Mission Studies
Recent papers in Mission Studies
The intention of this paper is to interpret the ontological conditions of youth identity crisis missionally. This is first done by conceptualising identity crisis as a psychological phenomenon using frameworks of authenticity and... more
How do Armenians in Iran negotiate their space with the state and with their own communities? That is the central question of this paper, focusing on ways Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, the prelate of the Armenian Church in Iran,... more
“In the year 1901 the latter rain began to fall in different parts of the world,” trumpeted the Missionary Manual of the Assemblies of God published three decades later. More importantly, the evangelistic zeal of “waiting, hungry-hearted... more
God's Missional Nature The important term Missio Dei (Mission of God) needs a biblical foundation. The sending of God by God is a foundational motive in the New Testament. Even at the very beginning of salvation history, shortly after... more
This article problematizes the concept of ‘mission’ in international interventions, who is entitled to missionize and how the missionized subject is conceptualized. By looking at the international missions in Kosovo (those of the UN and... more
The Bible was almost entirely composed by Jewish writers. An examination of its Jewish or Hebraic roots provides considerable fresh insight into the Christian faith and worldview—particularly in respect of covenant, community and... more
In this article, the theological meaning of transformation is examined from the vantage point of a local Pentecostal church in Nairobi, Kenya, and its liturgical practices. The church under study is the Woodley branch of Christ is the... more
This article deals with the missional self-understanding of the so-called Danish folk church (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark). It argues that especially two important factors have hindered such a self-understanding: first, the... more
This collection of studies by social anthropologists describes the complex and often controversial processes of religious change occurring in the postsocialist world. By critically examining the influx of missionaries, the adoption of... more
For today’s Namibia the dealing with its own past is still relevant, as well as for other former colonies. In this context, the experiences of the colonial era still play an important role, which is closely related to the struggle for... more
Montreal-based indie-rock band “Arcade Fire” have been lauded as the most important band of the last decade. In terms of their cultural and potentially theological significance it has been argued that Arcade Fire is to Gen Y what U2 is to... more
554 Rebekka Habermas zise, möglichst "dicht" -wie Clifford Geertz das für die Ethnologie forderte70 -und den Handlungssträngen einzelner Akteure und Akteurinnen folgend eine detailge naue Beschreibung zu geben. Ganz ähnlich dem Duktus der... more
This article explores issues related to the worldviews of Friedrich Max Müller and Monier Monier-Williams, and contemporary critique of their work. Their indebtedness to their own age is explored, especially fulfilment theology and the... more
Sir George Williams had a profound impact on the youth and business people of the 19th century. Out of this renewal movement was birthed the YMCA movement which has reached around the globe. This article explores the faith and values... more
Data on the perceptions of language utility held by church leaders, missionaries and church members in south-western Burkina Faso illuminate a complex use of language ideology in an ongoing intra-church conflict. I suggest that the... more
A number of recent books examine the presentation of the gospel through the lens of honor-shame. This article assesses some of the arguments given in these books to see what they have to say is of valuable and what should be questioned... more
Clothes are a means to demonstrate wealth, status, and socio-religious hegemony. Practices of consuming and exchanging clothing enhance or lower one’s status by displaying and creating taste and capital. In Guyana, many Hindus relate... more
This monograph narrates the history of catholic mission in East Africa and Germany during the colonial period featuring chapters on the missionary movement in 19th and 20th c. Germany, the negotiation of a missiony contact zone, education... more
With this edition, the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) begins a year of celebrating its fiftieth anniversary which we are calling a Year of Jubilee. Like the biblical concept, APTS’s Jubilee will include a number of activities... more
Through the emblematic case of the late Father Gerard Leymang (1937Leymang ( -2002, this article evokes the difficulties encountered by the Francophone leaders to emerge on the colonial scene in pre-independence Vanuatu. Unlike their... more
Dr. E Stanley Jones through his Kingdom of God perspective had a lasting impact on racism both in India and North America. Through his formation in India of the Christian Ashram movement in 1930 and transplanting it worldwide, Jones... more
The second part of the study on Pentecostalism in Rajasthan discusses contemporary features of the movement including Pentecostal concentration in the state and its socio-cultural status. It also deals with the relationship between... more
Mission Round Table 15:1 (Jan-Apr 2020): 42-43. In this insightful interview, Scott Callaham highlights key challenges issued in World Mission: Theology, Strategy, and Current Issues. The book was written not only for mission... more
Today's generation of young adults in Central and Eastern Europe do not remember the events of 1989, let alone what came before. Their life experience has been wholly different from that of their parents, their educators, their... more
Özet 19. Yüzyılın sonlarına doğru meydana gelen Ermeni olayları, sonuçları itibariyle misyon kuruluşları için büyük bir fırsat olmuş ve bu kuruluşlar Doğu bölgelerinde bir biri ardına istasyon açmışlardı. 1909 yılında Adana ve çevresinde... more
This article investigates the meanings of the word proselytism, and at the problematic forms of proselytism that have had a negative impact on the understanding of Christian mission in various parts of the world, not least in Central and... more
The Russian Orthodox mission to Alaska can be understood in terms of liberative mission. The article shows how the missionaries succeeded in allowing Christianity to become indigenized in native Alaskan cultures, rather than attempting to... more
En esta comunicación se constata que las interpelaciones del papa Francisco al esfuerzo teológico y misionológico coinciden y confirman el trabajo de reflexión que viene realizándose desde hacia varias décadas en la misionología... more
in English (300 words): Heritage practitioners operating in the development field are primarily mandated to express a statement of significance for a cultural landscape or historic buildings in order to guide proposed development. Whereas... more
Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more
In recent years, missionaries have discussed and strategized ways to catalyze “church planting movements” (CPMs) around the world. However, many people have challenged mission practices that are oriented on CPM-theory. Both sides of the... more
Recent national press coverage has generated considerable attention to the solar geometry of the Spanish colonial missions of California. Speculations as to the purpose of the attendant illuminations have ranged widely from outright... more
Kolonialismen kommer i många olika skepnader och underordning. Militären och missionären möttes i en gemensam självpåtagen roll att sprida civilisation av kristendom och många gånger var de också ömsesidigt beroende av varandra. Denna... more
Overview of the challenges for Christian mission in East Asia as we entered the 21st century.
Published in: Global Missiology for the 21st Century: The Iguassu Dialogue, edited by William D. Taylor, WEF/Baker Academic 2000
Published in: Global Missiology for the 21st Century: The Iguassu Dialogue, edited by William D. Taylor, WEF/Baker Academic 2000
This is a book review of Michael Gorman's 2015 work, 'Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation and Mission'. Working at the intersection of Biblical Studies and Missiology, Gorman shows how participation in the life of God is designed to... more