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La metateoría de la comunicación ha sido utilizada tradicionalmente con fines epistemológicos. Este artículo plantea que también es una vía válida para hacer análisis de primer nivel y solucionar problemáticas comunicativas. El... more
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      Communication TheoryMetacommunicationTeoría de la Comunicación
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCommunicationInterpersonal Communication
This essay proposes a Pragmatic Metamodel of Communication (PMC) for expanding the practical role of metatheory (a theory of theories), conceived here as a useful tool for directly analyzing interpersonal interactions. Traditionally,... more
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      Communication TheoryMetatheoryMetacommunication
A Covid-19 azonnal és teljesen átalakította a magyar felsőoktatást és konferenciázást, általánossá téve a korábban alig használt online szinkron oktatást és tudásmegosztást. Nem reprezentatív rövid kérdőíves kutatásunkban a szinkron... more
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      Distance EducationHigher EducationMetacommunicationOnline Teaching
This paper focuses on turn-taking in English and Japanese talk shows and analyzes when, where, and why turn-taking 1 occurs. It argues that turn-taking is not rule-governed but interactive. The quantitative and qualitative analyses reveal... more
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      MetacommunicationTurn-TakingTalk in interaction
By giving full emphasis to the impossibility of not to communicate, the first axiom of communication stresses how communication is an event not subject to cessation. It is this never-ending characteristic that impels us to the need to... more
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      Communication TheoryDerridaMetacommunicationPalo Alto School
Overview: The various forms of interpersonal communication that take place on the internet are considered and several questions concerning the efficacy of interpersonal communication over the internet are raised (i.e. whether this form of... more
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      Social PsychologyEmotionCommunicationMental Health
.....the double bind as constituting an entirely new, non-material, principle of evolution, major conceptual revisions may need to be made in our general understanding of evolution as contained within the “modern evolutionary... more
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      SemioticsEvolutionary BiologyClinical PsychologyFamily Therapy
Vzďaľovanie? Česko-slovenské a slovensko-české jazykové vzťahy v dvadsaťročí po rozdelení spoločného štátu 1 Mira Nábělková Katedra středoevropských studií FF UK v Praze Medzi otázkami, ktoré priťahujú laickú aj odbornú pozornosť pri... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyCzech & Slovak StudiesBilingualismLanguage contact
The aim of the book (of the successive studies compiled in the book) is to show the means by which the film spectator, and literary reader, is helped to navigate the text, the main discourse. Mostly by different kind of optical... more
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      Film Theory and PracticePragmaticsTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsSemantics/Pragmatics interface
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      Czech & Slovak StudiesBilingualismLanguage contactMetacommunication
The term 'paralanguage' was coined in the middle of the twentieth century in response to the problem of how to operationalize and investigate vocal signs and signals that have an impact on utterance meaning but which are not formally... more
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      Language and Social InteractionCommunication TheoryNonverbal CommunicationMetacommunication
Audience of Visual Arts as the Subject as evidence of Metacommunications in Fine Art.
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      Site-Specific ArtText And ImageAesthetics of (new) mediaJuan Muñoz, 20th century Spanish art
No, I'd rather work figuratively.
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      Site-Specific ArtText And ImageJuan Muñoz, 20th century Spanish artMetacommunication
In everyday speech, language is often the topic of talk. In this paper we aim to draw attention to the role of such metalinguistic activity in early language development. We approach this topic through an ecological lens. To achieve this... more
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      ReflexivityLanguage DevelopmentEcological PsychologyLater Wittgenstein
<i>We have no apartments</i> is a phrase repeated over and over again at the counselling centre for refugees on housing matters based in Vienna, Austria, where I conducted ethnographic fieldwork. Based on an analysis of processes of... more
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      Social WorkProfessionalismSociolinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
Many approaches to Human Robot Interaction seek technical solutions to improving peoples' engagement with robots. This paper argues that metacommunication (Bateson's concept of communication about communication) is critical in... more
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      RoboticsNew MediaDigital HumanitiesKorean Studies
This draft is an exploration of the roots of digital media interaction studies, or digital pragmatics, tying together linguistics, semiotics, information theory, cybernetics, functional approaches to communication, and, finally,... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationNew MediaPragmatics
Transcripts of interactions between patients, kin, and healers open up the lives of four rogi ("sick ones" or "patients") in Matlab, Bangladesh. I compare the pattern of domination and resistance in those interactions with Western... more
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      South AsiaIdeologyGenderBangladesh
This paper focuses on overlaps in interactions between Japanese speakers. Data from eleven ‘intimate’ dyads (pairs of female university students who know each other well) and eleven ‘distant’ dyads (pairs of one female university teacher... more
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      CollaborationMetacommunicationOverlaps and Interruptions
By claiming a general graphematic structure of every communication, Derrida builds a critique to traditional notions of unified or stable meaning attacking the paradigm that sees in communication a phonocentric and self-sufficient attempt... more
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      PhilosophyJacques DerridaPhilosophy of CommunicationDerridean Deconstruction
The article deals with the issues of the nature of communicative language teaching. Changing views on the nature of language and learning in relation to theories, objectives, syllabus, classroom activities and the roles of learners,... more
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      MetacommunicationNeeds AnalysisCommunicative Language TeachingCommunicative Method
This Psychology article presents the theoretical-conceptual models that characterizes the keys to understanding and to study mental capacity and communication skills, useful in being able to know and analyse Linguistic Intelligence.... more
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      EducationDevelopment StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsCreativity
In this study, I compare the functions of I say and I tell (you) in the different text types in A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560–1760 (CED). The text types differ with respect to a number of parameters, such as the authenticity of the... more
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      Early Modern English LanguageHistorical PragmaticsMetacommunicationEpistemic modality
By giving full emphasis to the impossibility of not to communicate, the first axiom of communication stresses how communication is an event not subject to cessation. It is this never-ending characteristic that impels us to the need to... more
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      SociologyCommunication TheoryDerridaMetacommunication
This qualitative study explored eight 4-year-old children’s peer conflict during pretense. Based on Bateson’s (1972) idea of metacommunication and Goffman’s(1974)frame theory, the researcher found that whether to be in-frame or... more
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      MetacommunicationSymbolic / pretend playClassroom DiscourseSocial Conflict
Je propose d’aborder la question de comment on peut lire une image, un espace blanc, un détournement de lettre ou d’un collage dans les œuvres hybrides de l’écrivain américaine Susan Howe. Je prendrai la position qu’on peut communiquer de... more
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      Susan HoweNon Verbal communicationsMetacommunicationPostmodern poetry
A sociolinguistic analysis of emotion in Iranian culture and language use is developed. The work of Friedrich, Bateson, and others is drawn on to indicate how emotion is represented though metacommunicative, paralinguistic, and stylistic... more
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      EmotionAnthropologyAnthropological LinguisticsLanguages and Linguistics
This chapter examines and focuses on some issues and questions relating to how the use of meta communication concept should be functional and how it could influence knowledge building process. In addition to this, the role of mass... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyCommunication
Može li se raspravljati filmom? 1 U svojim zabilješkama koje je pisao u zimi 1927.-1928, S.M. Ejzenštejn je sebi postavio neobičan zadatak: da napravi film prema Marxovu Kapitalu (usp. Ejezenštejn, 1984: 57-67).
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      Film TheoryDiscourse TheoryMetacommunication
Many approaches to Human Robot Interaction seek technical solutions to improving peoples&amp;#39; engagement with robots. This paper argues that metacommunication (Bateson&amp;#39;s concept of communication about communication) is... more
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      RoboticsNew MediaDigital HumanitiesKorean Studies
The present paper explores the contribution of the Slovak scholar Anton Popovic (1933–1984) to translation studies from the end of the 1960s until the beginning of the 1980s. It mentions the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of... more
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      SociologyTranslation StudiesLinguisticsMetacommunication
Conspiracy theories are powerful narratives that can decisively shape people's understandings of the world. Despite a long-standing scholarly interest, however, they have not yet been analysed from the angle of metapragmatics. A... more
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      PragmaticsSociolinguisticsConspiracy TheoriesMetapragmatics
Az egymásnak látszólag ellentmondó kognitív metaforaelmélet és a relevanciaelmélet nemcsak kiegészít- hetik egymást, de találkozási pontjaik érdekes elemzési lehetőségeket nyújtanak. Egy szigorúbb és egy lazább elemzési példán keresztül... more
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      PragmaticsConcreteAbstract ArtRelevance Theory
Quotation and reflective interpretation of previous statements are common features in police interviews. Of particular importance is the uncovering of apparent contradictions between earlier and current responses in interviews of... more
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      Forensic PsychologyForensic LinguisticsPragmaticsMetacommunication
This paper is intended as a contribution to a body of research on metapragmatics in courtroom settings, particularly in Russian and English judicial discourse, and presents the results of functional analysis of metapragmatic elements. In... more
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      PragmaticsMetapragmaticsMetacommunicationCourtroom Discourse
2005 in Clotilde Pontecorvo, ed., Discorso e apprendimento, Carocci, Roma,[244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252] Contesti per apprendere, discorsi per conoscere Premessa La riflessione su Discorso e apprendimento mi permette di... more
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This chapter examines and focuses on some issues and questions relating to how the use of meta com- munication concept should be functional and how it could influence knowledge building process. In ad- dition to this, the role of mass... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyCommunication
A variety of communications architectures, protocols, and management systems necessitates methods and tools for integration of these communications systems components on a variety of different integration levels. No general integration... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSoftware Engineering
This paper is intended as a contribution to a body of research on metapragmatics in courtroom settings, particularly in Russian and English judicial discourse, and presents the results of functional analysis of metapragmatic elements. In... more
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      PragmaticsRussian linguisticsMetapragmaticsMetacommunication
This study questions how English subtitling and dubbing could deal with iconicity and intertextualiy in multilingual and multimodal films. The theoretical backgrounds are multimodality, geosemiotics and "intertextual relations" (Becker,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIntertextualityMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
Gängige Sichtweisen begreifen das Verhältnis von Spiel und Wirklichkeit im Grunde als Gegensatz. Diesem Missverständnis wird im Beitrag begegnet: Das Spiel wird als zentrales Mittel der sozialen Wirklichkeitskonstruktion, und die... more
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      Social TheorySocial PsychologySelf and IdentityInformal Learning