des spectres de la malacofaune et des crustacés permet de déduire les territoires exploités (substrats, niveaux de l'estran) et parfois les techniques de collecte. Deux amas coquilliers du Mésolithique final du sud de... more
Lepenski Vir is one of the best known Mesolithic and Early Neolithic sites in Europe and the world. This book is the first volume of a comprehensive archaeological and anthropological study of the human skeletal remains from this site.... more
Malta bestiarium
Emotions of remote millennia
What the first Siberians sewed with
World of Incipient Jomon
Мальтинский бестиарий
Эмоции сквозь тысячелетия
Чем шили первые сибиряки
Мир начального дзёмона
Emotions of remote millennia
What the first Siberians sewed with
World of Incipient Jomon
Мальтинский бестиарий
Эмоции сквозь тысячелетия
Чем шили первые сибиряки
Мир начального дзёмона
Около 10300 лет назад начинается переход от последнего оледенения к геологической современности - голоцену. Потепление и увлажнение климата способствовало развитию лесной растительности, и около 9500 лет назад лес становится... more
This is only a reference to this new book.
I can´t publish the pdf of the paper before 2014.
I can´t publish the pdf of the paper before 2014.
Radiocarbon-dated pollen sequences from two areas of Bodmin Moor—Rough Tor in the north-west and the East Moor—are presented and the evidence for settlement in the prehistoric period on the moor considered. The nature and extent of human... more
Lepenski Vir is one of the best known Mesolithic and Early Neolithic sites in Europe and the world. This book is the first volume of a comprehensive archaeological and anthropological study of the human skeletal remains from this site.... more
Dans les séries mésolithiques de l'abri de Vionnaz, situé en fond de vallée alpine, le cristal de roche constitue 26% des matériaux débités. Cet article met en parallèle une étude quantitative des assemblages lithiques (composition... more
Front Cover Illustration: Sculpted sandstone boulder named 'Chronos' (inv. no. 5) from Lepenski Vir (National Museum in Belgrade) Back Cover Illustration: Lepenski Vir during excavations (Photograph courtesy of Alan McPherron) CIP... more
Knjiga je rezultat genetičkih i historijsko - arheoloških istrazivanja porijekla danasnjeg stanovnistva Bosne i Hercegovine.
Recent excavations (2006–2009) at the Mesolithic-Neolithic site of Vlasac in the Danube Gorges region of the north-central Balkans have focused on a reevaluation of previous conclusions about site formation processes, stratigraphy,... more
Le cas des Mésolithiques de la grotte des Perrats et le problème du cannibalisme en préh-Ïstoire récente européenne Bruno Boulestin BAR International Series 776 1999 This title published by Archaeopress Publishers of British... more
Nabta Playa basin offers an unprecedented longitudinal view on the emergence, consolidation and complexification on human-livestock relationships, from the early stage of the Early Holocene (c. 11,000 cal. B.P.) to 6000 B.P. The problem... more
The contexts surrounding the Bhimbetka Rock Art depictions of horse are certainly from Early Holocene Mesolithic period of Central India.
Migrations or larger population movements have so far not yet been discussed for the Mesolithic, while the debates have waged for long both for the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic. Focusing on the so-called blade-and-trapeze horizon, a... more