Modern Jewish Philosophy
Recent papers in Modern Jewish Philosophy
In his Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle observed that there are reasons for friendship. He argued that the highest form of friendship is one where two friends share similar virtues and interests and respect one another's character. I... more
Generations of Hebrew (Teachers) College students studied with Dr. Arnold A. Wieder (1921-2013); beloved teacher of Bible and Rabbinic Literature, who served on the faculty from 1958 to 1991. Alone among the full-time Hebrew College... more
Grazie all’opera di artisti e intellettuali, nel Rinascimento emerge una consapevolezza inedita del divenire storico che favorisce il culto del nuovo nelle arti, in letteratura, in filologia e nelle scienze. Il nuovo prendeva il posto del... more
AU rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of... more
Jewish life in eighteenth-century Europe was characterized by a number of significant features. Rabbinic scholarship flourished on a high level in many parts of the continent. In addition, the Jewish community was caught up in the... more
Article published in Bamidbar 5.2 (2015), pp. 21-55. I explain why W. Benjamin and G. Agamben think that late modernity, especially in the form of late capitalism, fails to neutralize the authority... more
R. Nahman's sermons, like classical midrash, are comprised of texts reading texts. Theological speculation is always contextual, emerging via imaginative interpretation rather than via pure philosophical argumentation. Yet, while it may... more
A lthough not usually viewed as a manifestation of modern spirituality, hasidism strikingly resembles a product of the spiritual and ideological reorientation of Western religion in the post-Copernican world.2 Largely unaware of the... more
N.B. The interested reader is invited to turn to the expanded and more fully annotated Hebrew version of this article, to appear in the volume Ma'or va-Shemesh: History, Philosophy, Lore and Legacy, edited by Levi Cooper, Ariel Evan Mayse... more
Each of the three great religions of the Western tradition is based upon a narrative that stands at the centre of its faith. For Judaism, it is the Exodus from Egypt and the receiving of Torah at Mount Sinai; for Christianity, the... more
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
Rabbi Yitshak Hutner (1906-1980) was a remarkable scholar, an enigmatic religious intellectual and a charismatic teacher. Drawing upon his public discourses and his written letters, I argue that Hutner's vocabulary-which remained rooted... more
This essay interrogates the legal discourse of Shulḥan ha-Tahor, a curious-and curiously understudied-work of Hasidic halakhah written by Rabbi Yitzḥak Ayzik Yehudah Yehiel Safrin of Komarno. The book is, at heart, a systematic... more
The doctrine of the �addiq stands as the very epicenter of Hasidic spirituality. Described by Arthur Green as an axis mundi Hasidism's �addiqism is considered by many to be the most, perhaps only, truly innovative dimension of Hasidic... more
When Kabbalah came, it made of God a human; when Hasidism came, it made of the human a God. -Rashbatz [The Jew] is not an independent being; rather, all of his existence is the existence of the Holy One, Blessed be He! -Menachem Mendel... more
Society doesn't exist, and the Jew is its symptom. Slavoj Zizek, The Sublime Object of Ideology An assumption common in Jewish feminist studies is that feminists study the his tory, activities, and images of women, or, at the very least,... more
sided over the "Wolfson in the Harvard Faculty Club, which included many outstanding university professors. Numerous honors were showered upon him, but no more than were his due. Throughout his life, Wolfson found security in his... more