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Takeover regulation in the UK has historically been shareholder-centric and shareholder primacy has been the core principle of UK's takeover regulation. This article primarily examines the substantive law governing corporate takeovers in... more
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      Corporate LawMinority Shareholders rightsUnited Kingdom HistoryHostile Takeovers
El derecho de separación representa, dentro del Derecho societario, una figura clave del marco protector de los intereses individuales del socio. Por ello su regulación suele reflejar un mayor o menor interés del legislador por mantener... more
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      Company LawPrivate Limited CompanyPublic Limited CompanyMinority Shareholders rights
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsTakeoversMinority Shareholders rightsHostile Takeover
Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. —Margaret Mead Mainstream economics and many fund fiduciaries assume people are sepa­ rate from nature and behave like robots. Once... more
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      Corporate GovernanceShareholder ProposalsShareholder ActivismMinority Shareholders rights
Este trabajo analiza la Ley 11/2011, de 20 de mayo de reforma de la Ley de Arbitraje, como una de las más acertadas respuestas del legislador español a la reciente crisis financiera. Con esta norma se reactiva la validez y utilidad del... more
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    • Minority Shareholders rights
The essay — in the context of share capital increases to be settled through contributions in kind (evaluated by an independent expert appointed by the parties) — deals with the nature of, and the limits to, the power of the shareholders... more
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      Minority Shareholders rightsSocietà Per Azioni
This thesis examines, in comparative terms, Canadian and Nigerian laws relating to the concept of corporate majority rule and minority protection from majority opportunism and oppression in private corporations. The key shareholder... more
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      Corporate LawMinority Shareholders rightsComparative Corporate Law
Close corporations deserve separate attention from other company forms. Given that their shares are not publicly traded, there are often close bonds between shareholders and between shareholders and directors (who may overlap),... more
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      EU company lawMinority Shareholders rights
Resumen Esta investigación se propone revisar la configuración legal de la OPA obligatoria para determinar en qué casos están justificadas las medidas defensivas y en qué otras situaciones, por el contrario, el ordenamiento impone una... more
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      Minority Shareholders rightsDerecho de sociedadesConsejos de Administracion
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      Dispute ResolutionInsolvency LawCommercial LawCompany Law
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBusinessInformation Systems
This paper compares and contrasts the corporate governance Models of Germany, the UK, France and Italy, and weighs their individual strengths and weaknesses.
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
This year, the Dutch courts ruled two times in the AkzoNobel case. Two times, the courts denied the requests of activist shareholders of AkzoNobel to convene an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to dismiss AkzoNobel’s chairman of the... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCompany LawCorporate LawsEU company law
Main task in this article is to research corporate governance system, with special attention to the importance of legal protection of investors and of ownership concentration in corporate governance systems around the world. Large... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCapital MarketsExternalitiesMinority Shareholders rights
This paper analyses the statutory derivative action in Malaysia, and compares it with the law in the United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore. We argue that the statutory action is unlikely to overcome many of the uncertainties and... more
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      Corporate GovernanceMalaysiaCompany LawMinority Shareholders rights
The investigative provisions of the Companies Act 2012 of Uganda have come been recommended as a suitable means of regulating the activities of companies to ensure compliance with the Act and to combat fraud and minority oppression.... more
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      Commercial LawCompany LawMinority Shareholders rights
Discharge means “acquittal, exoneration” and releases one from civil liability. In the context of 6102 numbered Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), discharge of board of directors from liability is a statement delivered at the shareholders’... more
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      Corporate LawCorporate GovernanceBoard of DirectorsMinority Shareholders rights
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      Corporations (Law)Corporate GovernanceMultinational CorporationsStakeholder Theory
Resumen: El objeto de este trabajo es analizar la idoneidad del derecho de separación en las sociedades de capital, examinando su regulación legal y el margen de libertad estatutaria, para su configuración e invocación por los socios... more
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      Corporations (Law)Corporate LawCompany LawMinority Shareholders rights
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      Corporate GovernanceEntrenchmentRestructuringMinority Shareholders rights
Die 2012 gegründete Zeitschrift "Spruchverfahren aktuell" (kurz: SpruchZ) wird per E-mail verteilt und online verfügbar archiviert (u.a. unter Sie erscheint jeweils nach Bedarf. Der Bezug ist kostenlos.... more
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      Securities ValuationMinority Shareholders rightsMinority Shareholder
To date, the protection of shareholders’ property rights has been greatly argued. Recently, Ukraine and Georgia have undertaken vast legislative amendments with respect to the LLCs. Legislative revisions have had a significant impact on... more
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      Comparative LawCorporate LawsMinority Shareholders rightsShareholders
In Turkish law there are two main regulations on “concealed distribution of capital”; one is in 6362 numbered Capital Markets Law and the other one is in 5520 numbered Corporate Tax Law. Concealed distribution of capital regulation is a... more
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      Corporate LawCompany LawTunnelingMinority Shareholders rights
The content of this study is the introduction to Business Law – the general part, Industrial Property and Competition Law , Corporations Law, Bills / Securities Law ( bill of exchange and checks ) , Insurance Law, Insolvency Law and... more
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      Corporations (Law)International BusinessSecurities LawCompetition Law
The primary objective of this study is to investigate whether stock price reactions in response to investment announcements made by firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (JSX) depend on 1) the nature of relation between... more
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      Minority Shareholders rightsInvestment DecisionsGroup AffiliationRelated Party Transaction
This article provides a detailed analysis of the role of public shareholders in firm monitoring and corporate governance in one of the world’s most concentrated ownership environments—China’s controlled capital markets. It moves beyond... more
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      Comparative LawCorporate GovernanceCapital MarketsEast Asian Studies
Because minority shareholders can be a nuisance when running a company, a majority shareholder may want to freeze them out. The question arises to what extent the law should allow such freeze-outs. In general, the approach in the United... more
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      Corporate LawLaw and EconomicsMinority Shareholders rightsFreeze Out
This paper addresses the debate surrounding the lawfulness of below-par rights issues, starting from the actual meaning of “accountable par” referred to in Article 8 of the Second Directive and, more precisely, whether such phrase – in... more
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      Capital MarketsCorporate FinanceItalian LawCorporate Governance and Financial reporting
Article 531 of the Turkish Commercial Code grants the right to request corporate dissolution for just causes to shareholders representing at least 10% of the capital in joint stock companies, and 5% in publicly traded companies. In... more
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      Comparative LawEnglish lawTurkish LawSwiss Law
In vista della trasposizione della Direttiva (UE) 828/2017 (“SHRD II”), il MEF ha avviato una consultazione sulla bozza di decreto, con proposte di modifica del Tuf e del codice civile in materia di operazioni con parti correlate,... more
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      Corporate GovernanceShareholder ActivismMinority Shareholders rightsDIRITTO SOCIETARIO
Rechtsprechung zu Spruchverfahren:
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      Investment analysis and valuationMinority Shareholders rights
What do we know about the politics of corporate governance in emerging markets? Although the state-level institutions have been amply explored, firm-level dynamics remain under-theorized. Complementing the orthodox emphasis on external... more
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      Institutional EconomicsProperty RightsCorporate GovernanceNew Institutionalism
The two main models of corporate governance originated in the second part of the 20th century: the shareholder model, in the Anglo-Saxon world, and the stakeholder model, in Continental Europe. They are respectively mainly characterized... more
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      Corporate GovernanceOwnershipMinority Shareholders rightsMinority Shareholder
“Reconceptualising Company Law: Reflections on The Law Commissions Consultation Paper on Shareholder Remedies”, (1997) 18 The Company Lawyer, “Special Issue on The Law Commission’s Paper on Shareholder Remedies”. Editor, David Sugarman.... more
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      Company LawLaw reformMinority Shareholders rightsDirectors' Duties
The development of market and fair competition is based on the protection of individuals' rights including shareholders' rights. The interests of investors are ensured by solid legal guarantee. It is however important to keep in mind that... more
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    • Minority Shareholders rights
Artykuł stanowi ekonomiczną i komparatystyczną analizę ustawowego uregulowania środków prawnych zmierzających do wyeliminowania z obrotu wadliwych uchwał walnego zgromadzenia akcjonariuszy. Analiza prawnoporównawcza skupia się na... more
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      Company LawMinority Shareholders rightsMinority ShareholderCompany and Commercial Law
El régimen de los directores independientes en las sociedades anónimas chilenas no incrementa el nivel de protección de los accionistas minoritarios. Los deberes y obligaciones de los directores independientes en el directorio son... more
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      Corporate GovernanceMinority Shareholders rights
... Disusun Dalam Rangka Menyelesaikan Studi Pada Bidang Keahlian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Mata Kuliah E-Bisnis STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta Disusun oleh Fahmi Noor Syafi'ie 08.11.1904 SEKOLAH TINGGI MANAGEMENT INFORMATIKA... more
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      BusinessEducationCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility
"Resumen: Con anterioridad a la aprobación del Texto refundido de la Ley de sociedades de capital, las causas de separación del socio compartían supuestos comunes a las sociedades anónimas y de responsabilidad limitada. A pesar de... more
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      Minority Shareholders rightsPrivate Companies
reactions in response to investment announcements made by firms listedon the Indonesian Stock Exchange (JSX) depend on 1) the nature of relationbetween transacting parties (Related Party Transaction (RPT) or Non-Related Party Transaction... more
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      EconomicsAsianMinority Shareholders rightsInvestment Decisions
“Reconceptualising Company Law: Reflections on The Law Commissions Consultation Paper on Shareholder Remedies. Part Two”, 18 The Company Lawyer, pp. 274-282. “Special Issue on The Law Commission’s Paper on Shareholder Remedies”. Editor,... more
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      Company LawLaw reformMinority Shareholders rightsDirectors' Duties
Grounding on the literature on resource dependence, board political capital and principal-principal conflicts, I conceptualize governmental minority shareholding as a governance strategy through which ventures access information about... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipGovernmentCorporate Governance
Involuntary dissolution is recognized as the primary mechanism to monitor opportunism and remedy the aggrieved minority shareholders of corporations. Contrary to general understanding, involuntary dissolution is not idiosyncratic to close... more
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      Corporations (Law)DissolutionMinority Shareholders rights
The modern financial situation of organizations, having a developed corporate network both in Russian and abroad, has exacerbated a problem of establishing an effective system of settlement management inside the group of organizations and... more
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      Minority Shareholders rightsCorporate SystemsGroup Participants
The modern financial situation of organizations, having a developed corporate network both in Russian and abroad, has exacerbated a problem of establishing an effective system of settlement management inside the group of organizations and... more
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      Minority Shareholders rightsCorporate SystemsGroup Participants
ABSRACT This paper evaluates the impact of ownership concentration on firm performance in a week institutional environment. Specifically, using new survey evidence, we seek to appraise quantitatively the performance of blockholder... more
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      Corporate GovernanceOwnership StructureRussiaMinority Shareholders rights
Invitați [ordine alfabetică] Av. Teodor Hnatec, Managing Associate VILAU | ASSOCIATES Av. Alexandru Lefter, Partner PACHIU & ASOCIAȚII Av. Cornel Popa, Partner ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII Conf. univ. dr. Lavinia Tec, FACULTATEA DE DREPT a... more
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      Company LawShareholder ActivismMinority Shareholders rightsMinority Shareholder
This paper considers evidence on business group productivity performance in China. It also carries out a detailed investigation into China's 50 largest groups to see if pyramidal groups are forming. As such, we further explore what can be... more
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      Corporate GovernanceAgency TheoryProperty rights and transaction costsEmerging Markets