Motor Imagery
Recent papers in Motor Imagery
Optimizing neurofeedback (NF) and brain–computer interface (BCI) implementations constitutes a challenge across many fields and has so far been addressed by, among others, advancing signal processing methods or predicting the user’s... more
Motor Imagery provides a special context for representation of movements. This feature has been investigated in typical developing children in several studies, but there is little information in the field of motor imagery in children with... more
Brain activity during observation and imagery of gait was investigated. Sixteen subjects were scanned with a 3-Tesla MRI scanner while viewing six types of video clips: observation of gait movement (GO) from the third-person perspective,... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
Stroke is among the leading causes of long-term disability, leaving an increasing number of people with cognitive and motor impairments, loss of independence in their daily life and with a high societal cost. So far, the development of... more
Stroke is a cardiovascular accident within the brain resulting in motor and sensory impairment in most of the survivors. A stroke can produce complete paralysis of the limb although sensory abilities are normally preserved. Functional... more
In depression, negative beliefs are coupled with profound physical weakness. Specifically, the belief that one is incapable of altering events in order to prevent expected negative outcomes or bring about positive outcomes leads to bodily... more
The representation of the body in the brain is continuously updated with regard to peripheral factors such as position or movement of body parts. In the present study, we investigated the eVects of arm posture on the mental rotation of... more
Dunsky A, Dickstein R, Marcovitz E, Levy S, Deutsch J. Home-based motor imagery training for gait rehabilitation of people with chronic poststroke hemiparesis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008;89:1580-8.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) enable people with paralysis to communicate with their environment. Motor imagery can be used to generate distinct patterns of cortical activation in the electroencephalogram (EEG) and thus control a BCI.... more
Motor imagery is a mental rehearsal of simple or complex motor acts without overt body movement. It has been proposed that the association between performance and the mental rehearsal period that precedes the voluntary movement is an... more
This paper supports the contention that the brain stores memories in the form of a central representation that is accessed by both physical preparation and execution and, more importantly, by motor imagery associated with this preparation... more
Stenekes MW, Geertzen JH, Nicolai J-P, De Jong BM, Mulder T. Effects of motor imagery on hand function during immobilization after flexor tendon repair. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2009;90:553-9.
system can selectively attend to the sensorimotor information input that it receives from naturomorphic system The sensorimotor input from the naturomorphic system may be in the form of visuomotor 'imagery' experienced as virtual reality,... more
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects on the duration of imagined movements of changes in timing and order of performance of actual and imagined movement. Two groups of subjects had to actually execute and... more
This paper reviews studies on neurophysiological and behavioral methods used to evaluate motor imagery accuracy. These methods can be used when performed in the field and are based on recordings of peripheral indices such as autonomic... more
Distribution électronique pour EDP Sciences.
This paper presents an overview of the key neuroscience studies investigating the neural mechanisms of self-initiated movements that form the basis of our human consciousness. These studies, which commenced with the seminal works of... more
Although several studies have demonstrated that motor imagery can enhance learning processes and improve motor performance, little is known about its effect on stretching and flexibility. The increased active and passive range of motion... more
Skill learning is the improvement in perceptual, cognitive, or motor performance following practice. Expert performance levels can be achieved with well-organized knowledge, using sophisticated and specific mental representations and... more
The primary aims of this research were to examine (1) mu and beta event-related desynchronization/ synchronization (ERD/ERS) during motor imagery tasks with varying movement duration and (2) the potential impacts of movement duration on... more
clinicians and researchers together to discuss key issues and future directions related to neural interface technology 4 . This review classifies neural interface devices and systems into two categories, neural recording systems and... more
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have become a large research field that include challenges mainly in neuroscience, signal processing, machine learning and user interface. A non-invasive BCI can allow the direct communication between... more
Research shows that motor imagery practice (MIP) is effective in enhancing skilled performance both in healthy populations and in clinical groups. Despite such findings, relatively little is known about certain cognitive changes induced... more
AbstractThe electroencephalogram (EEG) is modified by motor imagery and can be used by patients with severe motor impairments (eg, late stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) to communicate with their environment. Such a direct... more
While there is ample evidence that motor imagery (MI) may improve motor performance, the models that have been proposed are mainly focused on some of the key components required to ascertain effectiveness, but do not give an extended... more
This study examined how imagery ability could affect motor improvement following motor imagery training in tennis . Skilled tennis players were divided into 3 groups with regard to their MIQ scores (good imager, poor imager and control... more
Distribution électronique pour EDP Sciences.
The most usually applied therapy for stroke rehabilitation is based on functional task repetition. As an alternative therapy Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) based on motor imagery (MI) are used. This paper presents a BCI system designed... more
There is now compelling evidence that motor imagery (MI) and actual movement share common neural substrate. However, the question of how MI inhibits the transmission of motor commands into the efferent pathways in order to prevent any... more
Dans le cadre actuel des avancées des neurosciences et de la médecine factuelle, l'imagerie motrice semble une technique prometteuse pour les rééducateurs. Dans cette revue de la littérature, nous présentons les bases nécessaires à la... more
This paper investigates the classification of multiclass motor imagery for electroencephalogram (EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) using the Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern (FBCSP) algorithm. The FBCSP algorithm classifies EEG... more
A major limitation of current Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) based on Motor Imagery (MI) is that they are subject-specific BCI, which require data recording and system training for each new user. This process is time consuming and... more
La disabilità motoria è una conseguenza frequente ed invalidante nei pazienti post-ictus e ruolo fondamentale della riabilitazione è la riacquisizione del controllo motorio. Il recupero funzionale è strettamente legato a fenomeni di... more
The brain plays a key role in CRPS. A widely-‐studied brain region in pain research is the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), a somatotopic map of our body’s surface which funcEonally reorganises in pain [1]. Changes in the S1... more
As shows, a noninvasive BCI system captures brain signals through the EEG, extracts and classifies certain signal features, and feeds them to the application. New uses of noninvasive BCI systems are continu-BCi systems let users convert... more
This study compares the improvement and generalization of arm motor performance after physical or mental training in a motor task requiring a speed-accuracy tradeoff. During the pre-and post-training sessions, 40 subjects pointed with... more
Polyphonic music combines multiple auditory streams to create complex auditory scenes, thus providing a tool for investigating the neural mechanisms for orienting attention in natural auditory contexts. Across two fMRI experiments, we... more
Previous research suggests that conversion disordered patients with hand/am paralysis exhibit slowed reaction times for mental hand-rotation tasks that correspond to their affected arm when the tasks are explicitly instructed and not when... more